The Voice

Doctor Warren did a few standard tests to make sure Leon was alright before using magic to peer deeper at him. While the technological means could observe the more physical aspects of one's body, it was much harder to get a comprehensive scan of a person's core and mana veins. If any of these were damaged, then it could cut off a mage's hopes and dreams!

"Alright, you're good to go. You can leave whenever you want. You too, Stewart. Have a nice day." Doctor Warren told them as he left the room. He flashed them a bright smile before closing the door behind him.

"Oh, thank God. I'm glad nothing too bad happened to me." Leon sighed as he looked at his hands. If he had somehow lost his ability to use magic, then he could kiss everything goodbye. While he was sure that his mother would love him nonetheless, all his dreams and aspirations of greatness would poof away like smoke in the wind.