His Doppelganger

The years went by and everything went well with me and her until a gold digger appeared into the picture. Chally Moreti my would be step father had his eyes on my mother's venture and the only way he felt he could have a hold of it was by befriending and eventually marrying her. He was a little rascal who was as a charming peacock. Well to cut a long story short he found his way to my mother's loins and soon to her heart. Rumors then had it that the two were planning on getting married and I knew what it meant for me. He was a no good mafia who was cunning and sold his fake love and affection to my mom who was a retired whore. She was gullible and felt she had found love again. Hm I was smart though and I had to take the ultimate decision to seat where I am sitting today." MR. Mary said and tapped his chest in a boastful manner.

" What did you do then?" I asked him expecting nothing far from the worse.