Contract Signing

"Really?! Oh my god! Did you hear that?!" Vince was shocked as he couldn't believed what he just heard. "But... I lost."

The member smiled and kindly explained. "Actually, to pass the test, it wasn't really necessary to win the duel. We consider a person's potential, abilities, and other things. Sometimes both the winner and loser won't be accepted. Or the loser will be accepted instead of the winner. It's entirely based on the player's performance."

"That's right. There's no need to be surprised. You did well earlier," Jade seconded.

Aftee hearing their words, Vince couldn't help but chuckle. "I see."

The man observed them before saying. "A healer will come here in a minute to heal you guys. I'll be waiting here outside with another member. After you got healed, we will guide you out of this place to sign some papers on the office."

After saying that, he bowed towards them and left the room, gently closing the door.

It didn't take a second before a healer arrived. She's a woman wearing a violet robe that covered her whole body.

"I'll be healing both of you at the same time so please lay in your bed. I need to check your body's condition first," her tone of voice is gentle and soft.

But Vince shook his head. "I don't have that much injury so you can just focus on healing Jade."

He had already healed his wounds earlier so he refused. Additionally, she might found out that he had already healed himself.

Vince completely forgot that he registered himself as a healer. He was just anxious that someone might find out that he's actually a priest.

After healing Jade, the two of them were guided outside the underground arena. They were separated into different elevators to go up the building. Vince saw the guide push '10' so they must be going to tenth floor.

He heard a 'ding' and the elevator door opened. In the tenth floor, what awaits him is a hallway full of decorations. They walked all the way to what seemed to be an empty hall.

There are three doors from all three different sides. Behind him is the hallway

The guide explained to him where they currently are. "There are three doors that will give you different contract. The Mercenary Guild allowed their members to pick their own mission. However, players were after different things after all."

He pointed at the door on the right. "That one is for specialists. They have different test from other class as we don't require them to have combat ability."

The they turned towards the middle, "This one is for players who can do any mission. We call them all-rounders. Missions with great rewards but great risk were open for them and they usually deal with dirty works."

The last one is the left door. "This one is a little mild. The mission open for them is usually clearing dungeons. Of course, there are also other missions like guarding a certain person from harm, finding some artifacts and so on. Any kind of missions that involved shady things weren't includes in their list," he explained before adding. "You can choose only choose from the last two doors. Just open them and sign the contract."

Vince listened carefully. The answer was clear to him from the beginning. He was neither a specialist nor someone who can throw their values away. So obviously, the left door was for him.

"I see. Thank you mister for guiding me here and explaining those things. You should drink a lot of water or you might get a sore throat," he seriously adviced as he thought that this mister might be explaining these things to many players.

Von who love eating cold and sweet food always suffered from sore throat. He couldn't eat solid food as his tonsils were almost blocking his throat. It was the worst.

"..." The staff didn't know what to say. He had worked for years and had never encountered this situation. He just have a blank look on his face. "I see."

Vince smiled at his answer. "Then I'll go towards the left door! Bye, bye!" he waved towards him before bravely opening the door.

When he opened it, the first thing he saw is the man sitting at the couch, the only thing inside.

It was a small space even though the space it ooccupied seemed big from the outside. The walls were made from glass but he couldn't see anything. It's just light. How strange.

The man raised his head towards him with a smile. "Please take a seat beside me," he then pointed towards the white couch.

Vince slowly walked towards him with hesitation, sitting at the far end of the couch. The man looked nice but somehow, he didn't want to go near him.

The man didn't seemed to mind his cautious actions as he only smiled silently. He took out a badge from his inventory and handed it over to him.

He stared at it with suspicious eyes. "That's...?"

"This is your badge. As long as you input your energy inside, you'll be able to read the contract. Make sure to read it carefully. You can tell me if there's anything you wanted to add or change."

Vince was amazed and he immediately followed the man's instructions.

He input his divine energy inside and a full contract appeared in his mind in a snap. At first, his head became dizzy as it couldn't handle the sudden huge amount of information but as time goes on, he became used to it.

Vince closed his eyes and focused on reading the contract.

The contract was very detailed. 8% of the reward would be handed over to the Mercenary Guild and the fact that he need to keep it confidential was something he already knew. Although the percentage decreased, he thought that a member's contract should be different from one another. 10% was probably the maximum.

The guild will also keep his information secret and won't take an action against him as long as he wouldn't do something that can harm the guild.

'Oh my god. They're also giving me a signing bonus?!' He didn't know about this.

Vince had no idea that his contract was actually one of the best they can give. He was registered as a healer but he's a skilled combat mage. The guild deemed him with a high potential.

He also had no idea that he's currently being observed by the man beside him.

[The Sun God is urging you to confirm it's speculations.]

[The Sun God gave you 1000 system points.]

The man ignored the notification as he maintained his benign smile, even though he was given such a huge amount of system points.

System Points or SP is something that were given to a player from Gods. They used it whenever something catches their eyes and it's actually very important.

Once a player's SP reached one thousand, they'll be able to unlocked Shop where they can buy precious artifacts and skills that they wanted.

This is also one of the reason why Priests were envied, as they were given SP whenever they raised their levels. As long as they kept on leveling up, they would soon accumulate the necessary one thousand SP.

The amount will vary depending on the God and how much they like a player. For example, 10 SP were given to Vince when he leveled up. The additional 100 SP came from awakening. Everyone automatically have 100 SP.

'He's definitely a priest. I can feel his divine energy from a mile. But it's too hostile. He can also used lightning magic. Did he already unlocked Shop? With his level?'

This man is Armin Celeste. He's a bishop of church of Sun God. He was tasked here to identify the divine energy found at a recent battle in this city.

The divine energy lingering meant that it was a low-level priest who caused it since high-level priest wouldn't make such a mistake of not erasing their traces.

It was faint but he remembered it clearly. The divine energy was cold but warm, hostile and violent. Yet also calm and natural.

He felt it the moment Vince stepped in the Mercenary Guild.

From then on, the Sun God also started bothering him. Sending him system points and messaging him non-stop to send his divine energy inside Vince so the Sun God can identify the God behind him.

Armin was also curious about what God he served which is why he personally asked to gave him the contract but...

"I'm done looking through it, sir! I think that it's all good. Thank you very much!" he stood up and bowed 90° at him.

Rules are rules.

The Mercenary Guild wouldn't pry into its members' secrets as long as the members didn't do anything against the guild.

"I see. Then this badge is your identification as a member. You need to put your blood in it so it can be bound on you. Once it's bound, you wouldn't lost it as you can summon it wherever you are or how far you are from it. No one would be able to used it either aside from you."

Vince followed his words. He bit his thumb to make a small wound then let it dripped on the crystal that was place in the middle of the badge.

It shoned a white color before he felt a connection between the badge and him. Like his soul is now one with the badge. It's interesting.

"Wow... how do you even make this?" he asked with voice filled with amazement.

Armin cleared his throat to get his attention so he can explained the function of the badge, compeletely ignoring the continuous notification from the Sun God.

"The Mercenary Guild also used a merit system. When you complete a mission, you can either choose to take the reward or merit points. The merit points can be exchanged for artifacts and other items. Those merit points would all be automatically recorded in your badge. The badge can also be used for communication. You can pushed this..."

After a long discussion, Vince finally remembered the token Orpheus had given to him before.

He took it out from his inventory and showed it to Armin.

"Sir, this token is given to me from my... err... friend?" he sound unsure. "Anyway, he told me to show it to any guild member after I became their member and they'll know what to do with it."

He looked at the man with curiosity. "Do you know what this token is for?"
