Two Men At The Same Time

"You... go away! No one told you to come here!" Zeline pushed Dariel's large body as hard as she could to get back into his car.

"Hey, I really don't want to fight with you just because of this. So let me worry about you," Dariel retorted, turning to face Zeline so that the girl would no longer push him. He also held Zeline's hand, the serious look in his eyes hypnotizing the blonde girl.

However, this did not last long. When a luxury car stopped behind Dariel's car. The figure in the car got out. And it was Dante. Zeline's sugar daddy had just intended to leave but was delayed when he saw Zeline with another man.

"Zeline? What are you doing?" asked Dante, his already upset feelings even more chaotic. Dante looked at Dariel coldly, just as the doctor did.