When the clock struck five o'clock, Lilian rushed to clear the table and immediately went down to the lobby. She always waited for David to come out of his room. However, this time she did not want to wait.

Lilian could still feel David's touch all over her body and it was very painful.

"Hi, Li. Not usually you've gone down to the lobby. Usually, the boss comes home. you just come down."

Lilian looked over, she smiled as she saw who was greeting.

"You're not home yet, Gas?"

Bagaskara the young man worked in the marketing department. It's been a long time for Lillian. However, the girl deliberately kept her distance from anyone. For Lilian job number one. After all, the purpose of coming to this city is to work, not to have fun or just date.

"I'm not feeling well," Lilian replied briefly.

"Then I'll take you home," Bagas said. Lilian was about to refuse, but she saw that David had just come out of the elevator. Without thinking much longer she also agreed to the invitation Bagas.

"If not troublesome ...."

"Of course not, come on. My house is next to your apartment."

Lilian nodded obediently, out of the corner of her eye she saw David watching her. She immediately invited Bagas to pass from there. Meanwhile, David, for some reason felt his chest hurt so much. He was jealous, yes, he was jealous of Bagas.

"You've never come back to Bandung, Li?" ask Bagas. Lilian smiled, " No, Gas. It's not good if I come home often. My mom and dad were always worried if I was too tired. So, I only come home once every six months, " Lilian replied.

Bagas nodded his head and smiled. Ah, this girl has stolen his heart. Since the beginning of seeing Liliana, Bagas has put a heart. Only this time he managed to take the idol of the heart away.

"Hmm ... Li, I'm so hungry. Do you mind if we stop by for a minute? But, not in a fancy restaurant, in front of there is my subscription roadside tent restaurant. But, if you mind, we'll just go home."Bagas ventured this time. He wants to get closer to Liliana. Who knows, good luck is on his side.

Liliana did not immediately answer, since noon she had not had time to eat. Not yet had time, but not at all lustful.

"I haven't eaten since noon. But, watch out, if it's not good, " said Liliana. Bagas's laughter sounded so crisp at Lilian's answer.

"I guarantee you will be addicted, the place is clean even though it is only a tent stall on the roadside," Bagas said confidently.

Before long, Bagas was pulled over in his car next to a tented stall with a banner that read PECEL catfish and chicken MAS PUR. He immediately entered Bagas's arrival directly in the friendly welcome of the stall owner. He had stopped by often.

"Hi, Bagas. Haven't stopped by in a long time. What do you want to order? Usual food?"

"Yeah, of course. What do you want to eat, Li?"

"Just the same, but I asked for the thigh," Liliana replied.

The shop owner smiled when he saw Bagas with Liliana. This was the first time he had seen Bagas bring a friend. What else is a beautiful girl?

"This isn't his girlfriend, is it? I'm sorry," said the mother.

"We're just friends, Ma' am. Lilian this is my boss's Secretary."

Lilian felt grateful as Bagas explained their relationship. Lilian also did not want to vent her emotions by having a special relationship.

"How, delicious, right?" ask Bagas when their order has been delivered.


"If you like it, I will often bring you here-"

"Liliana won't eat here anymore. Next time, if you want to invite Lilian to eat, choose a place."

Suddenly the two of them were surprised to see the arrival of someone Liliana was currently eager to avoid.