
Hello everyone!

As you may or may not know I am a fairly new writer, and this is the first Fanfic that I started to write. Even though it wasn't the first one I ever posted. That's why the first couple of chapters are all have less than a 1,000 words, but I plan on all of them from now on being at least a 1,000.

Also, since this one was the first Fic, I wrote I hadn't thought out all the details I should have before posting. Actually, that's what happened with most of my Fics, but I think I've figured out what I need to for this one and my Pokémon fanfic, still working on the on the world building of my Re:Monster fic though. Anyways I plan on updating on all of my stories alot more frequently and consistently.

So even though I know this particular story doesn't have much of a following, I just want to let you know what's going on. Especially because I'm really excited for the plans I have in store for this one.

Sincerely your Author, Sin_of_Acceptance