Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

After 30 seconds of continuous spinning, the wheel began to lose momentum. Finally landing on…


Seeing this the 3 friends were downtrodden, but Julius spoke out to encourage his friends by saying, "Hey now just cause we don't get to choose where we're going is fine as long as we choose our wishes wisely and we still have the bonus!"

"Yeah, you're right!" Victor said with a smile, and instead of responding, Ra went forward to spin the mid section.

Seeing that they weren't going to ask about Genesis, Fanta raised an eyebrow and asked, "You 3 don't want to know or ask anything about Genesis?"

Victor scoffed loudly, "As if you were gonna tell us." he said, tone laced with malice. Ra stared with a smile as Julius added, "Yeah we knew you were a troll the second you started laughing at our death."

They stared at Fanta, trying to figure him out to no avail. Fanta chuckles, "I'm starting to like you 3; alright go ahead and continue."

As soon as he finished giving his approval, he heard the wheel spin and saw Ra walking back towards his friends.

Again the wheel spun fiercely for about 30 seconds until it started to slow down.

It was at the point where there was a decent pause between the pegs and the arrow eased to a standstill on the section titled NO WISH. It only needed a nudge to reach the generous amount of 3 wishes.

"Oh my god, we're gonna be in an unknown place, without wishes. We. Will. Die!!" Julius said anxiously, he tended to be the pessimist of the group.

Ra spoke up, "No. I believe in my luck, our luck. We'll be fine." he said in an attempt to reassure his friend. 

"Uh guys…" Victor said while pointing at the wheel. "It moved."

Sure enough, the arrow had moved to the slot with the title THREE WISHES while the others were talking. 

Surprised, Julius snapped back to look at the wheel. "It moved?" he said, not fully comprehending the situation. "It MOVED! HaHa!" he shouted out excitedly. Ra just patted his chest and let out a relieved sigh.

*snap* *snap* "Alright, let's move it along" Fanta said while gesturing towards the wheel, "Who's next?"

In response, Julius walked and spun the remaining wheel, the center wheel. It didn't spin for long; Julius, being content with what they got, didn't put too much force behind his spin. Besides, they were still unsure what any of the sections contained, so there really was no telling what they were to get.

By the time Julius made it back to his friends, the wheel had stopped spinning. Fanta waved his hand past the wheel to reveal the prize/bonus, saying "Now… Let's see what type of luck you 3 have, shall we?"

His response was pure silence as they focused on what they got. The section read 'Inheritance', which confused the 3 of them collectively. Victor spoke up to get clarity, "What does it- well you I guess- mean by an inheritance?"

"It means you get the bloodline skills and memories of a character of your choice. Now, you will only get memories pertaining to combat, techniques, professions (like blacksmithing and alchemy), and things of that nature." Fanta answered

"Why not all of their memories?" asked Julius

Hearing this question, Fanta looked at Julius like he was an idiot and said "Do you know what the memories of another person's life could do to your personality? Especially if you have a weak mind. You could lose who you are, or worse, if their morals conflict with your own, you could end up fighting yourself philosophically. While you won't have all of their emotional and mundane memories, you will get any emotions and reasonings attached to the memories you do get. So while these memories will have little impact on you personally, they will still affect you."

"Noted." Julius said, "Can we have a minute to talk about it?" he asked.

Fanta waved his hand as if saying "go ahead".

Getting the okay they huddled together to discuss their wishes. A few minutes of intenses mumbling later they broke apart, ready to tell their wishes. But before they told them Ra stepped up to ask, "Do we have to use all of our wishes now or can we save them?"

"Hmm…" Fanta pondered, stroking his unkempt beard, "you can, but the other two can't." He finished, pointing to Ra. Right as Julius was about to ask, Ra beat him to it. 

"Why me?"

"Think of it as a privilege for beating me in Mario Kart, but to be honest, the reason is I just like you better than the other two." Fanta stated without an ounce of regard for the other two that were literally standing right next to Ra.

Hearing his response, the trio was left speechless. After a moment they recovered and huddled together for another quick discussion.

Seeing the three disband the huddle for a second time, Fanta asked with annoyance, "Y'all about ready yet?"

Hearing his tone of voice, and the memory of the last time he was upset still fresh on their minds, they responded with their wishes directly.
