Chapter 12

TW// Blood

Tivon woke up, his body heavy and numb from the pain. Even though he had been sleeping since Elias gave him the Hyssopy flower, he was still tired. He was lying on Elias' lap, blanketed with Elias' coat, his hand resting on Tivon.

Elias was sleeping. He must've been so scared for me. Tivon didn't want to move. He didn't want to wake him up or rather he didn't want to be away from him. It was comforting and warm.

Tivon looked at his hand. There was dried blood on it. He touched the skin underneath his left eye. It was also covered with dried blood. That's new. He closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Elias. I don't want to think about it right now.

Elias', almost mechanically, hugged him closer with the hand resting on him. Tivon looked up, thinking that he woke him up. He was still sleeping. Tivon noticed spattered blood on his face. Is that my blood? It can't be. But whose is it then?

Tivon's mouth was dry. He wanted some water, but he didn't want to move. Didn't they have to be somewhere? Tivon rummaged through his mind. The ship. He suddenly sat up, waking up Elias.

»We need to get on the ship!«

»What ship," said Elias with a yawn. "just go back to sleep.« He leaned on the wall and closed his eyes. He then opened his eyes forecefully. »Tivon you're awake! You're alright.«

Tivon smiled. »Thanks to you.«

»You scared me.« He looked at Tivon's bloody hand. »And why didn't you tell me that this could happen?«

»I didn't know. This was the first time. And what's the blood on your face?«

»Nothing.« Said Elias as he frowned and looked away.

»Someone was out there, wasn't it?« asked Tivon.

»Maybe.« Tivon waited for Elias to continue. Elias crossed his hands and sighed. »It was Pit.«

Tivon sounded surprisingly worried. »You didn't kill him, did you?«

»No... I almost did.«

»Great. Now I really don't want to see him on the ship.«

»The ship...« Elias was thinking. »We need to be on the ship!« Said Elias in panic.

»That's what I've been trying to tell you!«

Elias quickly got up and put some of his stuff in a bag. Tivon did the same, just a little bit slower.

»You can lay down, just tell me what you need.« said Elias.

»It's okay. I'll manage. We'll just need to gather some Hyssopy flowers along the way. I just don't know how to dry them up.« Said as he was taking Elias' coat off.

»I can dry them in my cabin.« Said Elias putting his belt with swords on.

»You have your own cabin?«

»What can I say, they love me.« He winked at Tivon and took the coat from his hands. »Clean your hands and face.« Said Elias as he headed out.

»You too.« Smiled Tivon behind him.


On their way to the ship, they gathered enough Hyssopy flowers for Tivon to last for a few months. Elias put them in his bag, and they headed to the ship. Before they boarded it, Elias stopped Tivon.

»Tivon.« Tivon looked at him. »I promise I won't let anything happen to you, but still... Be careful.«

Tivon fixed his necklace under his shirt and nodded.

As they were walking on a desk attached to the ship, Elias said. »You'll probably need to work with us from now on. That means helping on the ship and when we land we do jobs to earn our own money, or we do the jobs that captain decides for us.«

»I think could manage that.« said Tivon.

Just as they boarded the ship, one of the pirates who always wore a bandana approached them.

»The captain needs you.« He looked at Tivon. »Both of you.«

Tivon looked at Elias, scared that they might have done something wrong, but Elias just looked annoyed.

They headed towards the captain's cabin. When they entered, the cabin was dark as always, the only source of light was the lantern hanging by the door.

»You wanted to see us, Sabur?«

Sabur didn't turn around to see them. »Why is he not chained?«

»Because he doesn't need to be. He isn't dangerous and he won't run away.« calmly responded Elias.

After that, there was a long silence.

»Fine.« Finally said Sabur. »But he will work.«

He turned around. He looked the same as he did when Tivon first saw him. Face full of scars, a long beard braided at the end, his ears pierced with black earrings and one of his ears chipped at the top. The only thing missing was a big hat with green and purple feathers.

