Reincarnated as a princess

In the middle of the night...

Shen Xi could not sleep a wink, she sat at the window and watched the stars. Her eyes were red and swollen from all the crying. She heard faint footsteps outside and it seemed the person was approaching her. The door was pushed open and a figure stepped in smiling wickedly. It was Zhou Yu.

"Shen Xi" Zhou Yu called out her name between clenched teeth. She held an injector in her left hand.

"Zhou Yu, what do you want? what are you holding" Shen Xi asked as she panicked?

"This? it's an injector, after I inject you, you'll rot in hell"

"What...why are you doing this?" Shen Xi asked as her eyes turned watery.

"Don't cry, it's not going to be painful" she pulled her sleeve and prepared the injection.

"I'm not going to die so easily Zhou Yu, you killed Bai Yue already"

"Shut up b*tch, it was all your fault that he died, If only you compromised earlier and left him, all of this wouldn't have happened" Zhou Yu yelled as Shen Xi touched her most painful spot.

"Bai Yue never loved you, he was mine" Shen Xi started feeling weak, Zhou Yu had injected the unknown liquid into her Drip.

"Zh...Zhou Yu..." Shen Xi struggled to speak as her breath wasn't steady.

"Don't worry, no one will find out because the surveillance cameras have been damaged"

Shen Xi looked at Zhou Yu with hatred, if only there was a second chance to live, she would make her suffer, soon Darkness enveloped her.

Before she breathed her last she murmured" Yueyue I pro...mise you that in...all life...times I will love you only"

Zhou Yu watched the corpse on the hospital bed and smiled, Shen Xi the bitch deserved it!


Shen Xi felt pain all over her body, she sat up and looked around, she was under a cherry blossoms tree and it seemed she had just woken up from sleep. Wasn't she supposed to be dead? and why did the environment around look like the ancient times in movies? She caught a glimpse of a passer

-in ancient attire, she shook her head thinking the person must be crazy to wear such clothes in this 21st century.

She struggled for a while before managing to stand because of the intense pain she felt. When she saw the attire she was in, she screamed, she was wearing an ancient attire for God's sake.

"Second princess! the second princess!" a voice shouted behind her.

Shen Xi was not yet in the right sense of mind, before she could respond to the person behind her, she passed out. Shen Xi saw her young self in ancient times, she was surprised. Had she reincarnated? that was just a myth she didn't believe but now she had to believe it. She saw the past life of the person who looked exactly like her and it seemed her lookalike had been reincarnated but why was she in this body? In the past life, the person was bullied by her family to the extent that even the servants disrespected her lookalike, in the end, her lookalike jumped off a cliff to commit suicide because everyone betrayed her including her husband.

In the dream, she promised she wasn't going to be softhearted as her lookalike after going through such a similar thing in her own past life, she was going to show these people who a princess was.

"Second princess! second princess..." As Shen Xi drifted into consciousness after her dream, she felt someone shaking her. She had forgotten all about the dream right now.

After struggling for a while, she managed to open her eyes only to face an unfamiliar face.

"Ahhhhhh..." Shen Xi screamed out her lungs

"Second princess? are you alright?" the young lady who was about her age asked worriedly

"Who...who are you? where am I? and most importantly what year are we in? why am I dressed like this?" she yelled out all the questions in her head

"Second princess? are you alright?" the young lady was suddenly scared since the princess never behaved like this.

"I said who are you?" Shen Xi asked again

"Am...I am Su Pai, your personal maid"

"Ohh Su Pai, I hit my head against the tree and forgot some things, what was my name again? tell me everything about myself, every detail, " Shen Xi asked in embarrassment

"Second...Second Princess Shen Xi of Hui Pei City in China, you have a twin sister named Shen Xu, and an older brother named Shen Yang, you're 17 and will turn 18 in a few months, we are n the year 1870 you're shy and always bullied by everyone including servants, you're your mothers favourite and you'll soon be married to Prince Shu Yei of Garden City" Su Pai looked at the princess with sadness after she spoke.

"Oh Shu Pai, thanks for telling me, I remember everything now" Shen Xi lied and let out a fake smile to assure the scared maiden that she was alright.