Robert pranced with joy, after getting a phone call from Yustina, he felt hope would be wide open for him and also Rose.

  He hugged Rose's body which was lying on his bed.  The woman had fallen asleep all day after taking painkillers.

  He had once again served Louis' lust and returned with fresh wounds, leaving him in extreme pain and a fairly high fever.

  It was then that Robert took care of her, nursed her wound and became her protector.  He approached the woman and kissed her gently.

  "Rose, wake up it's late."

  "Hm... I'm still tired."

  "Eat something first, you must be hungry right?"

  Even though her eyes were still sleepy, Rose forced herself to get up.  Her stomach certainly felt hungry, but her body was too tired to even get out of bed.

  "I'm limp."

  "Don't get out of bed, let me just feed it here."