Fairy Heart

Caesar Cryptogram at the end of this story!

Chapter 5: Fairy Heart

Tenrou Valley

Lapis returned to the orphanage, where many of the orphans were in downtrodden spirits. There wasn't any food left for them, and Lapis suspected Lord Jezelf wasn't able to return with the bridge ruined. An ogre girl was eating the last of a rat's remains when she noticed the alien walk in. "Where've you been all day? Did you bring us food?"

"No, I haven't." Lapis replied in a frustrated tone. "In case you didn't notice, there was an alien invasion, and Mavis and I were preoccupied with it."

"Where is Mavis?" the Elfin girl asked.

"She's… sigh, I dunno. I'm trying to find her, but… you just wouldn't believe what crappy help you can find. …Look, it's getting late, you guys, you should go to bed. I probably won't be coming back tonight." Lapis was about to walk out the door.

"Whaddo we do for food?" a giant boy asked.

"That's really not a concern for me at the moment! Go out and hunt in the morning."

Except for a few stars through the clouds, the land and sky were dark as Lapis walked the road to Tenrou Town. She was going to go to the river-… Lapis stopped and looked at the forest. It was pitch-black within its woods at night, and Aisling would not be there to guide them. Still, Lapis wondered… "If Star Fairies and Ocean Fairies exist… then… I wonder if Forest Fairies exist…" If Viridi was the Goddess of Nature, Lapis thought she would be involved with these fairies somehow. She was about to walk into the forest- "Er, maybe I shouldn't, it's way too dark…"

But then again, it would be dark in the ocean if she tried to swim in it. Either way, she couldn't just rest while Mavis was in danger. "Sigh, maybe I'll just fly over it." Lapis sprouted Water Wings on her back and glided over the forest. She wondered if Forest Fairies glowed like Ocean Fairies, then they would be easy to spot. However, there were lots of leaves shrouding the forest ground. There didn't appear to be any hint of a glow, let alone hundreds from that many Forest Fairies. "What am I doing." Lapis sighed. "This is hopeless… Huh?"

She noticed a pillar of smoke flowing up from the distant swamp. Curious, Lapis flew in that direction. When she got closer, she could pick up an odd smell from that area; like that of a magic potion. She landed softly in the swamp and quietly walked to where the smoke was rising from. She peeked around each individual tree, in fear of being discovered by anyone around. Finally, she arrived at the smoke's source. Lapis gasped—then silenced herself and hid behind a tree.

Medusa, Yellow Diamond, Pandora's flame form, and Zeira were standing patiently while Zeref was working in the large cauldron. The dark wizard dropped several Amethyst and Pearl Gems inside the liquid, mixing with his own black magic. "How is one little potion meant to awaken an entire army of undead?" Pandora questioned.

"When one has the right ingredients." Zeref informed. "I just hope I can count on yours. What do you have for a live sacrifice?"

Yellow Diamond whistled. The Irken troop that was standing at the other side jumped with a start, waddling over to them and saluting with a terrified look. "This one will do." Diamond said.

Zeref used his magic to make a circle surround the Irken on the ground. Pandora made a small box with a skull on its lid float in front of her. "This box contains thousands of shadows taken from the Shadow Realm."

"The shadowbenders have an ability called Shadow Possession," Medusa explained, "which allows them to control others. After experimenting, we confirmed this power is able to reanimate corpses. Every person that died has their shadow taken from them, to drift alone in their realm. By using this ritual, we will be able to force that shadow to, not only possess this living Irken, but make that shadow's master materialize over his very form. And… with the potent Life Chi from Viridi's elixir, mixed with the unendingness of Solaris's Eternal Flame, we can create a zombie so stable and invincible, it's practically alive. But with Zeref's magic imbued inside it, it will be under his control. Shall we begin?"

"You know, I'm starting to think this isn't worth 50,000 Moneys." The Irken said.

"Go for it." Medusa declared.

Pandora opened her box and release a single shadow that overtook the Irken's body. While the alien squirmed, smoke from the cauldron flowed over him, and a clay-like substance formed over the Irken, who was screaming desperately. Once the clay completely covered him, the resulted blob grew and his body reshaped. The clay colored in, becoming a woman with long dark-purple hair and an indigo robe with a cloak. She opened her eyes, which were black with green irises.

Medusa smirked, slowly walking around the woman. "Young lady… what's your name?"

"Torvik Wickens." she responded.

"I see… Who were you when you were alive?"

"I am a Greek scholar."

"Ahhh… Then, perhaps you could tell me what I am?"

"I know you're dark beings using forbidden magic."

"That's a little judgmental." Medusa stopped in front of her. "You would not be willing to serve us of your own accord, would you?"


Medusa turned to Zeref. His eyes shrouded by his hair, Zeref reached an arm toward the zombie. Torvik's green irises turned a light gray. "It seems the experiment succeeded." Pandora said. "The Life Chi is so strong that even the smoke it emits will have effect."

"We're not done, yet." Medusa stepped away. "Yellow Diamond, destroy her."

The Diamond drew a sword from her chest and sliced the zombie to pieces. They stared at its remains for a few seconds. …The zombie's pieces floated and formed back together. Torvik had nary a scratch on her form. "Perfect." Medusa smirked. "Don't you agree?"

Yellow Diamond looked at her sword, then at Torvik. "Hmm… Impressive. And you would allow me control over them?"

"First, we have the arduous task of gathering enough sacrifices." Pandora said. "I hope you're able to bribe enough Irkens."

"I'm sure Dirk will agree to it. He treats his soldiers like common Pearls."

"I wonder if I could sacrifice some demons." Medusa mentioned. "I would like to have a handy amount by tomorrow afternoon. The other gods will catch onto us with that little Zeira act. But with an army like this… Avalar will be ours to conquer in no time! Now as for you two…" She looked at Zeref and Diamond, who exchanged glances with each other. "I expect you two to get along… Make friends, now, you hear?" With that, she left through a dark portal.

"Hmph… I guess I should round up some troops." Diamond figured before walking away. Lapis continued to watch them.

Zeira… Just what the heck is going on here? Lapis thought to herself. I need to get out of here and warn everyone. "AAA- mmmmp!" A force suddenly grabbed Lapis and cupped her mouth shut.

"Oh-ho DEAR!" Tanatos said perkily, pressing Lapis against his round belly. "A little Tootsie Pop is EAVESdropping on us!"

"Oh, my." Pandora turned to them. "That's awfully rude, you know. I wonder what we're to do with you."

"Why don't you be a good little lollipop and tell us where you came from!" Tanatos requested, looming his smiley face over Lapis.

"Eeh!" Lapis pulled his big hand off her mouth. "I'm not going to let you guys get away with this! Eh!" She struggled to shake away. "Zeira, what's wrong with you, why are you hanging with them?!"

"It sounds like they know each other." Zeref observed with a solemn smile. "Zeira… can you tell me where this girl is from?"

"…" The red-eyed girl was staring blankly. "Red Lizard Orphanage."

"OH, goody! An ORPHANAGE!" Tanatos cheered. "Sure to have helpings of little goodies nobody cares about! They'll make LOVELY sacrifices!"

"NO!" Lapis tried harder to shake away. "I won't let you do that to them!"

"Then it's a good thing we don't need you to take us." Tanatos's 'X' eyes opened and released a reddish-pink pollen at Lapis's face. The Lunarian girl grew drowsy and fell into a deep sleep. "Sleep is a simulation of death." he said as he hoisted Lapis over his left shoulder. "Just like the Dream World is a phony Spirit World. So, Zeira… where is this orphanage?"

Fairy World; 12 hours later

After 12 hours had passed (there was no daytime in Fairy World), Jorgen von Strangle was still sitting on the edge of the cloud where the colosseum rested. His elbow was propped on his leg while his head rested on his hand. The other fairies had returned to their homes shortly after the match abruptly ended, resuming their everyday lives. Jorgen's fairy punching bag, Binky, saw the king in his contemplative state and flew over to him. "King Jorgen? You've been there all night. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, Binky." Jorgen spoke in what was assumed to be a sad tone, but his gruff German voice was the same. "I do not know vhy, but my muscles do not flex like they used to!" He flexed his arms. "It is like there is something on their mind, but they do not tell me. WHY DO MUSCLES LAUGH, BUT DO NOT TAAAALK?"

Binky understood what Jorgen was saying; it's just the way he explained it was weird. "Well, um, would your muscles be upset about… anything regarding that Mavis girl?"

"Vhat??" Jorgen looked baffled. "Vhy vould my muscles be upset? Muscles only know two feelings: joy and humor! They vould certainly not be concerned about some smart-mouthed puny human girl. Ha ha! Why would you even say that?"

"Well, no one knows your muscles better than you." Binky said with disbelief. "But maybe somewhere inside your mind is taking Mavis's words into consideration. And that thought is sending a spark to your muscles that makes them want to beat up the aliens and that Black Cloud, which they can't do if they stay in this Fairy Sphere."

"Binky, you make the littlest amount of sense. Even mah muscles know not to bite off more than they can chew. We would be dooming ourselves to show the aliens that we exist. We would not get rest, and the puny mortals down below will always be nagging us for protection. Mavis vas one such mortal. If she knew the power we possess, as well as the least bit of common sense, she vould understand why!"

"Y'know, even if that's true," Binky replied seriously, "I'm BORED here! This Fairy Sphere's keeping us from seeing the outside universe! Haven't you ever wanted to go out there and explore? Look for all the toughest guys and just beat the CRAP outta them for no reason?"

"Haha! That would be fun!" Jorgen perked. "But it is a fate that can never be." He looked stern again. "Und you of all people would never survive out there."

"I still wanna try. How can the weakest fairy in Fairy World be willing to give outside a chance and not our strong king?"

"Because the strong king is both stronger AND wiser than you!" Jorgen stood up and glared directly in Binky's face, the latter returning the look. "I could send you outside the sphere right now and you would scream at the first thing you see!"

"Myow, myow…" Jorgen stepped back with a weird look when a Light-blue Wisp and Green Wisp floated up to them. "What the hell are these?" Jorgen asked, raising a brow.

"These are Wisps, Jorgen." Binky replied. "The things the Irkens hunt?"

"But, why are they here?"

"They flew in from outside, I think. They look like they keep trying to tell us something."

"Myow, myow! Myow, myow!" The Wisps were making worried gestures; the most likely being a large, menacing figure.

