The stray escort

If my anger got the better part of me, then I would have gone hay wire and dealt that Cassidy guy a lethal jab to the throat. I had always been a skilled boxer since my days at school and it was an ability I treasured very much. My anger was building up really fast as I stood gazing at the floor. I knew my furious face was only going to agitate the young man.

" Hey Zoey. Get down here and lead him out of the court." Said Hannah in a sharp tone that showed her displeasure to Zoey's lack of concern.

" Okay if you say." Said Hannah and clumsily dropped from the top of the bleachers. I stood calm watching the interlocked floor as if a movie screen was displayed on it. I was gazing at the floor, gnashing my teeth in fury when I felt a soft palm wrapping around my wrist. Her feminine perfume was quick to buttress the touch texture of her palm making sure it had been a girl and not one of the boys.