I Found You

Soon the sound of the door being unlocked was heard. The door opened with Elena there, staring coldly at Dante.

Dante looked up, trying to speak even though whatever he said would not be clear because his mouth was duct-taped. Elena approached her husband without the loving expression that had been given to Dante. Because it would never be there again.

Bad rumors had already spread in the family company she was leading. Dante had really embarrassed her. She did not plan to file for divorce in court. With all the reasons she had, she decided to keep Dante at home.

"Dante, have you admitted your mistake?" Elena asked, looking coldly at the man who was still her husband. Dante did not respond at all, returning Elena's gaze sharply. It had been two days that he had been locked up like this, and two days that Elena had not given him food, only a little drink. "Why are you silent? Didn't you keep yelling in annoyance earlier? It could be heard outside, you know."