Chapter 8

He watched the father and daughter pair walk into the building and continued following them.

Adam was ignoring Kahlan. Walking briskly with an expressionless face.

Kahlan was following behind her father, looking all subservient like.

This made Prometheus uneasy. Seeing the fear in her eyes, watching her lower her proud little head, made him feel turmoil within himself.

He knew he shouldn't interfere, but he hated watching her be helpless like that. She was his mate, bonded to a Titan. She shouldn't be at any disadvantage in life. Nobody had the right to touch his mate. If she wanted to be unruly, she should be. Nobody had the right to punish her. If anything, he should be the one to do it.

Despite the fact that he had been absent from the world for a while, he still possessed powers. He was even stronger than before. And he wasn't going to possess so much power and still let his mate's face fall.

From the moment they were bonded, Prometheus had assumed all responsibility for Kahlan. She was his. And now, seeing her anxious like this, he was filled with killing intent.

Adam stopped and turned around sniffing the air. His eyes peered at the area where Prometheus stood concealed.

He then advanced quickly in his direction.

Prometheus sensed the danger and swiftly moved away from that point.

He didn't dare go far from Kahlan though.

He just changed position and concealed himself even more.

Adam seemed a bit puzzled. He stretched his hand in the place where Prometheus was previously but when he didn't sense anything, he sniffed the air again.

Prometheus cursed in his heart. These wolves were dangerous. As a titan god, his powers were vast. And his ability to conceal himself was top notch. But these wolves. Although they couldn't sense him, they could sense strong emotions.

When he was feeling killing intent towards Adam and even those two wolf men from before, they were able to tell he was there.

So Prometheus took note of this. He was going to keep his anger in check around them.

When he looked at his little mate, her face was pale as a sheet. She was scared for his safety.

Aigoo!! He could feel his heart melt. He hadn't ever received this much care from anyone before. He couldn't help moving to her and patting her soft, soft hair.

'It's okay Kahlan' he consoled through the mind link. 'I'm with you now.'

He could see her calm down and her face returning to its normal color. There was even a tinge of red in it as well.

Prometheus couldn't help teasing her. 'Is our Kahlan a little shy?'

Her face became even redder as she turned and ran into the building leaving her father and Prometheus out there.

Prometheus smiled. His little mate was so good to tease. He couldn't help but feel satisfaction after he had teased her. 'I feel like a bad person' he thought to himself

'bah!!… Her reaction was too precious.' He wanted to tease her again and again. Till forever. He couldn't get enough of it.

So he ran after the little girl leaving Adam standing, still clutching at the air. Puzzled as to whether what he had felt earlier real or just in his head.

The truth was that Kahlan didn't fully understand their mating bond. She knew that they were even more connected to each other than anybody else. And that she had a massive crush on Prometheus. She also knew that Prometheus cared about her a lot. But she didn't know what the bond they had really meant. Prometheus didn't tell her much about it. Perhaps he was worried as to what her reaction would be. He probably didn't want to scare her or something.

He had confessed his feelings to her, but she wasn't sure how long they would last. She knew that her friends had crushes on a new boy every other week. She wondered if they would be the same. She didn't want that though. She wanted to have him for like… eternity. She wanted to walk hand in hand with him in the hallway at school. Boast about him to her friends, eat together with him in the cafeteria.

She wanted to know what it felt like to have a first kiss. With him. But she was scared to tell him this. She knew that if the story he had told her was true, he probably had a lot of enemies. He wouldn't have time to go to the same school as her.

But Kahlan had questions, especially about their bond. Lots of them. She wanted to ask Prometheus but she was too shy to do so. Whenever she wanted to try, she would blush like a ripe tomato and her words would get stuck in her throat.

But she really needed to understand.

So far, the adults in her life liked to keep her puzzled. She knew there was something up with her father and his underlings. The way they communicated didn't just seem like a boss and his subordinates. There was something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

And the whole thing with locking her in her room for some nights every month.

There was something fishy there. But whenever she asked she would always be shut down by her dad. Always gas lighted. She didn't want Prometheus to do that to her. She didn't want him to treat her like a little kid. Like she was helpless and didn't know anything. She was top of her class. A straight 'A' student. She had also walked all the way into a snowy mountain to rescue him.

But she was scared. Scared that he would one day treat her like her dad did. So she didn't dare ask.

Right now, they were sitting in her dad's private jet. Her dad had sent her back in advance. He was going to stay in Georgia for a few more weeks.

Prometheus was still invisible, but he was clutching Kahlan's hand really tightly.

This was the first time he was on a plane and he felt truly scared for her safety. The plane seemed too flimsy to fly. It probably didn't contain any magic.

Kahlan had told him that it flew because of technology. But as the titan god that he was, he didn't believe that anything the humans made would be a hundred percent safe. Especially after Kahlan had told him about plane crashes.

He wasn't really sure why she told him that. Was she trying to give him a heart attack or something? But he was glad she did. It meant she trusted him with her safety. While he gripped her hand so tightly, he began to make contingency plans for when the engine of this machine failed.

Prometheus had no control over the air, but he did have fire as his domain. Perhaps, he could summon some to help his mate land safely on the ground.

Kahlan on the other hand could barely conceal her amusement. The expression on Prometheus' face was so funny. He looked like he was going to puke yet at the same time, trying to save his face. When she told him that there were chances the plane could crash, he immediately urged her to get off it.

But they were already in the air.

Now and then whenever the jet made any air drops or turbulence, Prometheus would squeeze her hands really tightly as if he was sure the plane was going to crash.

