Chapter 4. The danger of drinking at parties.

Pax woke up the next morning on his dorm room floor with a few bruises and no shirt, to the annoying buzzer of his alarm clock. Getting up was difficult he was shakey, his chest hurt, he felt nauseous and the world was just too loud. This was his first ever hang over.

Just as Pax was getting his footing the dorm room door opened up and Corey had brought some food and painkillers. "Hey, you're up. That's good." He handed over a plate with some banana, toast, a bottle of orange juice and 2 pills. "When ever my dad had a hangover, this was his cure, these pills should be safe for you to take but have them with food."

Pax took the plate and sat at the edge of his bed. "What happened? Why does my chest hurt? Why does my head hurt?"

Corey looked at him sternly, he was upset that Pax was so unaware of what happened. "Tell me what you remember from last night."

Pax tried to think about last night. "I remember dancing, and Adrianna's brother singing and I had some orange juice." Pax tried to think really hard about what happened but couldn't remember. "That's it. That's all I remember." Pax ate his food and knocked back the pills Corey gave him. The action of lifting his head back and swallowing the pills hurt his chest so he started to rub it and was suddenly very aware that he was shirtless. "Shit!" He scrambled to grab something to cover his torso and just threw a blanket over himself.

Corey reached over to Pax's drawer and grabbed him a new shirt. "So there's a lot you need to know." Corey handed Pax a shirt and Pax slipped it on as fast as he could. "First off, the orange juice you drank was spiked. You got really drunk last night."

Pax's face went white. "Oh no, how much did I drink?

Corey looked away, "Just 1 glass, I think, but after the kiss people got a little concerned."

Pax's eyes went wide in horror. "Kiss, who did I kiss?"

Corey tried hard not to smile, this part was the only entertaining part of what happened last night that was funny to him. "We'll first Marcus kissed you." Pax's heart started to race. "Then you kissed Gia for some reason."

Pax dropped his head down into his hands. "So, I wanted to kiss Adrianna and instead I Kissed her brother and her friend?"

Corey still trying not to laugh, put his hand on Pax's shoulder. "You also kissed, a few other people."

Pax groaned and then threw himself into his bed and pulled the covers over his head. "Do I want to know who or even how many?" Corey pulled back the covers and held up both hands with 9 digits exposed. Pax groaned in horror. A new school, a new name and he still embarrassed himself. Now he'll be ridiculed again. "Oh god everyone's going to make fun of me again, I'm going to be known as something stupid like the make out bandit."

Corey shook his head, "No, I don't think that's going to be an issue."

Pax paused, if they weren't going to make fun of him for making out with almost a dozen classmates, then what could be worse? He glared at Corey. "What happened?"

"We almost lost you." Corey recalled the evening after the last person Pax kissed, making sure not to mention who it was. Then Corey's expression got serious, "you tripped and fell into the shallow end of the pool. Everyone thought it was funny at first but you knocked yourself out on the pool floor. I jumped in and pull you out but you weren't breathing. You almost died, Adrianna performed cpr and brought you back."

Pax sat up and felt his chest where it was aching. "She saved my life?" Pax started to have flash backs to a room and something else happening. "Then what happened?"

To the best of Corey's knowledge, the events that followed were, "Marcus was worried about you having a concussion, and you were shivering while soaking wet. So he took you to his room to dry off and make sure you didn't fall asleep. Adrianna helped me find some towels to dry off with, and we talked for a bit. When I came to check on you, you're shirt was off and stumbling around Marcus' room. I couldn't find your shirt so I put a towel over you, called a cab and we left."

Pax tried to recall, what happened he was mortified that Marcus had to see him shirtless. "Do you think Marcus told Adrianna about my scars?"

Corey shrugged and looked at his watch. "I'm not sure, but class starts in 30 minutes and you smell weird. Go shower, the acceptance list is probably up." Corey grabbed his bag and guitar case then and left. Pax, rushed off to shower and get ready for class.