»In three days, we will land in Bradfordshire." Tivon only thought he saw Elias' body tens up. "You'll bring me this.« He slid a picture of a necklace, with a big green diamond in the middle.

»Bradfordshire is big, where exactly should we look.«

Sabur leaned back in his chair. »You are aware of The Green Woman

Tivon knew this wasn't a question, but rather a confirmation. He looked up at Elias. He had never seen him this pale. Elias sighed. »Unfortunately.«

»It's her sister's necklace. She is a frequent customer at The Jade Paradise. The necklace is worth more than the ship and all of you scumbags on it.«

»And how do you mean to get it?«

He turned around. »Figure it out by yourself. Shary can go now, Filp will show him his net.«

»He is staying with m-?« interrupted Elias.

»Filp will show him the way.« Said Sabur, raising his voice.

Elias shut up. He nodded to Tivon, and he quietly left the cabin.

When he was gone Sabur asked. »He needs to sign the contract.«

»He won't be signing anything.« Replied Elias, anger in his voice rising.

Sabur turned around. »He is on my ship Elias!«

»You said it yourself. The boy is my problem now. He is under my protection.« He said with a cold stare.

»You've become too attached to the boy. Remember what your job is here.« He nodded towards the tattoo on Elias' wrist. »Go now.«

He didn't have to tell him twice, Elias was outside the cabin in a second, frustrated at Sabur.

He looked up the gaff, where Pit was sitting, preparing the sails for the ship to set sail. His hand was swathed in bandages. He was looking at him, but when he saw Elias notice him, he frighteningly looked away. He's afraid. Good. It should stay that way. He continued walking down below deck as the ship set sail.


When Tivon walked out of the captain's cabin, he didn't know what to do. How am I supposed to know who Filp is? Tivon just stood there not knowing what to do. Fortunately, the pirate with the bandana came to him and said. »Follow me.«

Tivon guessed that that man had to be Filp. Flip turned around and started walking below deck. Tivon followed him and with the corner of his eye, saw Pit watching him from the gaff. He picked up his pace to catch up with Filp.

He guided him down and showed him his net among other hammocks at the end of the ship in a corner. It wasn't much, but Tivon didn't have high expectations, after all, he was on a pirate ship. Not just any pirate ship. The Rose Sparrow.

After spending time with Elias on an island, he forgot how it was being on a ship, filled with strangers, filled with pirates. He swallowed hard, his hand moving towards his inner coat pocket, where he had the wooden Ohil. It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay.

He sat down on his hammock trying to keep his balance as the ship set sail.

»You'll have to get used to not moving too much in your sleep.« said Elias behind him.

Tivon turned around. »I don't move in my sleep.«

»Oh, you have no idea.« smiled Elias.

Tivon frowned, turning red. Elias looked around. »Sorry you have to be here. Sabur is too stubborn.«

»It's okay. I'd figured something like this would happen.«

Elias sat beside him. »Well, good news, we have a job. Bad news, I don't like where it is and what people it involves.«

Tivon looked down. »Who is The Green Woman and what is The Jade Paradise?« He asked.

Elias sighed, steadying his voice. »So, Bradfordshire is a town known for shady people, crime, illegal activities, houses of pleasure and other bad stuff. The Jade Paradise is one of them. It is one of the most popular pleasure houses in town. It supplanted almost every other pleasure house in Bradfordshire. And The Green Woman is the owner of it.«

»Sounds illegal.«

»It is, but nobody in Bradfordshire cares. If there is money, they don't care if it's wrong.«

There was silence for a couple of minutes. Then Tivon asked nervously. »Have you ever been to The Jade Paradise

Elias fell silent. »Unfortunately, yes. Never as a customer. I hate that place with all my heart." Tivon was relieved to hear it. »But it's popular amongst our crew. Especially for Pit.« Continued Elias.

Tivon looked at him, scared for Elias to continue.

»The Jade Paradise is also known to be an all-boy pleasure house.«