Suspicious Actions (2)

The two boys wore troubled expressions as they sat opposite each other on Leon's bed, thinking of what to do. Some of the Ovocentaurs were acting strangely, and it would be the best course of action to let their teachers know that, but they had no solid proof. Their words could be brushed off as paranoid assumptions.

"So, we aren't telling Stewart or Avery?" Zeke asked Leon, his buff arms folded in front of him, and his face wearing a stern frown for once.

"No, we can't, or they will just see us as idiots. They might even try to restrict our actions, which will make it hard to keep an eye on those Ovocentaurs." Leon shook his head, "I have seen stuff like this in all those thriller movies, but I never thought I would be in a situation like this." Leon sighed with frustration. He had always been frustrated as those characters who just wouldn't tell their superiors about the fishy actions of those around them, but now he had been put in those same characters' shoes.

"We need evidence." Zeke understood Leon's point. He scrunched up his face for a few seconds before abruptly jumping off the bed. He hurriedly rushed off to his back that he had packed for the journey, and after a few moments of ruffling through it, he let out a triumphant sound and held up something small and black before rushing back to the bed and plopping down on it.

"Here." He held out the black object in his hand, showing off a small, black camera. Leon's eyes sparkled as he took the camera into his hands.

"This is good. If we can get some pictures of them acting suspicious on camera, then we can go ahead to tell Stewart and Avery." He nodded his head. "But we can't go down through the lift or else those two might see us again."

"You mean...?" Zeke's eyes widened as he realized what Leon meant.

"Yup. Through the window." Leon nodded his head and grinned, turning to the open window at the back of the room. Zeke revealed a hesitant look, and Leon raised a brow. "What? Are you scared of heights?"

"Umm..." Zeke looked away, a wave of embarrassment rolling through his gut. Leon noticed that Zeke felt embarrassed, but he did not poke fun at him. Everyone had what they were not comfortable with. The same way he hated socializing.

"It'll be fine. Don't worry." He patted the Minotaur's shoulder with a friendly smile.

"...If you say so." Zeke eventually let out a sigh and his shoulders slumped. He walked over to the window with Leon and peeping out, he felt his vision swim. He immediately bounced back, his hand placed on his heaving chest, and his eyes wide in disbelief.

"I-I can't do it!" He exclaimed and quickly shook his head. The height was too much!

"Oh, come on! Don't worry, you are forgetting I can use wind magic. You won't fall." Leon could not help himself after Zeke's reaction, and burst out laughing, only managing to suppress it after a few seconds. He quickly regained his serious attitude, waving Zeke over to the window.

Zeke reluctantly came over, but this time, he made sure not to look out of the window. He watched as Leon closed his eyes to put together a spell. A strong breeze blew in through the window, wrapping around the both of them. It formed a sort of barrier that stuck tightly to their bodies.

"Alright, let's go. We just need to jump." Leon opened his eyes and told Zeke.

"J-jump?!" Zeke stuttered.

Leon did not reply, instead turning and jumping out of the window with no hesitation. Zeke looked at the empty space in front of him with wide eyes, appalled by what Leon had done, before snapping out of his daze. He slapped his cheeks before moving up to the window and jumping out immediately. His fear of heights could be put aside for the more important goal of finding out what was going on.

Wind rushed past Zeke's face as he plummeted down to the earth below. He could see the ground speeding straight at him, and his heart jumped right into his throat. He just about thought he would die as a pancake before he noticed that the speed he was approaching the ground at was getting lower and lower.

In the next few seconds, he had come down to a reasonable speed, the wind around him turning into a slight breeze as he touched down on the ground behind the inn. The area where their window was facing was thankfully not a busy area, and was a bit secluded. Leon had picked a time when no one was in sight to jump out of the window.

"I told you not to worry." Zeke turned to see Leon flashing him a grin as he peeped around the corner where they had landed. "No one is in sight. Let's get going." He waved at Zeke before walking around the corner casually.

Zeke was a bit stunned, scratching his head with his thick fingers, before sighing and following after Leon like a lost pup. Who would have thought Leon would be the adventurous sort?