At the school everyone from the music class had gathered to see the posted notice. Ms. Tomlins was fierce with her cuts, for the first time ever she had only kept 20 students and had broken them into groups of 5. They were listed as groups a, b, c, and d. There was also a caviate at the bottom of the sheet that said. "Group E auditions in 1 week."

Pax met up with with Kop, to find out what was happening. Kop leaned and gave Pax a hug, he had been worried. "How are you feeling? Are you ok?"

Pax nodded, "I'm kind of sore in places especially my chest. Corey told me everything so I'm worried about the rumours."

Kop leaned in and whispered. "So far the barely anyone is talking about it. At best you're the hot guy who almost drowned."

Pax was surprised, how is no one talking about it? "So what is everyone talking about?"

Kop smirking, what was happening was so scandalous a diva like Kop couldn't resist. "Ms. Tomlins posted the list, only 20 people got in, and she's changed the format to 5 man groups."

Pax's heart started to beat rapidly again. Only 20 people out of 33 made it and why groups of 5? Pax walked to the paper to see what was happening, worried he'd be cut. He looked at the sheet, he wasn't in a group. He moved his finger down the list not in b group either. He was starting to get nervous half the acceptance had already passed and he wasn't on it. Nothing in c either. Pax moved his hand to the D list and his heart almost stopped entirely when he saw his name, list next to Kop and Corey's along with a girl named Alicia and another boy named Julien. He remembered Alicia, she played percussion but Julien was not some one he could recall from the audition day.

Pax wandered back to Kop who was already standing next to Corey and they were discussing something. When Kop spotted Pax coming back he stopped Corey from talking. "Isn't it great? We're in the same group together."

Pax knew something was off but didn't want to press it, he was always bad at confrontation. Instead he decided to go with the conversation. "So I remember Alicia, from our auditions, do you guys remember Julien's audition?"

Kop tried to think of the performers from yesterday's audition and was struggling to remember. Corey was disappointed with the two of them and let out a big sigh. "You two are so self absorbed you can't pay attention to your classmates." Corey pointed to a teenager holding a classical base carrier.

Julian was a non binary student of Arabic decent they had dark skin complexion and pitch black shoulder length hair. They were skinny and lanky, but what caught Pax and Kop's attention the most was that they were wearing colourful nail polish, eye liner and eye shadow. "That's Julian, and before you go over and open your big mouth, you need a quick lesson about pronouns. That's Julian they are what's called non-binary."

Pax was confused it was the first time ever hearing this term. "So Julian's a robot?"

Kop smacked the back of Pax's head. "No. It means they don't identify as a he or a she."

"Wait." Pax stopped his explanation. "I have so many questions. So he's not a robot?"

"They, not he." Corey interjected.

Pax corrected himself. "They are not a robot?"

"No." Replied Kop.

Pax had more questions. "Ok so when you use the term binary, we're talking 1's and 0's. That's supposed to represent male and female?"

Kop nodded yes.

"So what am I?" Asked Pax

"A zero." Responded Corey, he then waved to Julian for them to come over. Corey put his arm around Julian. "Guys this is Julian." He gestured to Julian and then gestured to Kop. "This is Kop and this confused mess is Pax."

Pax waved gingerly. "Hi sorry, I'm still trying to understand pronouns." Pax felt embarrassed for phrasing it like that.

Julian knew what Pax meant and decided it was best to not be phased by it. "It's ok, not everyone gets it at first. As long as you don't spontaneously start making out with me, we'll be fine."

Pax's face went red, he was right, the rumours were circulating. "What? No! That was not me." Pax began to panic. "I mean it was but I was drunk and had a head injury and it was my first time."

Julian began to snicker. "First time drinking, kissing or having a head injury?"

Pax dropped his head in shame. "2 of the 3."

Julian couldn't help himself Pax had just become an easy target. "Well the repeated head injury might explain your confusion."

"Wait how did you know that was the one I've had before?" Asked Pax.

Kop, Corey and Julian all began to laugh. Julian felt kind of bad, he was all to familiar with being the butt end of a joke. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. I was just playing with you. So what's the story about getting drunk, making out with people and getting a head injury?"