"I am not good at charades." Jorgen said. "Yet, we have to animate ourselves with every line. Isn't that weird?" he asked as he made body gestures with these two lines.

"Maybe that's why we're still better than Spongebob." Binky remarked.

Suddenly, there was an explosion downtown, and fairies were flying and screaming. Jorgen and Binky exchanged surprised, terrified looks. Irken ships were swarming over the town, shooting lasers and catching fairies inside nets. "I do not understand! How do they get past the Fairy Sphere?!" Jorgen thundered.

"I-I dunno!" Binky stuttered.

Jorgen ignited his jetpacks and flew up and out of the Fairy Sphere. …The fact he was able to leave the Sphere without teleporting was abnormal enough. From outside, the golden sphere was very faint, and Fairy World was half-visible. In the distance, Jorgen spotted the Irken flagship, Biggest. "Oh no…" Jorgen realized. "When Mavis used the Attraction Charm… No, she couldn't have absorbed it enough to reveal the town! Unless…" His eyes widened, "Unless Death Chi was applied to her spell!" He soared back down to the colosseum. "BINKY! Send an R.A.F.E.R.A. to all fairies!"

"An R.A.F.E.R.A.?"

"A Run Away From Evil Rampaging Aliens! NOOOW!"

An Irken ship that had a more regal design landed in Fairy World Town Square. Tallest Dirk and his Imperial SIR Units marched out. The Tallest in red-and-black armor gasped, his dark-red eyes widening. "We're…We're finally here! FAIRY WORLD! I KNEW it existed! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Tallest began dancing giddily. His SIRbots exchanged disbelieved stares. "At long last, it is MINE to CONQUER!"

"You will conquer NOTHIIIIIIING!" Tallest Dirk held an arm by his face when an explosion occurred a few meters away. The Tallest gaped at the powerful Fairy King. "Puny alien leader, I am Jorgen von Strangle. Toughest fairy in the universe, and King of all Fairies. By my authority, you are ordered to take all your troops and LEEEAAVE! Lest you become my new practice dummies!"

"Brah hah hah ha! Your kind doesn't intimidate me! Look at them all run and SCREAM by our might! Your world will be conquered in minutes!"

"True, you can easily scare all the puny, lesser fairies," Jorgen marched up to him imposingly, "but what about me?" He smirked. The Fairy King was twice Dirk's height.

"You think you're SO frightening, aren't you?" Dirk inquired. "Well, it should suffice you to know that Tallest Dirk, conqueror of 24 galaxies and 1,015 planets, is in fact, a FEARBENDER! ROOOOOOAAAAAARRRR!" The Tallest unleashed a deafening Fear Scream that overtook Jorgen's eardrums. The king was squatting by the time Dirk stopped. "I conquered Amazonia with my power! No matter how big you are, I will conquer you with your own fear! So now…" His dark-red eyes brimmed, peering into Jorgen's steel blue.

Jorgen was afraid of dressing like a lady, his muscles being shriveled to nothing, and most notably, a giant butterfly net. "What? A net?" Dirk questioned. "SIRbots! Net him!" His two robots took aim and successfully caught Jorgen inside two large nets.

"Ahh! A net!" Jorgen struggled to tug the strings. "A fairy's only weakness! WHYYYY!"

"Are you kidding?" The Tallest looked around to see his soldiers catch fairies in nets. "We were honestly just doing that to insult you, imply you're bugs. But you're actually weak against them?!"

"Sigh, yes. We don't know vhy, it's just how they made us."

"This is so easy, you're almost not even worth conquering! In fact, you really wouldn't be, if not for your limitless magic energy. This is a shining new era for the Irken Empire! With the powers of fairies under our control, not to mention those creepy-ass zombies Diamond is trying to make, there will be no power in the UNIVERSE to stop us from taking Jirachi, AND finding the Seven Stars! BWAH HAH HAAAAA! I'm so excited, I could just SCREEEEAAAAAM!" His fearbending was heard on all corners of Fairy World. The Irkens put on their chi-blocking earmuffs.

Red Lizard Orphanage

The brainwashed Zeira moved very slowly while guiding Tanatos and Pandora to the orphanage. It was very early in the morning by the time they finally made it. "So this is where you came from." Pandora observed. "What a shabby little building. Ho well… CHIIIILDREEEEEN! Come oooouuuut!"

"Nnnn…uuh…" Lapis groggily awoke, finding herself hunched over Tanatos's shoulder, where the ghostly black tree branch stuck out. She struggled to turn her head to see where Tanatos was facing. The orphanage residents were confusedly stepping out of the building. Lapis gasped. "GUYS, RUN AWAY! THEY'RE GOING TO KILL YOU!"

"WHOA-HO!" Tanatos perked, holding Lapis by her ankle. "Wakey-wakey, eggs and bakey, I say."

"Lapis?" the Elfin girl questioned. "Why do you two have Lapis?"

"Hey, Zeira, are these your buddies??" an ogre boy asked.

"YOU GUYS, I SAID RUN!" Lapis pleaded.

"Not going to happen." Pandora opened her box. A herd of black Pegasi with fiery wings flew out and surrounded the area.

"Come on, I ate a few horses once, and these guys are already cooking." One of the giants marched up to a Pegasus, but the horse lit with fire and shot into his chest like a comet, shoving him against the orphanage as a wall crumbled down. The boy helped himself up and growled with anger, but three Pegasi flew in circles above him, sprouting a spire of fire that turned the giant black with soot. He fell over, unconscious.

The other kids bowed their heads in defeat. "Good… Now, everyone in single file. We're going to the swamp." Pandora instructed.

"Ugh…ugh…" Zeira grunted. The girl fell to her knees, gripping her head.

"Sigh… What's wrong, now?"

"Nnnn…" Zeira's eyes blinked red and purple. "Hold on… don't… hurt them…"

"Yuh-oh. Seems she's getting a will." Tanatos observed. "We'll have to get her back to Zeref to-" Lapis kicked out of his grip, landed on her feet, then whipped the fat god with water, afterwards throwing quick water spouts at the Pegasi. Lapis jumped over beside the orphans and readied herself.

Pandora looked elsewhere. "Oh, look! Here they come."

Lapis gasped: a squadron of about 50 Inferi were approaching. From afar, they looked like ordinary humans and creatures, except for black eyes with green irises, but Lapis saw through their ruse. "You guys, those are zombies." she told them. "I saw them make one, they can't be killed or torn apart."

"L-Let's get outta here!" an Elfin boy yelled. They were about to run the other way, but the Pegasi recovered and blocked their path.

Spiiiriiits ooof theee laaaand aaaand seeeeaa…

Come… out… here… and… stand… by… me…

A gentle breeze blew across the ground, and a mystical voice sung. Balls of light with wings flew out of the forest, leaving glittery dust as they flew around the children. Afterwards, they flew to the Inferi and sprinkled their dust on them. Trees grew up and encased the zombies inside them.

Dark…ness… rains… u…pon… our… earth…

Send… it… a…way… from… our… hearth…

A girl of ghostly-white appeared from the forest. Her very long hair was blowing in the breeze. Her green eyes were wide and strict. "Aisling!" Lapis exclaimed.

"You two need to LEEEAAVE now." Aisling said to Tanatos and Dora with a very soft whisper. "Or I will DOOM you… I will…"

"I'm feeling an odd energy from her." Pandora mentioned. "It feels like… Viridi's…"

"I'm feeling it, too." Tanatos said worriedly. "That Life Chi is unmistakable. Let's go back to Medusa." They disappeared through gaps in the ground.

Aisling glided up to Zeira, staring directly in her red eyes. "You are possessed by evil." she whispered, waving a hand at her. "Sleep, and awake with Light." Zeira collapsed asleep.

The balls of light fluttered beside the orphans as Lapis studied them. "Are these…"

"Forest Fairies." Aisling confirmed, walking over. "Celebi introduced me to them."

"Celebi?" Lapis raised a brow. She shook her head, "Aisling, what about Mavis? What happened to her?"

"Don't worry, she's safe, and she'll come back soon. But it seems things have become worse than we expected. All of you should go into the forest." she ordered the orphans. "My fairies will protect you."

"What about Tardus?" a giant boy asked, standing over the fallen one.

Lapis put water over her hands and rubbed it over the giant's exposed chest, where the Pegasus rammed him. Her hands glowed as the wound healed. "That should keep him alive for now. You guys will have to carry him. Get going."

Two giants picked Tardus up and carried as they all gathered to the forest, joined by the fairies. "Lapis, do you know who is responsible for these undead?" Aisling asked.

"It's the Black Cloud. In the swamp over there." Lapis pointed at the small smoke cloud in the distance. "He's using some kind of potion with some other stuff, a-and…"

"With his Death Magic, I'm assuming. The Forest Fairies can use Life Chi to subdue them in this form. I'm going to try and do the same to Black Cloud."

"But Aisling, what if he kills you?" Lapis asked worriedly. "Then what'll we do about these zombies?"

"I was made from Viridi and Mew's DNA." Aisling smiled surely, the wind still blowing her hair. "I'll survive. Meanwhile, perhaps you can assist those on Fairy World. It seems the Fairy Sphere has weakened."

"Oh…" Lapis thought she knew what she meant. "But I can't fight them all. I don't think I can even FLY all the way there in time."

"That's why we'll help you!" a familiar voice said cheerily. Lapis turned and gaped: Queen Cerulea and her Ocean Fairies lit up the gray morning with their blue glows.

"C-Cerulea… Why aren't you in the ocean?"

"You probably don't know this, but events at Fairy Colosseum are magically broadcasted at every Fairy Realm. It was your friend, Mavis's words that inspired us. We've also been feeling a strong disturbance in the atmosphere. We want to protect the people in danger…"

"Well… if what Aisling says is true, the Star Fairies are in danger, now." Lapis said seriously. "Will you help me fight the aliens? Are you willing to go outside the very atmosphere?"

Cerulea smiled. "…Yes. We are."

Lapis turned to her friend. "Aisling… you sure you'll be okay?"

"I will." Aisling nodded. "Stay safe yourself."

The Ocean Fairies touched Lapis's gem with their magic. The Lunarian sprouted her pair of mystical glowing, Water Fairy Wings. As she rose higher and higher into the heavens, the fairies joining her, she and Aisling kept smiling at each other. Finally, Lapis whisked across the atmosphere to Fairy World's direction at great speed. Mavis… I hope you're okay, too.