After a while, Kahlan felt discomfort from the squeezing. She turned to complain to him. But upon realizing that he was still invisible, she communicated using the mind link.

'You are hurting me you know.' she complained.

'I'm so sorry' he apologized immediately. 'It's just, I don't think this vessel is safe for you. Maybe we should use some other means of transport'

'It is safe Prometheus' she consoled. 'I was just pranking you earlier'

'Hmph!!' Prometheus scoffed. He was not convinced. At any rate, he needed to be alert for when there was danger. Sigh! He had so much responsibility now. He couldn't afford to slack off.

Releasing his tight grip on her hand, he held her lightly and began asking her questions about her home. Partly to ease his anxiety and partly out of curiousity.

There were a lot of things that had changed.

Information was easily ascessible nowadays. He didn't have to look for scrolls or clay wax tablets. They could easily get any info from a shiny glass box called a phone.

He was a bit skeptical about how this worked. How could everything be stored in something so small?

Kahlan had to explain how Google worked to Prometheus.

He was fast at learning it though.

The journey to Wisconsin, USA took a total of 12 hours.

During this period of time, Prometheus assimilated the information he got from the internet.

He was able to catch up with modern trends.

But one thing he found very puzzling was that the Greek Gods, Goddesses, Titans and other creatures were now considered mythology.

It seemed like they were all dead. Whenever he searched out any of them, he could either see the history represented as myths or their names being profaned and used for high sounding gadgets or company aliases.

It was very disappointing to say the least.

Prometheus wondered if he would ever be able to meet with his family again.

They didn't have very close bonds, but they were all that remained of his past.

If he was going to make a comeback, or be strong enough to hold the skies up for his mate, he needed to find them.

Prometheus followed Kahlan right up until she got to her home.

Her house was a mansion, separated from the rest of the world by a vast forest.

There was only one link road into and out of the mansion complex.

There were several other houses within the compound.

They probably belonged to Adam's pack members.

Once he was sure that she was safely behind closed doors, Prometheus set off.

After traveling a distance, he suddenly stopped and called out. "You can stop hiding now."

A handsome young man in his twenties suddenly appeared as if from thin air.

He was dressed in comfortable baggy clothes and crocs.

His face was well sculpted and his hair shone a rich strawberry blond color.

Prometheus examined the man. Although he looked like and by all means gave off vibes of a rich second generation, Prometheus knew who he was.

He could never forget a face.

"How did you know I was following you?" the young man grinned.

Prometheus sighed. "You still haven't stopped with your shenanigans Hermes"

"He he!" Hermes chuckled. "I didn't expect you'll be released so soon" he was probing for information.

Prometheus turned away and continued moving.

But Hermes wasn't going to let him off so easily.

"What's with your new look? You look like a kid now… hehe!! Does this mean I can finally bully you eh?" he said

Prometheus didn't give him face, he directly conjured some flames at his feet and began to fly off.

Hermes also with a wave of his hand revealed wings at the sole of his crocs. He also began to fly, easily catching up with Prometheus.

"Say, Who's the little girl to you? I wonder? She's pretty. A little on the younger side, but that has never stopped me before. Hehe!" he placed a hand on his chin mischievously.

At this, Prometheus couldn't take it anymore, he turned around and grabbed Hermes by the neck. Directly strangling him.

"You don't get to talk about her. Keep your filthy paws off of her you hear me…"

Prometheus was enraged. Kahlan was his bottom line. He would not let anyone get to her.

"Tsk! Tsk!" Hermes grinned smugly. "You never learn Prometheus… You're too passionate about these humans. It's what led to your downfall before. It might happen again." He warned teasingly.

"I don't care about those bloody humans, just leave Kahlan the hell out of whatever you're thinking of doing." Prometheus said. He then weakened his hold on Hermes' neck.

Hermes slid out of his hold. After moving a few paces back, Hermes rubbed his neck.

"Tch!" he hissed. "You've gotten stronger!!" he noted. On his neck were a few red marks. After rubbing for a while, they eased up and soon returned back to its normal skin colour.

He turned to look at Prometheus. Examining him even more closely.

"Look Bro, I don't want any trouble okay. I just noticed you on that jet and realized you were free so I came to just take a look" he said raising his hands indicating he was innocent.

But Prometheus knew better. Hermes loved to trade jist and news. He would surely find a way to sell this info to the highest bidder.

He narrowed his eyes at him, growling.

"Easy there brother" Hermes pacified. Prometheus had gotten stronger than before. This was unprecedented.

Among gods and titans, there was no way to kill or hurt each other except for using divine weapons of the highest grade. The best of these were produced by Hephaestus. For Prometheus to be able to injure Hermes with just his bare fists was incredible.

Hermes eyes shone with excitement. He wanted to experiment with this.

He wondered how much this info could sell for. He could probably request anything from Zeus or Athena in exchange for this.

He licked his lips staring at Prometheus. Not willing to take his eyes off of him.

Everybody knew that Hermes only worked for Hermes.

He was a neutral party to any and every disagreement between the gods. When Prometheus was imprisoned, Hermes had come to visit him a few times. He was there to take a look at his condition and chat for a bit.

Prometheus knew that despite their conversations which probably was what kept him sane for the duration of his imprisonment, Hermes was not a friend.

Neither was he a foe.

He was just Hermes. Selfish, capricious and mischievous. And everybody just accepted that.

Prometheus was thinking hard. The only way out was to make a deal with Hermes. Besides he knew that the guy was hooked into had every information under the sun.

"What do you want?" Prometheus asked wearily.