Banquets are common among business people and socialites, especially Yustina who has an essential role in the company.

From the outside they may look harmonious, but deep inside they have extra eyes and ears to catch their opponent's weaknesses.

Mayang proudly introduces her daughter-in-law who is pregnant with the most substantial heir of the Wijaya family, as well as introduces her future daughter-in-law who is a doctor to all guests.

Amelia was tired of continuing to force herself into a big smile, if it weren't for Robi, maybe she wouldn't be able to survive.

Her eyes searched for the figure who recently seemed to be a solace and thirst quencher on the bed. David and the mummy—Marie hadn't arrived yet.

She didn't expect the man to arrive, but Amelia was still curious about his figure for some reason.

"Looking for what, honey?" asked Robbie, surprised.

"Th-that, I saw there was a cocktail, it looks delicious ..." she explained.