The Biggest

Some Irkens had constructed a machine with many Wisp capsules inserted, and the large metal pipes connected to large diamonds. Afterwards, they brought a mechanical waist belt with lots of colored buttons, strapping it around Yellow Diamond. "Okay. As long as you're in close range of the Biggest, push any one of those buttons and you'll be able to absorb that Color Power."

Smirking, Yellow Diamond pushed the red button. A capsule with a Flame Wisp lit up and shocked it, transferring its energy through a pipe, hitting the diamond, which directed the energy into Yellow Diamond. "FLAME!" Brimming with fire, Yellow Diamond blasted twin flame beams into the hallway.

"DON'T use it in HERE!" an Irken shouted. "It's outside you're supposed to test it!"

"Yeah, yeah." The power wore off. "So, were the Injectors implanted on Fairy World's surface?"

"Yes, and soldiers are sprouting faster than daisies! It's unreal how effective the magic is!"

"It's a shame we didn't find the place faster. I probably wouldn't need to work with that creep. But those zombies could prove useful to us."

"All troops to your stations!" The alarms suddenly blared. "We've picked up numerous supernatural forces heading to Fairy World! Ready your nets!"

"That's our cue!" The two Irkens ran off. Yellow Diamond looked at the nearby screen that displayed Fairy World. A swarm of glowing blue fairies were flying there.

Fairy World

"Fairy World was supposed to be the Fairy Homeworld." Cerulea explained as she, Lapis, and the Ocean Fairies flew nonstop toward the cloud domain. "We haven't been there for a long time. I wonder if Jorgen has a new outfit? Or if anything else has changed…"

Lapis saw that the pink clouds were now more pale in color, Irkens swarming the place. "I think a lot of it has changed…"

Injectors were planting more and more Gems into Fairy World's clouds, and it was only a few hours after that burly Amethyst warriors sprouted up. In fact, Irken guards were surprised when orange warriors, with similar hair and body build as the Amethysts, except with Jasper Gems on their noses, sprouted up. "Number of Jaspers currently developed: 3." a Pearl reported.

"Lady Diamond said that these were stronger than the normal ones, didn't she?" an Irken asked.

"Yeah, but they never came out good down on the planet. Haha, we should build an arena and have all these guys fight!"

"YEAH we should! …Hey, what're those things?" He pointed at the hundreds of blue lights several miles away.


When Lapis and the Ocean Fairies began to fly over the town, the Irkens began firing. Lapis evasively dodged and shot down to the first Injector, slicing it perfectly with a Water Slice. The Ocean Fairies conjured water out of thin air and washed many Irkens away with great waves. They forced whirlpools to drill through Fairy World's surface and flushed the Irkens, as well as several ungrown Gems, down to the planet's surface.

The Pearls threw spears at Lapis, but she avoided and threw water to knock the skinny Gems down. The Amethysts charged over and lashed whips, and Lapis sliced a few of them before one caught her around the ankles. The Amethyst grinned wickedly as she swung Lapis back-and-forth, slamming her on the ground, before whirling the Lunarian around and sending her flying into a house. Lapis groaned and looked up to see the Amethysts speeding to her as rolling balls. Lapis forced herself to her feet and grabbed more water from her gem, morphing them into Water Fists that she swung to knock the Amethysts away.

Lapis grew Water Wings and flew skyward again to stay out of their range. In the distant town square, she saw a huge Irken crest, where four chains were strapped to a netted figure. Lapis flew closer, realizing it was Jorgen von Strangle. "They captured him? Oh well, doesn't matter." Lapis flew forth, aiming to cut the Fairy King free. "AAAAHH!" A whitish-orange ball flew up and grabbed her, revealing to be a Jasper that crushed her on the ground.

"Yo, this girl's hot!" The Jasper smirked.

"AUGH, GET OFF ME!" Lapis splashed water up at his face, scrambling to her feet and getting away. She dodged when the Jasper rolled at her, then tossed water to freeze his face. With that, she was about to focus on Jorgen, but two more Jaspers appeared and rolled around her as balls. They unrolled as each grabbed one of Lapis's arms in both their big hands.

"I want her!" one Jasper yelled, tugging Lapis.

"No, I do!" The other one tugged, gritting his teeth in anger.

"My gem is bigger!"


"Let… go!…" Both were tugging harder, and Lapis thought her arms would snap free.

Two powerful magic blasts shot down and destroyed the Jaspers. Lapis fell on her knees, seeing nothing left of them but the orange gems. Lapis squinted when a bright golden light shone above them. Holding a hand by her eyes, she tried to see it as the ball of light lowered to the ground. A pair of bare feet walked toward her from the light. Lapis saw that they went up into a pink dress, which had blue diamonds around its waist. Mavis Vermillion smiled at Lapis, and her huge golden hair was more bright than ever.

"Mavis…" Lapis lowered her hand, but still had to squint through her friend's brightness. In her right hand, Mavis held a golden wand, skinnier than her Pony's Tail, but the top point was ovular with a blue gem and two fairy wings on either side. The light around her finally faded… Lapis gaped at the huge, pinkish-gold, glistening butterfly wings on Mavis's back.

"Hello, Lapis." she said spritely. "You haven't changed a bit after two million years!"

"Two…Two million years?!"

"Hehehe! Just kidding! It's only been two years since I became a fairy."

"F-Fairy?!" Lapis focused again on the wings. "MAVIS? What the heck HAPPENED?! Why are you a FAIRY?! H-How?!"

"Before I answer, cut him free." She pointed at Jorgen. "I want him to hear."

Lapis sighed, standing up and slicing water up at Jorgen's net to cut it to pieces. Afterwards, Mavis blasted Reducto spells at his chains, and the Fairy King dropped to the ground. He weakly pushed up on all fours, seeing small feet when he opened his eyes, then directing his vision up at Mavis. "Already bowing to me? How sweet of you, Jorgen!" Mavis grinned.

"You… Fairy Girls." Jorgen stood up. "Vhat have you done?!"

"It's Fairy Sisters. Though 'Fairy Girls' would make a great name for a book!" Mavis perked. "Celebi brought Aisling and I back in time to when Jirachi awakened. Celebi told us we could have a wish. She probably thought we would do something about the aliens or the Black Cloud in our time. But I decided to wish for something that could help me deal with all of them: I wished to be a fairy."

"Jirachi… made you a fairy?" Lapis asked. "Just like that?"

"That's correct. I guess the legends about his power are true. Just like that, he was able to make me a body of near-limitless magic. I was going to come right back and help you guys… but I thought that Jorgen was right. This power was so new to me, it was confusing. …So I told Celebi to take Aisling home while I stayed in the past to hone my powers. I got adjusted to my magic and my Death Chi. The result was so great that my Pony's Tail struggled to maintain it. Eventually, I had to give it up… Then, I collected fragments from several material, like Dream Water, Star Dust, Time Dust… and I bundled them all together to create my prized wand:" She raised the golden wand with the blue gem. "The Fairy's Tail."

"That gem… it looks like a Lunarian Moon's Tear." Lapis observed.

"I thought of you and Aisling while I was creating this, Lapis." Mavis grinned. "In fact… this wand won't be complete until it has a piece of each of you." Mavis held the wand's tip to Lapis. "Just a little… Please, Lapis?"

"…" Lapis smiled, molding water over her hands and using a Healing Touch on the wand. The Moon's Tear gem glowed and absorbed the water.

"Nnnn!" The other Jasper finally broke the ice off its face, looking furiously at Lapis. "NNNGH!" He curled in a ball and sped at them. Mavis whipped around and "DISABLO!" struck him with a spell that tore up his molecules, leaving only the gem that fell on the ground.

"This is unacceptable!" Jorgen thundered. "You are a HUMAN! Not a fairy! This is the very fatal flaw with Jirachi I was talking about. That power does not belong to you, and it is because of you that our kind was exposed. You do not-"

Mavis flew up to and stared in his face. "I might admit that it's my fault Viridi and all these aliens found you, but this is the kind of thing I was talking about. No matter how long you could've hidden, someone was bound to discover you one way or another. And sooner or later, evil people were bound to discover you, too. That's why it's your job to fight to defend yourself, and defend the millions of kids who believe you exist."

"My King Wand may have been taken from me, but I still have the strength to defend my home." Jorgen argued. "I will not accept help from some phony fairy, and I could care less of the fairytales that-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, don't care about anyone else, blah blah blah." Mavis mocked before floating higher over Jorgen. "Look, the fact is, the Forest Fairies are helping us, the Ocean Fairies are helping, so you, the King of Fairies, need to understand at some point. You may be the strongest fairy in the universe, but that doesn't mean you're the least reasonable. The stories read that Forest Fairies protect nature, Ocean Fairies come to crying children, and if those stories can be true, why can't Star Fairies grant wishes to good little children? Well, I bet millions of kids are wishing for these aliens to hit the road, and someone like the Fairy King who has the burly build to send them crying is making up dumb excuses."

"No matter what I say, you do not plan to listen to me, do you?" Jorgen asked, still glaring at the higher fairy.

"I'm right about things 98% of the time. And when I have a sure feeling about my decision, I don't go back on it easy. Especially against some guy who refuses to make sense. Jorgen von Strangle, help me save the world with your power. Do it at the risk of letting everyone in Galaxia know fairies exist. And when it's all done…" Mavis smirked, "I challenge you to another duel. If I win, I become your princess."

"And if you lose?"

"I take it you agree to it, then." She beamed.

"Ugh." Jorgen face-palmed. "Fine. For now, let's say I'll agree to your plan. Half of my fairy citizens were captured by the Irkens and taken to their ship. Vhy don't you rescue them, 'Princess'?"

"I'll be glad to. But then you'll owe me!"

"AAAH!" The girls screamed when a magic blast struck the large Irken crest.

"DON'T YOU kids know it's past curfew?!" Tallest Dirk yelled, wielding the King Wand. "You fairies are GROUNDED!" He blasted another spell that Mavis blocked with her own.

"Do you want me to help you get your wand back?" Mavis asked.

"No." Jorgen marched forward. "A fairy must take back his own wand. You must rescue the others."

"If you say so. Lapis, you can help the rest in this town."

"Got it." Lapis nodded. "Be careful when you're over there, Mavis."

"I can handle it. I thought I could deal with that Yellow lady, anyway." Mavis flew higher, and soared off to the Biggest. Lapis flew away and left Jorgen to deal with Dirk.