Pax went pale. "Wait so you didn't hear a rumour about me?"

Julian looked at Pax with a curious expression. "Are you so famous that after only 1 day there are rumours about you?"

Pax put his arms up to make and x. "Nope! I'm just, an east coast fiddler. Nothing weird about me at all."

Julian shrugged. "Yeah that's suspicious. regardless, we made the cut let's go inside." Julian waved everyone to follow them and walked into the auditorium.

Kop and Corey followed Julian into the auditorium, Pax leered at Julian from behind. "I'm still not convinced you aren't a robot." Pax followed the rest into the auditorium and took a seat next to Kop.

Alicia came over to join them since she recognized them and saw her name listed in the same group. Alicia stood only 5 foot tall but radiated confidence. You could see it in her hair she died purple, red and orange in a gradient that reminded people of a mid summer sunset. She was body positive and proud of her curvy shape and tiny physique. On her book bag were patches that said "tiny but mighty" and "freckles are beautiful." She waved and introduced herself, "Hey, I'm Alicia. Looks like we're in a group together."

Pax waved, "Hey! I remember you from the auditions. You were spectacular on the timpani. I'm Pax and this is Kop, Corey and Julian."

Alicia sat down next to Pax, "thanks, you were pretty great on violin. I've never heard Irish Beethoven before, I could see old people drinking to that."

Pax glared at Alicia. "You know what? I'm going to take that as you think I'm talented enough to book a solo gig."

Everyone's focus shifted to the main stage when Mrs. Tomlins and the Dean walked in. Dean Watkins cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Hello everyone. I'm sure you all recognize me, I'm The Dean of the music program here at Brentford. This is my first year as Dean of the music program so I decided this year we should make some changes." The teens began to look at each other an whisper., the Dean cleared his throat again and continued. "Typically our music program is meant to create a symphony that will help your flourishing talents and become the best performers going into post secondary. However I'm ending this tradition and we're will be attempting something different. Focusing on small band performances. We have created 4 bands based on your auditions with a focus on making balanced groups. Those who did it make it will have another chance to attempt to make the 5th band."

The whispering got out of hand, everyone was a buzz with the idea of small bands. The noise was too much for Dean Watkins to deal with. He was not a patient man, especially when on stage. "That's enough!" He bellowed then took a breath to calm his voice. "Pay attention because this final piece of information will be crucial." The Dean took another breath to regain composure. "In order to help foster your growth a member of the senior music class will be assigned as a mentor, he or she will help guide your band. Ms. Tomlins will continue to teach you music during your standard periods, however you will receive 3 classes each week with your mentor to improve you ability to perform as a band. Your exams will be written and performance based and anyone who fails their written or performance exams will no longer be able to matriculate here. We've set up sound proof practice rooms and assigned them to each band. You're exam each term will be to compose a piece that your band will perform in-front of the school. For your first exam your band may choose a style of your preference, however it must meet Ms. Tomlins requirements."

The entire class was finally speechless, they could not believe this curriculum change. Small bands? Being sent home if you fail the exam? Finally someone broke the silence, of course it was Alicia. "I came here to learn music not to try out for American Idol." There is was, the idea eating away at the back of everyone's mind. Is this some crazy reality show? What kind of school does this?

The Dean spoke up to regain composure. "How many of you are familiar with the performance school Juilliard?" The name that can make any performer go silent. Any performer who wants a career in music, wants to go to Juilliard. For Canadians the right track has always been through Brentford Academy. However the rumours were spreading the past 3 years the number of applicants from Brentford going to Juilliard has dropped each year. "I'm sure you've all heard the rumours that the number of Brentford student getting accepted into Juilliard has dropped in the past few years. This is why the previous Dean was let go and I was hired as his replacement. For those of you who are un aware, prior to my position here as Dean of the music program I was a talent scout for Max records. I scouted every student here the same way I would scout a musician or a band for a record label. Normally this school would focus on orchestra performances for grades 9-11 and your senior year you can work individually. Since that hasn't been helping our graduates, we're flipping the script and you get to be class that gets the individual groups and those that perform well will be brought into the orchestra next year." Dean Watkins paused to hear the reaction of the students but everyone was silent. "I'll be going over the new changes with Ms. Tomlins today. I will provide each group their practice studio information so you may spend the rest of the period getting to know your new band mates and your mentors."

