Chapter 3 Throw out a Minnow to Catch a Whale

"Since I can check the business value directly, can I see the potential of the stock?"

With a quick thought, Xu Xian opened the securities APP.

"It's so miserable. All of them are green?"

Xu Xian looked around and found that all the stocks on the market were falling.

And the business value behind it was pitifully low.

"How could this be?"

Xu Xian asked curiously.

"Mr. Xu, what's wrong?"

The driver heard Xu Xian murmuring in the back seat and asked.

"Is the stock market so bad recently?"

In addition to caring about his stock, Xu Xian devoted himself to research and development projects.

He didn't know much about the stock market.

"It's all because of the Lin family's news. The good CEO didn't work for business but messed around with the female star. After being exposed by the paparazzi, the stock in the market has been falling!"

Speaking of this, the driver was furious.

He also bought the stock of the family Lin, but he didn't expect it to fall so much that his underpants were almost gone!


Kevin kept looking at the stock ranking, trying to find a potential stock to buy.

At present, the stock market was falling, which was a good opportunity for buying.

But it was very particular about which one to buy.

He couldn't buy a stock whose business value was less than five points.

Wasn't that meaningless?

"System, how long can the business value be seen in the future?"

"In the next week."

Xu Xian knew what he should do.

He picked up and chose the Mark.

"Is there any news about the Mark recently?"

Xu Xian asked while checking the stock of the Mark.

"The Mark?"

After thinking for a while, the driver said, "I heard that his company is testing a new chip, but many people are not optimistic. The stock has been falling under the influence of the stock market."

Xu Xian also saw the latest report from the Mark.

"A cross-century chip?"

He continued to look through it.

"I have detected that the potential value of the Mark is over 50. The host could buy the shares of the Mark as appropriate."

As soon as Xu Xian finished reading the news report, the system in his mind reminded him.

"Why is the breakthrough 50 points in just one minute?"

Just now, when he checked the stock's price of the Mark, its potential was only 20.

What happened?

"I don't care. I'll buy it first!"

Xu Xian opened the securities APP and used all his money to buy the stock of the Mark.

At present, he only had a balance of three million.

Seven days later, the three million would turn into thirty million!

It was enough to run a company.

But technology research and development cost the most. Thirty million dollars could only support three months.

"I still have to get money as soon as possible..."

After buying the shares, there were only five thousand left in Xu Xian's account.

What five thousand could do?

It would last for seven days at most.

"You have been driven out of the Tianhai?"

A message popped up on his phone. Xu Xian clicked it and found it was from Lin Wei.

"You're well-informed. Did you know it as soon as I left the company?"

Xu Xian replied with a bitter smile.

"There is no secret wall in the world. What are you going to do next?"

"I haven't figured it out yet. Miss Lin, do you have any way to make money? I'm in urgent need of a sum of money."

Lin Wei and Xu Xian grew up together.

The two of them worked in their own family business and occasionally met for dinner. They had been on good terms for many years.

Xu Xian had no choice but to turn to Lin Wei for help.

"How much?"

"Ten million, okay?"

"Yes, but I can't lend it to you for free. Come to my company first. I have something to tell you."

Xu Xian immediately ordered the driver to go to the company where Lin Wei worked, the Fiber Game.


"Miss Lin, according to the data of our private investigation, the Night King is the biggest threat to us in this financing. Their survival game has added the VR function, which can let players experience the end of the world personally."

"This martial arts style 3D game is a little unlikely to win."

The secretary handed over a document.

Lin Wei rubbed between her eyebrows two times and said impatiently, "The financing bidding started half a month ago. Why didn't you get the news until now?"

"They covered it too tightly. The other companies didn't get the news until today."

The secretary said cautiously.

"Well, you can go now. When Xu Xian arrives, take him to my office directly."

Lin Wei picked up the document and read it a few times.

Since she left the Lin Group and joined the game industry, she lost the support of her family.

From the five-people studio at the beginning to the hundreds of people of the Fiber Game Company now, Lin Wei had made great contributions.

But now, she wanted to get a new round of investment.

She must find a way to defeat the Night King!

She wanted to make the martial arts game break a new world!


Led by her secretary, Xu Xian walked into Lin Wei's office.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you know that the newly developed game, the World, is participating in the financing bid?"

"I've heard about it."

"If you can help me defeat the Night King and win the bid for the World, I can lend you ten million. The time limit is five days."

Lin Wei said seriously, resting her chin on her hands.

"I need ten million now."

Xu Xian said with a frown.

He didn't have time to wait for another five days.

"Not now, but tomorrow at the latest. Tell me first, is there any way to make the Night King lose the election?"

Lin Wei knew that Xu Xian was smart from an early age and had a very tricky view of the problem.

The difficult problems in the eyes of others were often easily solved by Xu Xian

That was why Lin Wei was willing to take a gamble.

"There is a way..."

After thinking for a while, Xu Xian said, "But I'm not sure if I can succeed or not. I'll go to the Night King this afternoon and inform you in the evening. If there's no problem, I'll see ten million dollars coming in tomorrow."

"I promise you."

Lin Wei nodded.

She did not doubt Xu Xian's ability, as long as he said it would work.

There must be no problem!

The two of them had known each other for more than 20 years.


If the bidding was successful with ten million dollars, then the World would be able to directly participate in the development of the game company.

At that time, with the background of the game company.

The Fiber Game could be developed into a perfect 3A masterpiece!

"The twenty points of business recognition from Lin Wei must be deposited into the host's account. Will they be directly converted into business points?"


Xu Xian was overjoyed.


Xu Xian took a taxi to the Night King.

He seldom dealt with game companies before and had never done business with them.

What should he do to make the Night King fail in the bidding?

Sitting beside the parterre under the building, Xu Xian looked up at the signboard hanging on the fifteenth floor.

"The most direct way is often the most effective way!"

A good idea came to Xu Xian's mind. He took out his phone and called Lin Wei, asking her for fifty thousand dollars for the start-up capital.

Then he turned around and walked into the building, heading straight to the Night King on the fifteenth floor.