"You should've kept your twerpy babies to shield you." Dirk smirked. "It would've made this SLIGHTLY more challenging!" He threw a powerful spell at Jorgen, but the king blocked it with his fist. Jorgen walked closer, smirking.

"You may hold the most powerful wand in your hands, but the power is useless without the knowledge OR the will. I will not even have to take it back to defeat you."

"You're gonna wish you HAD!" The Tallest unleashed a constant beam of magic, and Jorgen pushed both hands against and withstood it. The Fairy King stood firm, no matter how much magic came. Eventually, the beam died away, and Jorgen was still standing. "AAAAHH!" Jorgen gave a battle cry and ran to swing a punch at Dirk, but the Tallest switched on jetpacks and flew back. Dirk unleashed a deafening Fear Scream, forcing Jorgen to shut his ears, and the Tallest was able to shoot him with magic and send Jorgen flying.

The Fairy King crashed into and toppled the Irken crest down. Dirk flew above and released a storm of Fear Spheres, but Jorgen got up and ducked out of the way. Jorgen punched magic from his own fists up, but Dirk swung the King Wand and knocked them away, then shot down to shoot a Scare Stare in Jorgen's eyes. He saw Jorgen in the girly pink dress again, serving tea to Binky. "Your fears are much too accessible to me! And with this wand, I will make them REALITY!" Tallest Dirk blasted a spell and swallowed Jorgen in a cloud.

When it cleared, Jorgen saw he was now wearing golden gladiator armor. "I can do with this!" he said perkily, before jumping and hitting Dirk with a mighty punch, sending the Tallest across several buildings. Jorgen flew after him with his own jetpacks, seeing the Tallest recover in some rubble.

"What?! That isn't what I was going to put on you!"

"Perhaps I simply have no reason to fear someone so puny." Jorgen remarked.

"PUNY?! Well, for your info, this puny Irken was the conqueror of 1,015 planets, including the warriors of Amazonia! I, Tallest Dirk, am the most terrifying of all Tallest! The Destroyer of Peace, and Conqueror of Galaxies! You can never hope to defeat me!"

"I heard you the first time. You must also be the King of Repetition. Tell me if THIS is familiar!" Jorgen flew down to throw a punch, but Dirk shot a spell that forced him to block, then Dirk jumped away so Jorgen could crash into the rubble. The king recovered and charged at the Tallest, knocking away his blasts, then Dirk flew overhead with his jetpacks and threw three Fear Spheres. They hit Jorgen's face, giving him the vision of butterfly nets, then Dirk blasted him with another spell that pushed Jorgen through more houses. Jorgen sat up and growled at the Tallest.

The Fairy King lunged forward and grabbed the huge wand that belonged to him. He and Tallest Dirk played tug-o-war with the King Wand. The wand's star was making its loud, ominous whir, for both forces were trying to channel its energy. "The King Wand… belongs to EMPEROR DIRK!" the Tallest roared, glaring hard in Jorgen's eyes.

"Nnnnnnnnn!" Jorgen withstood the pictures of his girly form, the butterfly nets, and his shriveled muscles. "NO… it belongs… to JORGEN VON STRANGLE!!"

The entire midspace city shone with the King Wand's blinding light. The entire Fairy World was swallowed by their powerful glow. When it was gone, both kings were on the ground and panting. Many Irkens and Amethysts came over to observe the conflict. When Jorgen recovered, he was the one holding the King Wand. "AHA! YES! I KNEW it was me! Vas there ever any doubt?? Mwah mwah mwah!" He kissed his wand.

"Pah! That stick was useless, anyway!" Dirk retorted. "I never needed it before! And if you still doubt my power, understand why ALL planets I land on succumb to me, when I unleash," he pushed a button on his suit, which transformed as the Tallest grew taller than Jorgen's height, "NIGHTMARE PLANET!!"

His Fear Scream was so powerful, it went beyond Fairy World. Even the Irkens' chi-muffs were hard to keep on. Almost everyone in his radius was living their worst nightmare. "MY SUIT INCREASES THE RANGE AND POWER OF MY FEAR CHI!" his voice thundered as Jorgen struggled to withstand it. "I REACH INTO THE DEEPEST CREVICE OF YOUR MIND AND TAKE YOUR MOST HIDDEN FEAR!" When Jorgen squinted his eyes open, he saw Mavis Vermillion's golden glow floating before him, looking strict. "THERE IS NO WAY TO ESCAPE MY REIGN!" The more Mavis seemed to peer into his soul, the more her words were burned into his mind. "I AM TALLEST DIRK! THE EMPEROR OF CATACLYSM!" Jorgen clutched his wand tight. "DESTROYER OF GALAXIES! SUPREME DICTATOR OF-"

A sudden, blinding flash of lightning struck Dirk's mechanical suit. The thundering Tallest silenced: his body had been sliced in a perfect diagonal half. His mouth hanging agape, his head slid and fell along with the other pieces of his ruined suit. They collapsed in a pile on the ground. The nearby Irkens were exchanging looks of utter shock, as was Lapis. Binky flew up to the king. "Jorgen! Did you just kill that guy?"

"Don't you know anything, Binky? Fairies cannot kill anyone. His cheap armor was simply no match for my power."

"Ohhhh…" Some of the armor pieces were pushed away. A puny Irken with dark-red eyes, stubby limbs, and no clothing climbed out. "Huh?" The squeaky-voiced Tallest Dirk looked around at all his gaping soldiers.

The entire Irken Empire burst into unending laughter. They grabbed their chests and fell on their backs, kicking legs in the air. The Amethysts were punching each other, it was so funny. Lapis was crying from laughter. "NO! Don't laugh! This isn't over, you know! I, Tallest Dirk, am the most FEARED of all Irkens!"

The shrimpy conqueror waddled his way across the ruined buildings. A tiny ship came down and opened for him. He turned around and declared, "IIII AAAAAM the Destroyer of GALAXIES!" He climbed in the pod and flew away from Fairy World and its unending laughter.

Lapis walked over the broken armor and picked up a small microphone from where he climbed out. "This is Lapis. Do you read me?" she spoke into it; her voice was deep and commanding as Dirk's a moment ago. "Wow. A body suit AND voice-modifier. This guy had serious size issues."

"Poor Irkens. Some must wait so long to have puberty." Jorgen said.

"Now we just need to wait for Mavis to rescue the other fairies. I think I'll go and help her…"

"I'll go with you, too." Cerulea told her with a smile. "We'll make sure your friend is okay."

"The more, the merrier." Lapis nodded. She turned up to Jorgen and said, "You can help Mavis, too. She would really appreciate it." Lapis sprouted her fairy wings and soared off.

The Biggest

Yellow Diamond stood on the roof of the flagship, watching the conflict on Fairy World from afar. "Seems they're having more trouble than they bargained for. I had a feeling they would…" She looked down at Avalar. "Those 'Inferi', however… They really do have potential. And that woman in purple… can she really give me what I want? How does she seem to know me…"

"You." Diamond gasped and looked up when a gold light appeared above her. Mavis Vermillion bore a grim look in her eyes. "What's your name?"

"…" The Gem Empress smirked. "Only my closest friends are allowed to know my true name. Everyone else addresses me as Yellow Diamond."

"Yellow Diamond… you and your accomplices have caused enough destruction on our planet. I, Mavis Vermillion, Princess of Fairies, am ordering you to leave."

"Princess?… I should be humbled to stand before royalty. Yet, you are clearly a lesser lifeform. Your people are nothing more than sustenance with their energy. And as soon as we're through with your land, you'll see why." (Play "Graceful Assassin" from Kingdom Hearts: RE: Chain of Memories!)

Mavis's anger grew as black mist appeared around her form. She pointed the Fairy's Tail at Diamond. "Don't underestimate my power. I already plan to take care of the Black Cloud before this day is over, so you can avoid the same fate by leaving."

"I don't think so." Diamond pushed the cyan button on her waist. Inside the ship, a Cyan Wisp was shocked in its capsule, transferring the energy to the diamond. Another diamond appeared beside Yellow and shot her diamond-turned body with the Cyan Laser. "LASER!" Flashing with the power, she shot at Mavis in the form of a lightspeed laser. They went miles and miles away, and when Diamond suddenly stopped, Mavis flew further from the impact. The Fairy Princess held her aching stomach, growling at Diamond.

"What business do you have with these Irkens, anyway?" Mavis questioned. "Do you follow the same ideals of adult tyranny as they do?"

"Hn, hyou know, when they first told me about that, I thought it was ridiculous." Diamond snickered. "But after a while, I kind of began to relate to them. They want a universe with order, an order that's constantly being tarnished by you younglings. My universe was in complete and utter chaos. The goal of my empire was to stop this chaos and create perfection. But now I'm trapped in THIS universe, and the most I can do is bring the same kind of order."

"Did you ever stop to think maybe we like our kind of order?"

"Only because you don't know any better. But I'll show you the true might of the Diamond Authority." She pushed a pink button, "SPIKE!" A diamond warped the energy to her, she flashed pink, and spun in a spikeball. She shot at Mavis, but the fairy dodged right.

"CONFRINGO!" Mavis shot a Blasting Curse at her, but Diamond became diamond and withstood the attack. "EXPELLIARMUS!" She fired a constant beam of the Disarming Charm, but the red light was captured by a white diamond that appeared and transferred to Yellow's body. Mavis stopped, and the diamond body continued to flash scarlet with the stored energy. With a sudden charge, Diamond exploded the energy back, blowing Mavis away as her wand flew out of her hand.

"My wand!" Mavis yelled as the item floated in weightless space. She flew to retrieve it, but Yellow Diamond flew at her with Orange Rocket and shoved Mavis away.

"You have to rely on a mere stick for power, but my diamond contains all the energy I need. You would be able to destroy my body, given a lucky shot, but no one can cut my diamond. Meanwhile, single-form lifeforms such as yourself need every single limb to survive. That's why it's a pity that this is so easy." She pulled the sword out of her chest and stabbed it through Mavis's chest.

"OOOOOOWWW!" The Fairy Princess cried.

"You endure terrible pain, only to end up dying completely. But the Diamonds are immortal!" She pulled the sword out and kicked Mavis away. The princess floated still, before the wound in her chest healed. Mavis smirked at the empress. "What?!"

