I'm gonna die....?

"What the f-fuck.... What the hell is the meaning of double sex system, and why am I getting it?"

I had read about sex systems or perverted systems but I had never heard about anyone receive it in reality. Now I know I'm doomed.

"Dave come downstairs dinner is set!" I heard a voice call me but I didn't know if it was Alicia or Kara."CREAAAK" the door to my room opened.

"Dave are you alright? You've been behaving weird since we came back, are you sure everything is okay?" Kara asked looking really concerned.

"Sure everything is fine, I was just checking my system. Nothing is wrong really" I said holding her shoulders with my hands trying to assure her.

"Okay! if you say so. Let's go downstairs" she said pulling me along with her.

I'm at the table now, there's a variety of food on the table to celebrate. We might not be rich but we are also not poor. I stare at them as they are eating and laughing, wondering if I should tell them about my system.

"What were the instructions given to us during the ceremony?" I ask none of them in particular.

"Were you really not listening?" Alicia asked me.

"Well nothing much, just that when we enter the inner room, we are to go to either the left or right door but not the middle one. Although it's our choice."

"Well that was the exact door I entered" I tell them.

"Whaaat....?" they said at the same time.

"Whoah whoah whoah, it's not that bad is it? At least it's not against the law" I say when I see the fear on their faces.

"Well that explains why you've been behaving weird since we got our systems." Alicia said staring at me suspiciously.

"There's nothing wrong with my system I promise, I was just like that because of the type of system I got." I tell them trying to sound convincing not sure what's the truth.

"What type of system did you get?" Kara asks this time.

"You don't expect me to answer that do you?" I asked them

"At least it's not against the law" Alicia says smiling mischieviously. I have fallen into my own trap. There's nothing I can do now, I'm just a rat ganged up against two famished cats. So I try what I know how to do most. I talk my way out of it.

" Okay, but only if you guys tell me yours first" I tell them thinking they'll withdraw this time but I was WRONG.

"Sure! I got a lightning system"

"I got a mind control system" they both said at the same time.

My jaw dropped almost touching my chest.


"So what did you get?" Alicia asked


"Huh? I didn't hear that" Alicia said

"I said the double sex system" I told them "What more the time limit for my first mission is almost up"

"What! then why haven't you done it?" Kara asked me

"Because they are too perverted and besides there is no punishment so I'm not gonna do it" I tell them like it's not a serious thing.

"You're kidding right? So you really didn't hear a word that was said" Kara asked already shaking in fear.

"What's the problem? It's not like I will die or will I?" i say laughing. "You mean I'm gonna die?" I ask now shaking in fear too when I see that they aren't laughing too. When they still didn't reply, I knew I was in a deep shit.


Author's note:

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