Pax and his group got their studio assignments. Their studio was located on the second floor of the east wing across from the second year dance studio. As they walked by Pax glanced in hoping to Adrianna there. He felt bad about how he acted at the party and wanted to apologize. He glanced through the window and could see her with her class doing a complex routine, and realized now wasn't the time to apologize. He continued into the studio and was greeted Marcus.

"Hello group E!" Marcus said with a smile. Pax was stunned and couldn't move, his heart began to race again. Something about Marcus, made Pax's heart race. Maybe it was his sweet sincere looking face, his boxer physique, or his beautiful sounding voice. What ever reason it made Pax freeze up like a deer in headlights.

Marcus looked at Pax with a devious grin. "When I read the roster for group D I have to say I was very excited to by the prospects." He sat down on a nearby amp to get comfortable. "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Marcus Espinoza. I'll be your mentor to help you guys become the perfect band."

Alicia and Julian were gob smacked by Marcus. Kop and Corey shared a look of concern. Pax however wasn't sure what to say. Alicia was the first to break the silence. "Hi!" She said with a flirty smile. "I'm Alicia. I play the timpani."

Marcus matched her energy. "Nice, percussion's my section too. How are you on drums?"

Alicia giggled. "I play drums in a garage band back home. I can also play the xylophone."

Marcus held his hand up for a high five. "Put it there Alicia. Percussion for life!" Alicia squealed a bit and gave Marcus a high five. Marcus pointed to Julian. "You must be Julian. I love your make up, if you don't mind I may ask for your help when it's time to film my music video."

Julian put a hand on their chest and said. "Wait you want me to make you better looking? That sounds dangerous, women will have heart attacks."

Marcus smiled and asked. "So what do you play?"

Julian was more than happy to tell him. "I play cello, double bass, classical bass and bass guitar."

Marcus looked impressed with Julian's focus on that bass sound. "So what you're saying is your really like booty. You're all about that bass, bout that bass, bout that bass." Everyone had a good laugh over the joke. "So! We have drums, we have bass." Marcus pointed to Corey. "We have a guitar player." He then turned to Kop. "Remind me again Kop, you play the flute, right?" Kop nodded, then Marcus turned to Pax and flashed his million dollar smile again. "And Pax, you play the fiddle."

Pax spaced for a second and delayed answering. "I….. uhh… yeah I play fiddle."

Kop smacked Pax accros the back of his head and whispered. "Focus."

Marcus began to nod in thought. "Ok, ok, sounds to me like we have the makings for something great here." Marcus was trying to hype his group. "I'm going to figure out the best song options for you guys. For now jam with each other and try to feel out your individual play styles."

Marcus walked out of the studio and into the hall. Pax thought about last night and realized he made an ass of himself in front of Adrianna and probably Marcus too. "Guys I'll be right back." Pax left the studio and ran down the hall to catch up to Marcus. "Hey Marcus." Pax called out as he got closer.

"Hey what's up Pax?" Asked Marcus.

Pax got closer to Marcus as to talk quietly, he was embarrassed and didn't want the school to hear about it. "Hey I'm sorry about last night." Pax looked around at the empty halls and felt awkward. "Is there someplace more private around here? I don't want to whisper an apology."

Marcus grabbed Pax by the arm and pulled him into the nearby mensroom. "Better?"

Pax looked around and saw it was empty. "Yeah this works." He began to walk around to double check the stalls. "I just wanted to apologize for last night. Corey told me I went around and kissed a bunch of people including you."

"No you didn't." Marcus interrupted Pax while following behind him around the mensroom.

