Order Has Arrived 21+

Kalea's eyes pointed at a package that was in her hand. The receptionist informed her that Arthur's order had arrived. This seems to be the order package that the man with the black hair had previously mentioned.

The elevator dinged, and Kalea got out of the elevator and into her penthouse. She put the package down on the living room table and still didn't dare open it.

"What kind of clothes would Arthur want me to wear?" Kalea mumbled wonderingly as she stared straight at the package. There was still less than two hours until Arthur would arrive, but it could have been sooner. Given that the man was never in accordance with what was said.

Finally, with all the courage and high curiosity she began to open the box-shaped package using scissors. Her eyes widened when she saw the clothes in the package. She spontaneously threw the clothes away, her hands shaking and stared at her in horror.