"Fairies 101: We are notoriously fast healers." Mavis flew to grab her Fairy's Tail, and when Diamond lunged at her for a strike, "Protego!" Mavis created a golden shield that blocked her strike. The Gem kept striking the sword against the shield, but was unable to pierce it. She growled at Mavis in anger. "Reducto." Mavis forced the shield to explode, blowing Diamond back several feet. Mavis began to fly back to the Biggest, but Diamond pushed a light-blue button and "SPEED!" flew at the princess with whipping speed, punching her away.

Mavis regained herself and tried to counter, but Diamond flew from every direction and sliced Mavis all around. A golden blood leaked out of Mavis's cuts. She waved her wand and healed herself faster. Diamond snickered, activating the Yellow Drill and spinning toward Mavis with a shiny spiked tip. Mavis easily protected herself with another Protego and pushed the Diamond back. Yellow Diamond activated both Drill and Rocket, so she could force herself against Mavis's shield with more power. She successfully broke the shield and drilled through Mavis's chest, horrendously scattering her body and blood.

"HA HA ha ha!" Diamond laughed. "How fast do you plan to heal that, Princess? You might be immortal, but soon, the pain will become too unbearable for you. You might as well just-"

"AAAUGH!" A sudden gush of water struck the Diamond and sent her away. Lapis Lazuli flew to Mavis and studied her dismembered friend with panic. "Mavis, please hang on! We'll get you fixed!"

After Diamond recovered, she gasped at the blue alien with the gem on her back. "That gem… Lapis?!"

Lapis gasped, turning to Diamond. "Y-You… know my name?" She noticed the diamond on her chest. She has one… like me…

"Lapis, please focus!" Cerulea pleaded.

Lapis flinched, shaking back to reality. "Ugh, it doesn't matter! Cerulea, I'm not sure I can heal her like this."

"Then I'll help. I'll grant you my own healing magic to mix with your own." The Fairy Queen touched Lapis's gem, which glowed along with her hands. Yellow Diamond stared amazed when Lapis's body seemed to grow brighter. The Lunarian molded water over her hands and focused a brighter Healing Touch on Mavis's scattered body. Her limbs and blood retracted back together, restoring the fairy.

"Thanks, Lapis." Mavis smiled. "Leave the rest to me." She instantly poofed, appearing behind Diamond. The empress was about to attack, but on Mavis's command, clones of herself appeared to surround Diamond. Lapis instantly thought it was her friend's Illusion Magic, but when all the Mavis' waved their wands, which lit gold, they fired a simultaneous spell at Diamond, and they all seemed to resonate with physical essence. Unfortunately, Yellow Diamond had become her self-named material and was absorbing the energy. The Mavis' stopped, and Diamond flashed with the energy before exploding it back. All the Mavis clones poofed and vanished.

"Mavis, were those clones real?" Lapis asked.

"Yep! Being a fairy gives you a stronger connection with light from cosmic bodies. I can solidify my photons better than ever. So ya better watch out for this!" Mavis threw her wand up and conjured a gigantic Light Axe. She swung it down, but Yellow conjured two white diamonds to protect herself.

"It doesn't matter HOW strong your light is, because I will always absorb it!" Yellow made several white diamonds appear around Mavis, then she pushed the cyan button. "LASER!" She bounced all around the diamonds as a laser, rapidly striking Mavis from all corners at lightspeed. When Mavis was flown away, the diamonds changed position around her so Yellow could keep attacking. "PROTEGO!!" Mavis cried, whipping a shield into existence that bounced Diamond's laser directly up.

The woman returned to normal and glared at the golden shield. Mavis remained inside the bubble as she flew up and started ramming Diamond from all sides. Yellow had two white diamonds protect her, and she drew her sword to stab it against Mavis's shield, using all three forces to push it while Mavis countered with equal strength. Finally, the bubble flew back and disabled. Mavis cast a Disarming Charm at Diamond's sword, but a white diamond caught the spell and shot it back at Mavis, knocking the wand from her hand.

"You know, what would happen if I pressed them all?" Diamond smirked at her button waist belt. Without hesitating, she slammed all the buttons, and diamonds appeared to direct all the Color Powers at her. Diamond's body brimmed with flashing, blinding neon colors, and she used every one against Mavis. She moved with Light-blue Speed, burned Mavis with Red Flames, bounced her aimlessly with Cyan Lasers, stabbing her with Pink Spikes, which also spun like Yellow Drills, Mavis took the full punch of these combined Color Powers.

After minutes of this, Diamond returned to normal. Mavis was horribly bruised and beaten, floating senselessly in space. "Too perfect! Good luck surviving it again!" Diamond slammed all the buttons. …She slammed them again. "Huh? Why isn't it working?" She kept slamming them.

"Hm hm hm…" Mavis chuckled, waking up and smirking at her. "When I projected those clones, I sent one of them inside your ship. I reckon it's about done by now."

Gasping, Yellow Diamond turned to see a swarm of fairies and Wisps fly out of the Biggest. A Mavis clone flew out, shining with golden light before disappearing. Feeling another light, Diamond turned back to the real Mavis, who was shining with incredible power from her wand.

"It's amazing how well Death Chi and Light Chi work together. I know now that both powers are derived from my eternal ocean of love. My love for fairies, my friends, and all things!" She smiled vigorously. "And my wand, which is composed of the greatest powers! The sun that burns the earth is my rage… The rain that pours from the sky is my sadness… The wind that whisks across the land is my soul…" Mavis waved her wand around as she spoke, empowering it with more energy. "By combining the powers of Light and Death, I am the angel of justice who sends dark hearts to their demise. Behold… FAIRY GLITTER!"

She unleashed a blinding, neon beam of immeasurable power at Yellow Diamond. The Diamond absorbed this energy with her diamond body, but even Lapis began to wonder if such an invincible body could handle it all. But alas, Mavis came to a stop, and Diamond's body still brimmed with power. With an incredible surge, Yellow Diamond exploded. Mavis and Lapis flew farther and farther away. The Biggest was destroyed completely, and Jorgen used every ounce of power to shield Fairy World from the explosion, by projecting a Star Shield.

The light, which shone like a sun across Galaxia, disappeared. Mavis and Lapis flew back to the battleground. Yellow Diamond was still in one piece, and Jorgen was exhausted. "I am through wasting time with you." Diamond declared. "Your simple 'love'… is nothing to that which I share with White Diamond! I will show you… what true perfection is." The diamond on her chest glowed with yellow and white.

Yellow Diamond's body became a silhouette as she seemed to grow. She became twice her original size before her colors reappeared: she had formed a big and elegant dress of white and yellow diamond, shining with so many complex textures, it was blinding. An arch of same-colored diamond crystals stood around and over her head. She grew long, solid bangs on the side of her head: her hair was yellow, her skin was white, and her eyes remained her sharp yellow. A white diamond shone on her forehead, as did the yellow diamond on her chest.

"The Gem Empire… is the true dominant power in our universe." The Diamond raised her electric sword. "And the Diamonds… are the only ones worthy enough to rule it all." She slowly pierced the sword through the white forehead diamond. Like before, white diamonds started appearing around the space, shining as they seemed to absorb the photons from the sun and stars. "No matter where you come from, you will never be able to cut us apart. That's why… you'll never be… perfect…" The diamonds sparked with lightning as they swiftly struck at Mavis, who hastily avoided with her fairy speed. When four diamonds struck her together, Mavis was shielded inside her bubble.

The golden bubble floated over to the fairies before Mavis popped the bubble. "Actually, I didn't leave out the possibility of you surviving Fairy Glitter." Mavis smiled insightfully. "That's why the spell isn't complete, yet. I plan to finish you off completely… with all YOUR help." She turned to the fairies, who perked in surprise. "Lend me all of your magic. Let's mix all of our hearts into one."

"You have greater nerve than I to ask that." Jorgen stated, still slouching from his earlier spell. "You could not beat me before, and you could not beat her just now. How do you expect me to trust you?"

"You know that my Fairy Glitter was just able to break your shield, so you know I'm more than I seem. I have my own laws too, Jorgen. But I'll only be able to establish them if I have some of your power."

"You want to STEAL our power!"

"If I wanted to 'steal' it, I could use Parasitus. However, the Attractio spell simply draws in the energies that are freely flowing in the atmosphere. In fact, during this entire battle…" Mavis looked up at the stars and smiled, "I've been hearing the wishes of thousands of people who want the invasion to stop. I will be the fairy to grant their wish. But first, I wish for you all to lend me the power to do so." She held her wand to them. "Will you?"

The fairies were all silent for a moment. Jorgen heard a ding! and saw that Binky had alit his wand, smiling. More dings, and one after another, fairies were raising their glowing wands. "Ugh." Jorgen face-palmed. "I will be punching a lot of people later." Jorgen raised his King Wand as it whirred with power. They released their magic energy as Mavis absorbed it with her wand. The Ocean Fairies lent their power, too.

"Having to rely on others to help you fight… Hmph." Diamond smirked. "Just like our Fusions. You can never fully rely on the other to cooperate with you. That's why I tricked White into Fusing to merge her entire essence with me, using her own power. With both of our powers, I can easily fight for myself. But what have you got?"

"Hm hm hm." Mavis laughed haughtily, turning back at Diamond with narrowed eyes and a smile. "A lot more than you do." (End song.)

I am Mavis Vermillion

Princess of Fairies

After she finished absorbing the power, Mavis pointed her shining wand at Diamond with a poised aura.

And I'm NEVER going down at the hands of the likes of you

'Cause I have something better!

And I can just feel you saying, "I hate 'er."

Mavis swiftly dodged the appearing diamonds that struck lightning, poofing all around and blasting spells at Diamond that combined Light and Death Chi. Diamond's dress bounced all the spells back, otherwise the white diamonds ambushed Mavis and did the same, but she poofed and created a squadron of clones. They all flew at Diamond and shot golden spells.

Go ahead and keep trying to hit me

If you can win, you're gonna have to prove it

But I'm afraid I'm too smart for you to get me

And I know you're about to lose it.

Diamond successfully shot lasers from her diamonds and destroyed each clone, but the real Mavis poofed directly in front and BASHED the side of her head with her lit wand. Her expression agape, Diamond was flown over Fairy World before recovering and defending herself when Mavis came.

You might be hard as rock and stone

I might be just flesh and bone!

But I have something in my heart

That makes me twice the beast thou art!