Pax turned around to look at Marcus, only to find him inches from his face. Pax was now staring into his hazelnut eyes. "I, umm, thought."

Marcus inched closer to Pax's lips. "You didn't kiss me. I kissed you and I was a little upset you didn't come back for more."

Pax's heart began to beat faster and Marcus leaned in so close his pecks were pressing against Pax's chest. Marcus could feel Pax's rapid heart beat as he leaned in and kissed Pax gently. Pax's heart raced as his lips pressed against Marcus'. Marcus could feel the racing pounding rhythms from Pax's heart. He put a hand around Pax's waist and onto his back then pulled Pax in closer, pressing their bodies together, while holding Pax's face with his other hand. His gentle kissing had become much more passionate. Pax lost himself in the intensity, he grabbed onto Marcus' massive shoulder with one hand and grabbed a fist full of Marcus' shirt on his side with the other. Pax had never felt anything like this before.

Marcus began to pull Pax's shirt up, and in a flash of terror, Pax pushed Marcus back. "No!" He panted trying to keep Marcus back at arms length. "Stop. Stop. Stop." Pax had to keep his mind straight, he couldn't understand what was happening. "I'm not." Pax let go and stepped back. "I'm not gay. This isn't me."

Marcus smiled. "I'm not gay either." Then grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss.

Pax pushed back again. "No! Wait! What do you mean you're not gay. This feels very gay."

Marcus sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm Pansexual. It means I like the person not their junk." He stepped in to kiss Pax some more, but Pax began to back away.

Pax tried to reason with Marcus. "Ok, but I'm into your sister."

"Really?" Marcus asked. "Because it feels like your body is telling you something else." Marcus glanced down to Pax's crotch and began to move his hand towards Pax.

Pax instinctively grabbed Marcus's wrist and said. "Stop. I'm not ready for any of this so just stop. Please."

Marcus backed away. "It's ok. Sorry I just thought."

"No." Pax cut Marcus off and let go of Marcus' hand to ruffle his hair in frustration. He sighed. "I've never kissed anyone before, and I really." Pax paused and looked at Marcus. "I want." He was becoming short of breath. "I have to go." Pax pushed past Marcus and rushed out of the bathroom, but as he rounded the corner he saw Corey in the hallway.

Corey looked at pax, hair a mess, shirt untucked and his tie half undone. It was looked as if he just came out of a wind tunnel. Then Marcus came out of the bathroom behind him looking equally messy and zipped up his fly while looking directly at Corey.

Pax didn't know why but his heart sank, like it was a betrayal. It churned his stomach so hard he ran back into the bathroom, locked himself in a stall and began to throw up.

Outside in the hall, Marcus smiled at Corey and walked off. Corey walked into the bathroom to hear the sounds of Pax throwing up. He walked over to the stall and knocked on it. "Hey, Pax?" He paused to choose his next words right. "I don't want to sound like a dick, but I'm going to talk to the Dean about this. I will not get kicked out of this program because you two want to spend our classes screwing in bathrooms."

Pax cried out. "Wait!" Then threw up again. When he stopped he tried to breath. "Please don't, it's not what you think."

Corey leaned back against the sinks adjacent to the stalls. "Then explain it."

Pax got up and walked out of the stall tears in his eyes. "I came out to apologize for what I did at the party and then we kissed. It just happened. We weren't trying to do anything, it wasn't planned, it just happened and I got scared." Pax began to bang his head against the stall door in frustration. "No one has ever kissed me before so I don't understand what's happening, but I'm not gay, or bi or pan or what ever it is. I'm not like that, so I don't understand what happened." Pax began to breath and find his composure then turned to face Corey. "It won't happen again." Pax walked to the sink to was his hands and rinse out his mouth. "It just took me surprise." Pax straightened his uniform. "Let's go."

Corey and Pax walked back to the studio and began practicing with everyone. They were both pretending like nothing happened, but in Pax's mind he was now sure of 2 things. He can't trust Corey and he can't trust himself around Marcus.