Combiner Classes

The Basic Spell Casting class eventually came to an end. The teacher, Stewart, had mostly stuck to explaining the basics so that everyone would understand the basics. He promised that the practical phase of the class would start next time, if only on a smaller scale, but it would slowly build up as time passed and he got a feel for the students' prowess.

Leon made his way out of the auditorium after everyone else had left the class. He adjusted his backpack with a sigh and strode forward after taking a look at his watch. There were still about ten minutes before the next class started, so he did not need to be in a hurry. He leisurely walked all the way to the next class that was displayed on the map on his comm, and when he stepped into the class from the doors, his jaw immediately went slack at the sight.

A large plain with a few obstacles like boulders and thick trees, stretched out through the room. If it could even be called one, that is. There was no sky, but even still, the place was brightly lit.

Leon stepped into the classroom, and multiple pairs of eyes immediately locked onto him. The students in the classroom were mostly brawny looking, with thick, bulging muscles, and tough looking faces. They were all Combiners!

Leon was easily able to spot this little bit of information because of the special uniforms that they wore.

In the Imperial Magic Academy, Combiners and Casters were easily identifiable through the uniforms that they wore. The uniforms of Combiners had a simple badge on the right chest area of their uniforms, that depicted a fist that displayed the simplicity of their combat capabilities, as they were mostly focused on physically enhancing themselves.. The uniforms of Casters, on the other hand, had a badge that depicted a simple swirl that stood for the manipulation of external mana that was around them.

Leon wore a Caster uniform, so he easily stood out from the crowd.

"Oi, Caster. What are you doing here?" A young male that was around Leon's height, with an average build walked over curiously. Just then someone else called out to Leon.

"Oh, Leon! We share this class?" A large minotaur bounded over with a side grin on his face. Zeke's large hand patted Leon's shoulder affectionately, and Leon was sure that that shoulder would be bruising soon enough.

"You know this Caster, Zeke?" The earlier boy asked the large minotaur.

"Ah, yes. This is my roommates, Leon." Zeke grinned and introduced Leon.

"So... What is he doing here if he is a Caster?" The boy asked.

"Well, he is sharing this class with us, of course. He is not just a Caster. He is a rare mage who is both a Combiner and a Caster." Zeke explained. Neither he nor Leon saw the need to keep that bit of information hidden, as it would soon be out in the open anyway. It was better to be forthcoming with the information.

"Oh..." The boy's eyes went round with surprise. "Ah, well, I'm Dustin. I hope we can get along." The boy, Dustin, extended his hand for a handshake with a smile. Leon shook his hand and returned the smile before Dustin walked away. He was secretly happy that Dustin did not try to engage in any conversation, as he did not look forward to it.

"Hey, who would have thought we would be sharing the same class so soon?" Zeke grinned widely.

"Well, I'm not surprised. I knew I would be taking mixed classes anyway." Leon shrugged and turned around as he and Zeke made their way over to a bench that was set up at the side of the room. The teacher had yet to show up.

"So, how was your first class? Mine was great! We got to punch in a few boards and slabs of concrete." Zeke said, punching forward playfully.

"Err, it was fine, I guess. We did not get to cast any spells, but we did get a run-up on the basics of spell casting. It was pretty neat, and our teacher was pretty cool, I guess." Leon replied shrugging his shoulders. Stewart was a nice man in his books, but nothing too special to be honest.

"Oh, that must have been a bummer." Zeke grimaced. He was more of a brute who got excited when it came to punching things without being reprimanded, so hearing that Leon had to spend the entire first period listening to a lecture sounded like a bore to him. He inwardly thanked his stars that he was a Combiner instead of a Caster.

As they were talking, so were the other students present in the class.

"So, he's one of those genius mages?" Someone whispered under a tree. The girl glanced at Leon's position covertly.

"I wouldn't say a genius. More of a lucky guy, I guess." Dustin replied.

"Well, I wanna punch in his face. Or bite him, let him have a taste of my poison or something." Another boy who had a purple mohawk said and punched his left palm with his right fist.

"Hey! Why would you want to do that to someone you haven't even met?!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Why not? It's not like we are friends." The mohawk boy replied with a snort.

"Don't let your pride get to your head, Nat. He will probably be strong." The girl, Elizabeth, flicked her braided green hair behind her shoulder.

"You guys... Don't go looking for trouble, or I won't back you up." Dustin warned his two friends before sitting down opposite them to wait for the teacher to come to the class.