I'm made o-o-O-o-oooof


She dodged Diamond's sword slash, released a huge golden whip from her wand, and caught Diamond before swinging her around and slamming her to Fairy World's ground. Four Amethysts leapt up to attack the fairy, but Mavis exploded them all, leaving only gems.


"And I'm stronger than you!" She winked at Diamond happily.

While repeating the "o-o-of" verse, Mavis swiftly avoided Diamond when she flew at and tried to stab her, and when Mavis zapped her with Reducto curses, the Diamond remained solid and bounced them back with her dress. Mavis FLASHED Lumos Solem, but Diamond flew through and punched Mavis toward the ground. She tried to stab the fairy, but Mavis blocked the sword with Protego, and flew up into the sky in her golden bubble. Diamond growled and flew after her. Mavis shone like a glittering star above Fairy World.

This is who we are…

This is who I am!…

If you still think you can beat me

You need to rethink your plan…

Diamond conjured more gems around Mavis and attempted to strike lightning, but Mavis attracted the power with Attractio. Lapis and Cerulea allowed her their Water Chi, and she also absorbed the sun's heat.

Because I have a feeling…

This is 'bout to end

I will protect my planet

And I will protect my friends!

Mavis created illusions of Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno from the collected chi. Articuno and Moltres blasted fire and ice under Mavis's command to encase Diamond inside a rock. Zapdos blasted a sudden bolt that pushed Diamond to Fairy World's ground. She broke free of the rock and slashed electric to destroy the fake birds, then dodged when Mavis struck a spell down.

I still don't think that you can hit me

This kind of effort does not fit me.

You're stalwart, proud, and true

But I am far much more than you

Diamond shot at Mavis with a mighty swing of her sword, but the princess blocked it with the Fairy's Tail at equal strength.

All of my friends are in this together

We go well like birds of a feather

I am their anger, I am their sadness

I am their heart and sooouul!

Mavis poofed away and attracted more energy from the fairies. Combined with her lightbending and deathbending, a great power, similar to before, brimmed in her wand.



"FAIRY LAW!" Mavis's wand shone like the sun, blinding Diamond and everyone. Her magic spread to all corners of Fairy World.


"I'm stronger than you!" Mavis's eyes sparkled.

All of the remaining Irkens shriveled under the power. The Amethysts cried in agony, their gems cracking as they poofed to nothing. The three Jasper Gems still laying on the ground cracked.


"It's stronger than you!"

Yellow Diamond absorbed every ounce of this power directed at her. Her body flashed brighter and faster. She expected a few beams to redirect and hit Mavis. But such didn't appear to be happening. Mavis's spell lasted for minutes without end. Then… the light faded.

. . . . . . . CRACK!

Yellow Diamond gaped. A crack was cut down the front of her chest diamond. She couldn't find the words… the pain and the shock made her choke. Im…possible… A crack that was equal in shape appeared on her elegant form. No-thing in the un-i-verse. . . Her beautiful dress faded away, can cut. . . a Diamond. . .

Her holographic body burst into pieces, which all faded away. The cracked yellow diamond fell and bounced on Fairy World's surface. It rolled and came to a stop. Mavis planted her feet on the ground beside it before picking it up. Lapis flew down to observe the diamond with her.

"That… lady… said my name…"

"…" Mavis looked up at her. "Did you want to ask her?"

"…No." Lapis smiled passively, closing her eyes. "It doesn't matter to me, now."

Jorgen and the fairies approached them. "Sooo… what the hell was that?" Jorgen asked.

"I created Fairy Law from the magic and will of the fairies." Mavis explained with a smile. "Combined with my own, I defeated all of the people who my heart considers as enemies. Yellow Diamond was already weakened when she tried to absorb Fairy Glitter. True, her body could absorb the energy, but not the true heart and soul that creates the spell. In the end, Law was too much for her…"

"Because she didn't have a place in your heart." Lapis figured.

"Nnnnope!" She turned up to Jorgen and said more seriously, "But the battle isn't over, yet. We have to stop the Black Cloud."

"His name is Zeref." Lapis said suddenly. "That's what they called him when I was spying, I think."

"Right, Zeref. Will you help us, Jorgen?"

Jorgen released a long, exasperated sigh. "Well… by now, the whole of Galaxia is sure to come see what we're doing. So I guess it doesn't matter."

"Then let's get back to Tenrou. Aisling and the rest of the world needs us." Mavis raised her wand and poofed herself and Lapis, and the other fairies were soon to follow.

Tenrou Valley

"Nnnn…" Zeira woke up with a headache, finding herself laying on the scorched grass ground outside Red Lizard Orphanage.

"Biii…" The Firstborn Celebi floated above her with a worried expression.

"What the… What's going on?" Zeira asked hoarsely.

"WATCH OOOOUUUT!" A chubby man with green irises charged over, waving lightning around from his hands. "I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm being controlled! ! Don't make me hurt this girl!"

Celebi furrowed her eyes and shone green, making a tree grow up around and seal the Inferius. The sky was dark with clouds, even though it was afternoon, and Tenrou's beautiful landscape was nearly rotted by the rampaging Inferi. Some of history's most evil villains and most noble heroes, powerful benders and wizards alike, were called back from the dead and under the control of Zeref.

"MWAH HA HA ha ha haaaaa!" A muscular Irken laughed from atop the Tenrou Tree. He wore black and white armor. "DENIZENS OF AVALAR! I, Emperor Irk, the first Tallest, will see to it that your children NEVER have playtime again! As a commander of the Inferi, you will all eat your vegetables and DO your homework! MWAH ha ha…" Irk frowned. "Is that really the goal I set for my empire? It sounded menacing at the time, but… wow. We are really lame. Heck, they probably stopped that whole thing by now! Did they?"

"I would hope so." Blumeré Winkiebottom said, standing by his wife, Nosteré. "I bet our children could have come up with more evil plans."

"Well, why don't you go find your children and ask them!" Irk yelled. "I'm sure they're dead by now, too. What are you like, two million?"

Medusa was taking a casual stroll through Tenrou Town. She relished in the endless destruction. There was a zombie of a Cragmite woman looking for her son, Gleborp, whom she claimed was named Tachyon in the future. The Wisps that were killed by Malladus were here. There were Inferi of denizens from a universe called "Out of Mind."

In the sky, Medusa smiled at the sight of Avatar Turner and Negatar Renrut in their Avatar States, working together to cause incredible destruction. "None of this would have happened if you listened to me from the start!" Turner yelled at his opposite.

"Are you kidding?! This turned out BETTER than I could have imagined! Man, if I were in my own free will right now, I could have eternity to find those Firstborn! But I guess I'll leave it up to my reincarnations."

"Not if MY reincarnations stop you first!"

"Someone call?" All of the Avatar and Negatar incarnations flew up to join them.

"Well, if THIS isn't the get-together of the millennium!" Negatar Naw joked.

Thankfully, Avalar's wizards were trying to fight the zombies as well, but against these powerful undead, the task was not easy. In fact, a group of wizards were dealing with a powerful fearbender who could create Nightmares. …The fearbender, who was a good guy that wanted this to end, was trying to help them. …They did not make it easy.

"Okay, you see that monster over there?" the fearbender Inferius asked, pointing at a giant lizard demon that was sprouting blue dust from foghorns on its back, attacking a village area. "I created him, his name is Selicor (don't ask), and that dust he's shooting makes you scratch kittens (again, don't ask). Now in order to beat him, you must shoot fire-"

"INCENDIO!" One of the wizards blasted a fire spell, but the Nightmare demon ate it, and the blue dust caught fire and caused more destruction.

"No, you have to let me finish!" the Inferius insisted. "Because, he's able to eat forces and pop them out of his holes, it's a fail-safe mechanism. Okay, let me start again, you have to clog his holes first-"

"GLUBULA!" Another wizard shot a spell that released huge globs of glue, plugging the Nightmare's foghorns. …The lizard lashed his tongue up to lick the glue off.

"Ugh." The Inferius face-palmed. "But you can't do THAT unless you prevent him from licking it off!"

"Well, why don't YOU stop the damn thing if it's your monster?!"

"I want to stop it, but I'm being controlled right now, so the best I can do is get YOU GUYS to stop it!"

"I know!" a young wizard perked up. "We trick him to shooting his tongue, then we pin it down with a Nails Spell, and then we-"

"No no no, he can just pull them off with his claws!" the Inferius informed.

"Lezlor's already doing it." A wizard indicated one of their own running up to the monster to attempt the Nails Spell. …It failed.

"Ho boy." The Inferius face-palmed.

"MEDUSA!" The goddess gasped: she turned to see Viridi behind her.

"Why, Lady Viridi! How nice of you to join me this evening."

"This is overstepping your boundaries, Medusa! Reviving the dead, attacking a semi-innocent mortal planet, do you know how many laws this breaks??"

"You're one to talk, Viridi. Weren't you planning to destroy all humans with your soon-to-be-developed Reset Bombs?"

"Er-… That's different, I'm trying to SAVE the universe! Besides, I still keep it more natural than these freaky zombies!"

"That's true. I guess mixing Fear Toxin with plants is pretty natural."

"Uuuuugh! Look, either you stop right now, or I'M gonna finish you!"

Medusa shed her mortal flesh and grew into the towering, snake-haired deity form. "Finish me, then!" Accepting her challenge, Viridi increased in size as both goddesses clashed their staffs. Forces of Nature were swarming in to attack the Inferi.

"Hmm?" Minutes after their battle started, Medusa saw a gold light and blue light flying down to the surface near the forest. "Hmm… I guess those are supposed to be the 'heroes.' Sigh, I guess I can't feel too upset… after all, it's not like Zeref's attached to me."

Zeira was still on her knees when the two lights landed close to her. It was Lapis Lazuli and Mavis Vermillion, with majestic glowing wings on their backs. "Hi, Zeira!" Mavis said happily.

"Mavis… Lapis? Where have you been… w-what're those wings on your back?"

"We're fairies now!" Mavis beamed, raising her wand. "We told you they were real, didn't we, Zeira?"

"Well, Mavis is a fairy, I just have the wings." Lapis corrected.

Jorgen von Strangle poofed behind them. "THIS is your hometown? Yeesh, what a dump. No wonder you wanted to be fairies."

"YAAAH!" Zeira screamed at the giant man.

"Jorgen, help Celebi and the other fairies fight the zombies." Lapis instructed. "We'll stop Zeref."

"Now YOU are commanding me, TOO?!"

