Little girls suck

Walking through the house i noticed two things, theres no spirits, and the fire doesn't burn unless we act dumb.

We quickly reach the kitchen, its apparent this is where it started, a blazing flame burns on the stove, roaring and crackling, reaching for the knob, i turn it off and the flame recedes, on the stove is an item

"soul sight"

[plastic frying pan: cursed]

"ok, thill be easy" i grab the plastic toy and snap it in half, a shrill shriek is heard and a door lock opening, upon further inspection it leads to the basement

"stand guard penny, i want to search up here for as bit"

penny nods as i walk off

i first reach the living room, theres no glowing items but there is a dog bed and a page of a child's drawing, i pick it up

"two figures, assumingely the parents hanging out with a single person on the lawn" i can say this with certainty because mommy and daddy are written above two figures, while the thirds face is scratched out and has 'HIM' over it

i search around a bit more eventually to come across the parents room, under the bed i see the outline of a glow "that can't be…". I reach under and pull out what i assume is a old firearm "soul sight"

[gun: imbued soul (CORRUPTED)

soul power: DANGEROUS

potential: GET OUT

aspect: MASSACRE]

"what the ever loving hell? If what i read is correct… imbued souls are said to be souls that didnt revive but combined with objects that meant something to them…"

i look around some more before noticing a dog toy that glows

"soul sight" oh god please dont-

[consumable: beast tamer: one use]

"well if thats not happy foreshadowing i dont know what is" i try to look around for more but I'm unable to find anything so i move to the final room, that has a unlocked door, the little girls room.

this has by far the weirdest vibe, the room is a fluorescent pink with pink everything, and an over abundance of toys and stuffed animals, the stuffed animals all glow the same shade of green "soul sight"

[stuffed animal collection (???)

soul power: medium

potential: ???

aspect: DECEPTION]

"i hate it here"

???: 'we hate it toooooooo'

a grating female choppy voice digs its way into my head, its pitch seems to change every second

"ooooookkkkkk you a spirit?"

???:'thats what your kind calls us'

"what would you like to be called?"

[necronomicon is deciphering]

???:'we have no name, but we go by corpses'

"why do you have such a grim name???"

???:'it what happens when you DIE'

as the last bit is yelled a unicorn plush hops to life human looking eyes rolling over to show the pupils lock onto me, its mouth opening to impossible proportions as it lunges and chomps razor sharp teeth on my arm digging into my skin.

I let out a cry of pain as i get my knife out and stab it in the throat "heat!" The metal glows and sets the plush on fire, a shrill scream can be heard from the plush.

once it fully disintegrates, a small eye bead is left, it glows that same green color hesitantly, i say the skills name "soul sight"

[HOW DARE YOU: imbued (?????????????)



ILL KILL YOU: play pretend/hive mind]

happily ignoring that, i walk back out and look into the basement, looming more ominously then before, the white lines just showing stairs

"ok penny, you think theres anything down there?"

it nods its head

"miasma concentration"

[ILL KILL YOU @!&^%@!%^ medium]

"well shit, necronomicon, what are we facing?"

[all deciphered info: specter type: corpse pile: this mass of body's forms when a soul is mixed with other souls and isn't given proper rights, they usually form a hive mind, weaknesses include separation, and loss in members]

"the weaknesses are the same shit you fucking skill"


after a while i work up the courage to go down, the cold and dark quickly enveloping me, penny following behind, penny groans and takes off the hoodie, handing it to me

"thanks" i take it and put it on "but what about you?"

penny points to the bead and opens her mouth and chomps

"you want to eat this?"

penny nods in confirmation

i toss it at it "have at it"

i hear swallowing then a pop up appears

[an aspect-less undead you control has eaten a unique spirit core, they are attempting to acquire a aspect, allow?]

"show effects of each aspect available"

[play pretend: use the power of illusions to mess with your opponents mind]

[hive mind: connect your mind to others and allow perfect control of their thoughts and actions]

"any preference?

penny waves its hand over its eyes

"allow play pretend"

[play pretend is a non-standard aspect, changing into standard aspect=illusion]

"Very good"

[your trust threshold with penny has broken a certain amount, sharing lowest level skill]

[skill shared: minor illusion *create illusions no bigger then yourself **only works on one target]


[choose a skill to share]

"share necronomicon"

[shared skill: necronomicon]

"With that done, i trust youll be able to do more then just charge"

penny makes mocking groans and jaw clacks

"oh shut it, i dont even know what your saying"

[miasma concentration has detected malice cluster]

"are you-" no, its not penny, i think I'd be able to tell, especially with our trust levels

"penny, be very careful, no arguments"

penny doesn't argue, it can probably tell somethings off

"switch shared skill to miasma concentration"

[skill switched]

"tell me the cooldown"



the room becomes cold, a presence permeates in the basement, as i step of the staircase, the room shifts into a large flat plain, spotlights slowly illuminating the area, every light reveals a new toy, but they toys aren't normal, each toy if off, broken, some drip blood, some are made of flesh, some are torn, then the center lights up.

"oh… oh fuck…"

i want to vomit, what i can see is a small girl, in a tattered flower pattern dress, its splattered in blood and entrails, her necks at a good ninety degrees, her eyes bleed black puss, she smile is a forced one, only held together bu strings of flesh, her hand holds a beating heart. Then i see it, the meat puppets, sever adult sized specters with large needles impaired in their Achilles' and wrists, strings holding them up in the air, they all have the same smile, but this time, their missing their eyes.