Robert snorted in annoyance, his desire rising again but there was no one who could help him do that.  Yustina irritated him, while Rose had just given birth.

  At least David wasn't fussy and kept crying, so that the burden was a little less.

  He saw Rose who was fast asleep, closed the door again.  "Are you the new guards?"  he asked Nana's two men who were on duty there.

  "That's right, sir. It's the first time we've been on guard here. Previously we were guarding the front and the west room."

  "Oh, that's right."  Without the slightest suspicion, he said, "Watch properly."

  "Yes sir."

  Robert went to the room where David was being cared for by a Baby Sitter he had just hired this morning from a foundation.  The room was next to Rose's.  The baby had just drifted off to sleep.

  "How is he?"  Robert asked the woman who was about 30 years old.

  "Smart young master, he suckles well and is not fussy, sir."