Cerulea appeared and glared in his face. "I might make her MY princess."

"Ugh. Ve are doomed." Jorgen poofed.

"They're in that swamp in the distance." Lapis pointed. "If we can stop Zeref, we can get rid of these zombies for good."

"You're right, Lapis. And if all else fails, I have another spell that can beat him."

"Y-You do?" Lapis stuttered. She couldn't imagine what else Mavis could do after those last two spells.

"Yep!" Mavis beamed. "In fact, Zeira…" She turned around to the firebender, who was taken aback slightly. "You can help us, too."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because Avalar is your home, too. It's your job as much as anyone else's to protect it. And I know for a fact that you aren't as sour as you act." She winked.

"Are you kidding? What can I do against these monsters?" Zeira questioned. "What can you do?"

"She's got a point with that first part." Lapis noted. "She doesn't even have magic. You and Aisling are the only ones with a shot at beating him."

"You wouldn't believe it, guys, but there are other forms of magic besides just casting spells." Mavis said.

"Well, I probably don't have it, so I'm not going." Zeira stated. "I've been feeling weird since I read that book. My head hurts, my memory's foggy, and… I just don't want to."

"Mavis, let's just go. Celebi can protect her." Lapis insisted.

"All right. But Zeira…" She looked at the rich girl again. "You've always been a Fairy Sister, too. …Just an inactive one." With that, Mavis and Lapis glided to the swamp, leaving a glittering trail in their wake.

Black Swamp

Nearly all of the trees in this area were dead and torn down during the battle. Aisling Kells was panting on the ground, glaring viciously at the Black Wizard. Five Inferi were guarding Zeref, and the mist flowing from his cauldron made it hard to breathe. "The power you possess is Life Chi… Is that what you told me?" Zeref asked tonelessly. "Hm… Did you really hope to beat me with such a power? I have lived for more than 400 years… and for every day of my life, I have longed to die. Every day, I swim in agony, bringing death to everything around me… That's why, attacking me with a power that brings life… It makes me infuriated that you would mock me like that."

Zeref's left arms was grabbed by vines from the ground behind, under Aisling's power. Aisling channeled her energy to make the vines a lush green in this bleak dead land. "AISLING!" Two bright lights came through the darkness, which were Mavis and Lapis's beautiful wings. After seeing their grounded friend still alive, they fixed glares on Zeref.

The teenage mage gave a lifeless stare. "You don't know who I am… do you?" he asked Mavis.

Said girl aimed her wand at him. "You're Zeref the Black Cloud. You're terrorizing our world with your army of zombies. That's all I need to know about you."

Zeref's look turned gloomier. "So you are different…"

"What was it you told me?" Aisling asked him. "You treasure life to the point that you seek to reverse death. That's why you earned your curse. But have you ever considered that the beauty in life is that it doesn't last? Living and dying is a part of nature. True, it is a balance that is often disrupted through murder… and if you insist on reviving those from death, they should cherish the fact they've been given a second chance. But this is still unnatural, especially to control them…"

"Hmm…" Zeref made a soft smile. "In truth… no one else will share your views on life or death. Humans value the life of their self and no others… it is a cruel world where man only seeks to be supreme. Killing, whether accidental or on purpose, especially in my case… disgusts me. And yet… the world can become so much more beautiful without so much darkness. If I will never be able to die… my Inferi will be the key to my ideal world. I will destroy all those who can become evil… and my Inferi, under my control, will live an eternal existence in peace. You could know this solace, too… Mavis. You… and your parents." He directed to his left.

"Mom… Dad…" Mavis recognized the Inferi.

"Mavis…" Lora spoke.

"…I…I want to know… if you forgive me…"

Lapis looked at Mavis with concern. She was still ashamed by her accident… she may lose the strength to fight Zeref…

Mavis waved her wand and destroyed her parents with a Blasting Spell. "But I'm not worried about it at the moment." she said more surely.

"Hm hm hm…" Zeref chuckled. "You're a different Mavis… yet, you feel so similar. This world is humorous if nothing else. If I had time, I would certainly explore it for others I'm familiar with. I was quite surprised… when I created THIS Inferius!" Zeref stomped the ground, and a wooden coffin emerged. It opened, and the girls stared confused at the sleeping corpse with long, messy hair. "…Acnologia."

Lapis gasped in horror. "Destroy them!"

Acnologia opened his green eyes, which turned pale white. "RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Before their very eyes, the powerful bender morphed into a massive black dragon with light-blue stripes.

"He's an Animagus?!" Mavis exclaimed. The dragon charged a powerful blue energy within his lungs. The girls dodged when the dragon fired, destroying every ounce of land in the breath's wake. Mavis blasted spells at the dragon, but they were useless against his Logia defense.

"Guys, I'll distract him!" Lapis yelled. "I just have a feeling… HEY FATJAWS, OVER HERE!" She clapped her hands and danced, turning to show her glowing gem to Logia. "I'm a Lunarian! You still wanna attack my planet?!"

Logia's eyes widened at the blue alien. "Lu-NA-ri-a… brrrrrrIIIIIIIING MEEEEEEE!"

Lapis flapped into the sky as Acnologia pursued. Lapis heard him charging another breath, and barely dodged to the left to avoid the godlike beam. She flew above the clouds and out of the atmosphere, but the undead dragon was still pursuing. She hoped those two would beat Zeref fast…

"During my stay in this world," Zeref told them, "I've grown adjusted to your form of magic." He was holding his book open. "It is not the same as my old world… but the substitutes are unique. Let's try… Avada Kedavra Protego." A bubble of bright green Death Magic surrounded his body.

Aisling revived the dead trees in the area and attacked the Inferi while Mavis encased herself in a golden shield, ramming it forcefully against Zeref's. Normally, a Protego Charm wouldn't be able to block a Killing Curse, but Mavis's powerful Death Chi-imbued magic allowed her to withstand it. "Nnnn!" But since the Death Chi wasn't directly applied, Zeref's shield caused it to decay, so Mavis flew back. Zeref channeled a huge amount of Death Magic to a single point, and released a deadly black beam that Mavis countered with a burst of Fairy Glitter.

Zeref felt a force around his legs and realized that a tree was about to encase him, conjured by Aisling. Zeref chuckled, keeping his Death Beam strong as he forced the tree to decay. Mavis decided to cancel the Glitter, dodging the Death Beam. Aisling morphed into a wolf and tackled the mage to the ground, furiously gnawing at his neck, but Zeref felt no pain and punched Aisling off. She morphed to normal, landed and slid on her feet, then turned into a gorilla. She grabbed Zeref by the legs and forcefully ripped them apart, severing the wizard in two and throwing him on the ground. The black mist brought his limbs back together.

Tenrou Town

Medusa blasted dark beams that Viridi countered with beams of Plant Chi. Medusa surprised her by stretching her snake hair to wrap around Viridi's arms. The Goddess of Darkness gnashed forward and bit Viridi's shoulder. "I can feel the darkness in your heart… I can taste it. Your anger for the humans… Pretty soon, you'll turn up no different than I am. No matter how you choose to phrase it."

"Ehhh!" Viridi was released, gripping her shoulder in pain. From this squatting position, she looked up at the green light coming from the Tenrou Tree. "I may make rash decisions and be BOTTLED with anger… but I will NEVER be looked at in the same light as you!" Viridi grabbed the Tenrou Jade from the tree and ate it. She lit with powerful Plant Chi, and her skin became wood: she was Mother Nature. By her goddess power, massive trees grew, all stretching their roots to bind Medusa. "You, however… I will see that your fate is the same as Malladus!"

Lapis evasively dodged Acnologia's beams, trying to throw Water Slices at the dragon, but had no effect on his intangible body. Lapis was exhausted from all this fleeing, but Acnologia was charging another breath. A blue-and-red laser of incredible size came from her left and pushed the dragon miles away. Lapis saw the opened Lunar Sanctum coming, exposing its eye core. "Return to your friends, Lapis! I will keep this ruffian at bay."

"Dad…" Lapis took the offer and soared back to the planet.

Acnologia roared with anger and flew to the familiar station. "ACNOLOGIA! I have what you want! It's here, in my sanctum! Do you think you can take it?"


Lapis saw the swamp in the distance and flew ceaselessly, determined to help her friends end this battle. "AAAAH!" A demon that looked like a pterodactyl-bat rammed and grabbed her in its claws.

"Keee! KEEEEE!" Tanatos screeched.

"I don't know what animal you're trying to sound like!" Lapis yelled.

"Where ya goin', Cutie-suckle? To help your friends? Why don't you stay here and PLAY?" He became his normal genie self and wrapped arms around Lapis.

"Let me go!" She struggled. "Please!"

"You know, Death Chi has the same effect on inanimate objects. It just needs more focus. So I would be happy to do the honors on you… WHOA!" He was knocked away by a bright blue blast.

"Are you okay, Lapis?" Cerulea asked.

"Yeah, thanks. Do you need my help?"

"Yes, let's defeat him together. Let me give you more of my power." The Ocean Fairy touched Lapis's gem with her magic.

"NUUUOOOOHH!" Tanatos rose from below, in a hideous form with more arms, skulls with purple fire, and a black mist. "It's time for you to DIE, little cupcakes!" He tried to smash them in his hands.

Lapis flew down and avoided while Cerulea protected herself in a bright blue bubble. Lapis flew down to the sea, her light visible from above as she dove beneath the surface. Miles of ocean shone blue as a spire of water rose from that spot. A water colossus, shaped just like Lapis, appeared. "Whoa." Tanatos said.

Lapis glared at the Death God, throwing her arm up to catch him. "H-Hey!" She pulled him down to her, molding both liquid hands over the god.

"Don't… call me… LOLLIPOP!!"

"OOOOOOHHH!" Lapis's hands shone with the Healing Touch as she squeezed the puny god to death. "FAREWELL CRYYYYYYY!"

When Lapis released, pieces of Tanatos's body fell into the ocean, and his black mist floated loose before fading. After Lapis made her water body crumble away, she was still glowing. "Thanks, Cerulea! Now, for Zeref!"

Zeira walked slowly down the valley road, ignored by all nearby Inferi and Celebi by her side. …She saw a blue comet fly across the air to the Black Swamp. Zeira picked up the pace and ran after it.

