New Recruits

Immediately they reached school, he came down from the vehicle hastily thanking the driver and started heading to his class. He was trying to escape Alicia and Kara's questioning even though he knew he couldn't hide forever.

He was trying to avoid it but he knew he would not be able to again once the returned back home after school. If not that they didn't want to embarrass Rebe in front of her employee, the would have continued pestering him in the vehicle.

On the way he saw people staring at him, some even whispering. Before long rumours would start spreading, bit he didn't know what they were talking about and he didn't have the time to be questioning them. He had to get to class before they caught up to him.

This was one of the times that he was happy they weren't in the same class. Not long after he came down from the vehicle, Alicia, Kara, and Rebe came down too and started heading to their class too ignoring the whispering in the corridors.

Rebe was in the same class as Dave so she also headed in the same direction, while the other two girls went to their own class.

"See you after school?" she said but it sounded more like a question so Kara replied.

"Sure. After school."

During the break time, Dave headed to the meeting spot and he was surprised to find out that the place was crowded. He called Kate to inquire why the place was crowded. He had forgotten that he told them bring more members.

He smiled happy at the outcome and his slaves weren't useless, but very soon his smiled faded when he noticed that some of the girls had large breasts and not only that, but there even some boys among them.

He called all of his angels not only Kate. The smile that was on his face earlier had now disappeared and was replaced by a frown. The were useless afterall he overestimated them.

"What is the meaning of this nonsense?" he asked them in a low voice his voice trembling in anger. They all looked frightened 'what had they done wrong' they wondered.

"What did I tell you guys?" he asked still trying to keep his voice low.

"Bring new girls to the gang, Master." Rena answered

"Only that?"

"And they must not have big breasts, Master." It was Jenny who answered this time.

"Thank goodness your memory is still intact. Then what are those girls doing here?" he asked pointing at some girls with large breasts, his face now looking angry. It seems that he hated people with large breasts.

"We're just ten master, once we spread the word they all came and we couldn't hold them back they were just too much." Jenna, Jenny's twin sister replied. He couldn't blame them they weren't fighters or guards before, they were just a gang of bullies before.

"Jenna! Jenny! from now on you both run the Angels when I'm not around, you're now placed above everyone of them. You answer to me only and report everything that goes on here to me. Am I clear?"

"Yes Master!!" they both answered.

"And the remaining of you report to them. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Master" they all chorused this time.

"I would not tolerate disobedience like this again. Now go and do the needful." He ordered them this time somewhat calmer.

He stood in a corner watching them work out the problem themselves. And once everything was in order, he went to meet the remaining people left.

There were only six people left after all the boys and unwanted girls left. Some who were qualified still left because their friends where not qualified.

Out of the six left, two had already levelled up, one had not levelled yet and three were in level two already.

'Jade is there a way I can mark them as my angels without making them my slaves?'

[Yes, two. Angel wings and Angel halo]

"What are they used for?"

[Angel halo is used for low level angels, while Angel wings is used for high level angels.]

"Like their system level or what? I don't get."

[You decide who gets the halo and the wings. So not their system level but their given level, or you can also call it stage. And you know what's best, since you named it after me you'll get them both for free]

'Really?! You are the best Jade.'

"Gather round" he called out to them.

All the time that he was speaking with Jade, the girls were explaining to the new recruits.

"So I know you are wondering what this is all about, I'll tell you. I'm building a group to make us the strongest people in the world." He looked around for reactions and as expected, there were. Some of doubt and others amusement except one girl who didn't show any expression at all.

"You, what's your name?" he asked the girl who didn't show any expression.

"Elosque Jane Doe....uh..." she didn't know what to call me.

"Dave..Dave. I'm Dave" he told her. He liked this one so he decided to start with her since she was one of the people in level two.

"So Jane Doe come forward, Wraith Stage." Suddenly, a pair of gold wing materialised in his his hand and he stretched it to her.

Immediately her hand touched it, it disappeared and appeared at the back looking like a guild mark or a tattoo of some sorts.

When he finished, there was one wraith stage, two arcane stage, two zero stages and the remaining were stage one. He then began to explain to them about the stages.

"The wraith and arcane stages are the highest stages and you can only get there if I seem you fit."

"For all those who have levelled up, you fall in the zero stage category and finally, the remaining of you who have not levelled up, fall in stage one. Any questions?"

"Why do some of us have wings symbol, while the others have halo symbol?" one of the level two recruits asked.

"Nice, it seems you're observant. Only those in the wraith and arcane stages have wings symbol, the others halo. I almost forgot only those that are extraordinarily good can enter the arcane stage so I'm watching, and only those who I see talent in them and deem special can get into the wraith stage." He explained it to them in details.

"You can leave, and don't bother bringing new people tomorrow you guys are enough. Jenna?! Jenny?!"

"Yes Master" they replied and they all left.

Throughout the day, the marker at the back of their palm was the talk of the day, with all the girls who left before planning to join the next day. They were in for some shock.