Driving Away Darkness

"Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha!" Mustafa cackled wildly as he saw the struggling faces of these poor innocent souls beneath him. He could see, feel, and smell their hopelessness, and he derived a sick kind of joy from watching them despair.

"Despair, puny mortals! For the Great Destroyer shall spare no one!" He laughed into their sky, throwing his head back. It was because he was so absorbed in his madness that he did not notice the white beam of light that came shooting straight at him.

"ARGH!" He growled in pain, watching as his tail and behind healed quickly. With anger, he turned and looked in the direction where the white beam of light came, only to see a young boy floating in the air.

"What? Who is this?!" He growled in anger, but when he probed the boy's aura, his face fell.

"Impossible! Lord tier?! How?!" He growled in anger. He was sure that there was no Lord tier being in Zelan, and that was why he had attacked so decisively. He wanted to get the gate under his control before any reinforcements were able to come and stop him.

"Slave of Destruction. Leave now, or perish." In a domineering voice, the white haired boy said, sending shivers down Mustafa's spine. He growled in anger and hatred.

"HOW DARE YOU?! I will crush you and use your skull to drink wine!" He howled in anger, throwing his head back. The light purple domain that pressed everyone into the ground retracted for a moment before spreading out again, this time in a color so dark it was almost black. Everything that the domain touched was instantly turned to dust as insane amounts of pressures were exerted onto them.

The white haired boy waved his hand, and a white, fiery domain spread out from him, combating the black domain before it could reach any living being. Under the white light, the people were finally able to move. He turned to them and when he saw them looking back at him, he nodded.

"Go to the gateway, get help." After those short words, he spared no time for them and floated forward with confidence.

At this moment, everyone was mostly in shock, especially the students from the Imperial Academy. Because why not? That was a student from their academy fighting such a powerful being!

Avery looked at Leon who floated above them with a domineering but almost passive aura and her eyes trembled. Then she looked to a part of the battlefield that was still under Mustafa's control. A deep hole was there. That was where Stewart had fallen, and he had still not shown any signs of being alive.

With a tear dropping down her cheek, Avery turned around and herded the people in the direction of the gateway. Whatever shadow creatures came into their path was immediately destroyed as she used all her power to fight them off and protect the students.

Up in the sky, two beings faced off against themselves, one a calming white and the other a menacing black. An ancient being was currently in control of Leon's body. He looked at Leon's glowing skin with a frown on his face. 'This body is still too weak. It was the most malleable, and even then, I can not wield the powers of a Supreme in it. Even then, I cannot keep up this state for long.'

"PUNY HUMAN! LET ME SHOW YOU THE GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION YOU ARE IN!!!" Mustafa exclaimed, his jaws snapping open. There, a dark purple orb of mana began to manifest, swirling and collapsing on itself as mana that was tainted with the gravity element within his body seeped out, contaminating the pure mana in the atmosphere, before turning back and swirling into the growing sphere.

The ancient being in Leon's body did not try to stop the incoming attack, but also prepared a retaliatory spell. He held up both hands, putting them a few inches away from each other. Between them, a spark of flame came into being, but this was no mere flame. An intense heat radiated out of this flame as it was concentrated into a single, tiny dot that was the size of a human eye.

On the other hand, the massive orb of gravity mana that Mustafa was conjuring was as large as a school bus on Earth!

Things seemingly reached a peak and Mustafa flung his head back, before snapping it back forward and throwing the gravity orb with it.


Space and time bent around that orb of pure destruction. A terrible screeching sound reached the ears of beings that were not even within Zelan as the orb tore through the air, heading straight at Leon.

However, the ancient being in control of Leon's body did not worry one bit. He looked at the white ball of concentrated flames in his grasp and sighed before taking it in one hand. It hovered above his right index finger as he raised his right arm and pointed at Mustafa's orb of dark gravity mana.

Like a silent killer, the marble of white flames turned into a narrow, white beam and shot forward, striking the approaching gravity bomb dead center.



An explosion rang out first as the gravity bomb expanded in size, turning into a black hole that tried to swallow the beam of white fire. But the beam remained, sticking straight in the center of the expanding black hole without being extinguished.

A bright light shone across half of Zelan, while the other was painted by an oppressive black. The tug of war continued for a few more seconds before the beam of white fire stabbed through the weakening black hole, tearing through the other side of it and heading straight at Mustafa.

"W-what?!" Mustafa was shocked, but before he could move out of the way, the beam of light tore through his body, decimating his rear half and leaving him in agonizing pain. Luckily for him, his body was partly made of shadows, so the injury was not particularly life threatening. At least, that was what he thought.

When he looked at his body, he was shocked to see that the remnants of the white flames were beginning to eat at his body.

"What is this?! What have you done to me?! Who are you?!" He growled and yelled in pain and frustration. The next moment, a small black hole appeared next to him and he jumped through it, vanishing from the battlefield.

When the ancient being in Leon's body could no longer feel Mustafa's presence, he sighed and turned to look around. With a wave of his hand, white flames erupted all around, starting with the plaza of the ruined inn, before spreading out in a circle. All the shadow creatures that came in contact with that flame vaporized in an instant. The giant shadow creature struggled a bit, but it ultimately fell apart, leaving Dion to fall to the ground.

Looking around, the being noticed Stewart's unconscious form laying in a crater. He sighed as he sifted through Leon's memories and waved his hand again. A ray of light shot out and enveloped Stewart, mending his wounds. His deformed body healed quickly, and before long, he was whole again, but still remained unconscious.

"I shall plant a seed in this young one's body. When he is ready, that seed shall bloom into a marvelous flower."

With those words, the white faded, and Leon's body crumpled to an unconscious heap on the ground.