Black Swamp

Aisling was able to seal one of the Inferi, but the other four were reforming after Mavis destroyed them. Her parents looked like they were trying to restrain their selves from attacking, but Mavis destroyed them again. Zeref shrouded himself in a black cloud, but a glowing Water Fist flew down and punched him in the head, sending him against a dead tree. Lapis landed by her friends as they smiled assuringly.

"Your Inferius ends now, Zeref." Mavis aimed at the cauldron and called "REDUCTO!" It exploded, spilling the deathly potion everywhere.

"Watch where you do that!" Lapis yelled, making an ice wall to defend them. "Why didn't you do it before, anyway?"

The Vermillion parents reformed. "Because I didn't think it would be that easy."

"You were right." Zeref replied, approaching them slowly. "The Inferi are controlled by my Black Magic. Even if I were to miraculously die… they will only disappear by my command!"

"Lapis, what's that spell you told me about? !" Lapis questioned. "Can you do it?"

"A spell?" Zeref was curious. "Well, you can try…" he chuckled.

"I don't have all the requirements I wanted, but… I guess it's now or never." Mavis said.

"What do you need?"

"Lapis… Aisling…" Mavis stabbed her wand into the ground, base-first. She closed her eyes and stretched her arms to either side. "Join me."

With looks of confusion, Lapis and Aisling each locked a hand with her, then each other. They closed their eyes, concealing their exhaust and their rage from this battle. "We are the Fairy Sisters…" Mavis spoke first.

"Our mission: to find the fairies." Lapis followed.

"And prove all the others quite contrary." Aisling smiled.

"Do the fairies exist in space?" Mavis asked. Zeira was stepping quietly through the trees, watching them. "The ocean or forest?"

"Maybe they don't exist at all." Lapis continued. "Maybe they're only in our mind."

"Maybe they're only in our heart." Aisling said.

"That is the goal of us Fairy Sisters." As Mavis spoke, the Fairy's Tail began to shine. "Our law is built upon love. It reaches as far as our imagination. Our love is for the fairies."

"As long as there is a world where we can think or debate about fairies," Lapis went on, "no matter how much we may agree or argue, our hearts are tied into one."

"No matter where you come from or what you are… as long as you think about fairies, we will always share the same heart." Aisling whispered softly.

"That's why… we believe in the fairies." Mavis stated. "And the fairies believe in us: Mavis Vermillion."

"Lapis Lazuli."

"Aisling Kells."

"…Anytime you're ready." Mavis mentioned. Zeira gasped, wondering if she was referring to her. She and Lapis moved aside to make a space for Zeira. The rich girl blushed, feeling nervous. She didn't understand what was going on, or… why. …Whatever the reason, the girls wanted her in. Zeira walked up, locked their hands, and closed her eyes.

"…And Zeira Lizard."

Zeref gasped with awe. A pink light shone by each of their hearts. All four of them connected to the Fairy's Tail. It possessed the most powerful magic of all. The girls broke away as Mavis picked the wand up, holding it to her chest. She opened her eyes, glaring grimly at Zeref. Her wings shining bright, Mavis flew to the gaping wizard. Her face inches from his, she touched the wand to his chest. Her wings grew and stretched around them both as her golden light swallowed the area. "Lumen Histoire."

The light suddenly retracted, and when the other three girls opened their eyes, Zeref the Black Cloud was sealed inside a shiny, smooth, purple crystal. He appeared suspended in midair, his gaping mouth unchanged, completely frozen. "M…Mavis…" Lapis pondered over the state of her friend.

"I'm right here." Mavis appeared behind them, winking. "That was just my clone."


Mavis marched up to Zeref and pointed her wand. "This crystal is composed of our power and our love. Zeref the Black Cloud, you will spend the rest of eternity inside this crystal in Underworld Prison, kept under strict guard so no one can attempt to set you free. And as for your Inferius…" Mavis bent down and touched the book on the ground. "If it is your Black Magic that commands them… then I will use the fraction that was passed to me." The black mist appeared over the book as Mavis focused.

All around Avalar, the Inferi were glowing. Their clay bodies shed, the Irken hosts fell dead, the shadows flew away, and the souls were returning to Heaven. When the Lunar Sanctum was about to suffer another blow by Acnologia, the black dragon's body crumbled, and the First Logia was going away.

At last, the five Inferi helping Zeref were going as well. The souls of Mavis's parents held hands and smiled at their daughter with pride. "We forgive you, Mavis." Father said.

"And remember, Dear… even an immortal life must be treasured." Mother said.

Mavis smiled at them. After their spirits left, Zeira approached Mavis, smiling sheepishly. "Ahem… I was afraid to tell you guys, but… I always thought fairies made candy."

"…That's just silly, Zeira."

"BUT YOU JUST SAID-!!" Zeira heated up, becoming flustered.

"…That's why it's a great idea." Mavis beamed.

"…Heh heh heh." Zeira blushed.


The Grim Reaper oversaw as a troupe of Phantom Guards picked up Zeref's crystal and loaded it on a carriage. Mavis handed Grim Yellow Diamond's gem, and the Reaper tossed it into the cart beside Zeref. The doors closed, and the horses carted them into an Underworld portal. "We'll put them in the lowest level of Underworld Prison." Grim assured. "We'll make sure they can never speak to another soul."

"Thank you, Grim." Mavis nodded.

"No problem, Child." He smiled. "Use dat power wisely." He entered the portal, which vanished on the spot.

Jorgen von Strangle approached the self-titled princess. "So, Mavis… vhat of our duel?"

"…Do you accept?" Mavis smirked. "Win or lose?"

"…" The look on Jorgen's face answered her question.

Fairy World; following the battle's conclusion…

Jorgen von Strangle sat on his huge throne. The throne that symbolized his authority as Fairy King. It was formerly the highest position in Fairy Kingdom. …But a pair of feet were propped on his head from a higher position. Mavis Vermillion bore a cheerful face as she sat on the smaller throne above Jorgen's. "Fine, so you won the offscreen battle." Jorgen said. "Do we really have to do it like this?"

"But you have such soft, smooth hair, it warms my toesies!"

"Look, you may be princess, but our world still must have laws! Vhat are yours?"

"First… the fairies will no longer be a secret society. We will provide aid to mortals who need it. However, our direct aid should be mostly limited to magical environments. That much I can agree with. Though not completely. With that in mind, we must spread our aid to other planets too, across Galaxia AND the universe. No matter how much people may love us or fear us… the Fairy Kingdom will make the universe a happier place!"

Spirit World; Spear Pillar

"Medusa, what the HELL did you think you were DOING?!" Dialga thundered as all the gods stared accusingly at the snake-haired woman, tied by Viridi's branches. "Even in regards to the Twenty Keys Prophecy, your actions these past few days go FAR beyond your boundaries!"

"You don't have to be SO harsh on her." Darkrai I smirked. "She was probably just engaging in normal child's play, her and her friends!"

"Silence, Darkrai! I decree that Medusa and her cohorts be placed under house arrest, and banished to the darkest chamber of the Underworld. You will remain there until we see fit to lift this ruling."

"We'll see about that…" Medusa merely smirked.


"Aisling… is this really what you want?" Viridi asked.

"It is." Aisling replied firmly. "I thank you for giving me life, but I will not stay bound to you, Viridi. And if I become a fairy, I can bless my power unto anyone."

"But you know how precious lifebending is, don't you?? If you insist on giving it to anyone, at least let it be Minish! And not even very many."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful."


Red Lizard Orphanage had been repaired by the fairies' magic. Its residents returned to living here happily, and the bigger kids were much nicer. "Is everyone doing okay?" Zeira Lizard asked, standing by the entrance. "'Cause I thought I'd head for the candy store. It's Sweets Day, right?" she said spritely.

"We're doing fine." Tardus smiled, having been bandaged up. "…What, no shoes today, Zeira?"

"Eh, I might just give all those away." Zeira said, wiggling her toes. "It is more fun to go barefoot. I'll see you all later!" She waved and left out the door.

Zeira embraced the lovely sunny day on her skin, the lush green grass beneath her feet, and walked to Tenrou Town's great bridge with a brilliant new outlook. Laugh now, Mavis… because sooner or later, I will find the Sugar Fairies!

Mavis, Lapis, and Aisling became the princesses of their respective fairies.

Zeira vowed to find 'Sugar Fairies' and become a true Sister.

The Fairy's Tail became a treasured relic that would always be guarded.

By Mavis's power, it could never be used without her permission.

GKND Leader, Dimentia was pretty peeved when she wanted to take it.

Later, the fairies visited Planet Earth.

Witnessing those events was the next greatest time of their life.

Aisling became friends with the Minish Royal Family. She would grant her powers to a princess every few centuries.

Lapis visited Oceana and became heavily admired by the merpeople, including Kyogre.

Mavis suggested laws for the wizarding community. She was very logical.

Of course, many like the Irkens and GKND wanted the fairies' power. They were involved in several wars.

Mavis's tactical brilliance proved a very deadly weapon…

(Play "Lonely Person" from Fairy Tail.)

Fairy Sisters: Cast:

Jennifer Paz as Lapis Lazuli

Leah Clark as Mavis Vermillion

Christen Mooney as Aisling Kells

Lisa Ortiz as Zeira Lizard

Scott Burns as Tallest Dirk and Emperor Irk

Jane Lynch as Yellow Diamond

Joel McDonald as Zeref

Cree Summer as Medusa

Danny Mann as Tanatos

Nika Futterman as Pandora

Hynden Walch as Viridi

Troy Baker as Arlon

Daran Norris as Jorgen von Strangle

Greg Eagles as Grim Reaper

Ali Hillis as Palutena

Kazuko Sugiyama as Celebi

Kerry Williams as Jirachi

Akiko Koumoto as Dimentia Z. Winkiebottom

Alex Hirsch as Bill Cipher

Fairy Tail owned by Hiro Mashima

Steven Universe owned by Rebecca Sugar

Secret of Kells owned by Cartoon Saloon

Kid Icarus, Pokémon, Mario, and Zelda owned by Nintendo

All other crossover characters belong to their respective owners.

Published by Webnovel

Presented by Gamewizard2008

Fairy Sisters: END

And scene. You know, I have to say, as far as the crossover gimmick, this is one of my best stories. It applies some elements from the respective main series, but the concept on its own is totally original, and I think I applied the crossover connections pretty well. Plus, this was a flashback story, and we all know how good those are in any series! Well, when we return, we may continue with Legend of the Seven Lights. I will now leave you with this cryptogram. See you later, and keep the fairies in your heart!