
Chapter 1

Mitchie's Pov.

If anyone ever told me that I will meet this set of ladies, I will meet those who would volunteer to join me in the music world. I wouldn't have believed it if not until I experienced what I felt could not happen, meeting with three ladies with their names, Lily, Angelina, and Rose.

I was happy but at that same moment, I became baffled about them. I couldn't just agree with this set of girls even though they volunteered themselves but I thought of how sure I was to know if they had the passion for the things they wanted to make fun of me. Different things ran through my mind as I drove them silently listening to one of my favorite songs "Kiss through the Cellular'.Driving had become stressful and boring to me for some days now but then I don't think there is anything I would like to go out and do apart from my early morning jogging up to the mountain at the end of my street and down back home that I wouldn't need a car. Or do think I can enter a public bus and would not be squeezed by fans who are passengers.

I am very sure if I would escape it, maybe half dead. As a celebrity, I think it isn't advisable to board public transport. Some will say then employ a driver who will always be at my service. Hum, I should have taken that as a good idea, I mean a very perfect idea. But there is this woman, Sydney Eisner, a celeb who was a model. An all-time best female model in the whole of America.

She had a driver who ended her life, and her career and blunted the future Sydney had for herself and her family if she got married but that she didn't live to do. Her dead body was found in her car in one of the bushes on the highway. Her breast was amputated, her eyeballs plucked off from their socket and the scariest was the knife stocked in her vagina.

Isn't that brutal enough for a person to be afraid? Am not a reverend sister who is ready to sacrifice her life come what may. Am a music star for money and fame that is all.

"So ladies what gave you the passion to have volunteered to join me to form a group of singers? I asked them to know their aim and motives of them to have trailed me down even to the mall.

"Lady Mitchie we can't but say that you're a good musician even with the acapella you sing, we love it, everyone loves it. Even the whole world loves your music I guess because I can tell your fame spreading like wildfire. Anyways we are the three friends from Dabliz Musical High school.

Although we didn't know each other before not until we got to school and a group of Mitchie music lovers was formed and we joined. Lily didn't finish up in the music school with us due to some family issues but I and Rose completed the school and decided to meet with you one of these days.

But then we heard the news that you needed people to join you in music most especially instrumentalists. We found ourselves fit and contacted Lily who agreed to join us.

"We began our search for you until we found you right in the mall." One of the ladies who called herself Angelina explained to me, making me feel something different about them.

We're they serious? I think yes because they meant business. Soon I pulled into the driveway of my house on hope street.


Mitchie drove into her house as the gate opened just at the sound of Mitchie's vehicle. The compound was a large one with flowers of different kinds planted there which brought out the beauty of nature.

The compound smelt like a mixture of rose flowers and some other flowers with nice scents. There was a pool in the compound and a garden just beside the building and in front of the building was a spring.

The ladies were amazed and awestricken as they entered the building. Mitchie noticed this which was very obvious on their faces.

"I can tell this place worth millions" Lily commented as she still stared around without watching her way, almost stumbling.

"I guess you just watch your way there" Mitchie cautioned.

"Thanks, Lady Mitchie," Lily said as they all entered the building. They got into the living room, welcomed with a zephyr probably from the air conditioner, the tiles of the living room were quite fascinating, a golden sparkling tile. Windows with a golden curtain, a crystal center table, a golden leather sofa, and a home theatre television hung on the wall.

This is a replica of a palace" Angelia said,

I love this 'Rose remarked.

"Thank you so much". Mitchie flushed with a smile.

"I call this place my mini palace" She continued...

"It's worth more than a mini palace Lady Mitchie" Lily countered.

"If you say so. So what will you like to munch, I got a lot in my kitchen and am also in the refrigerator. You want snacks, drinks, or anything. Just name it" Mitchie inquired.

Anything you have I'll take" Rose said.

Yeah, anything" Lily and Angelina chorused.