Tivon couldn't concentrate when he had his visit in the morning. He was just thinking about his little plan. He knew that things weren't adding up. He knew something wasn't right and he was determined to figure it out.
When the time passed Tivon thanked his client and then he headed straight outside to Elias, who was already waiting for him at the same spot as yesterday.
Before Elias could say hi to him, Tivon said. »I'll need your help.«
»With what?«
Elias started walking, but not towards the dark alleyway, but on the main busy street heading to the centre of the town.
»Wait, where are we going?« asked Tivon.
»We're going to visit Violet.«
Elias was happy to see Tivon smile, but Tivon quickly became serious. "Why are we visiting her?"
»She made something for you.«
Tivon blushed. »Oh.« He quickened his pace, to get ahead of Elias. »I'll need your lockpicks.«
»Why the hell do you need those for?«
»To break into Luana's office.«
Elias suddenly pushed Tivon in a narrow street away from the people. »What?!«
»Okay, listen. Something is not adding up. Luana is hiding something from us. Not just us, everyone.«
Elias didn't take the look off of him. »Were you even listening to me yesterday?«
Tivon looked at him, his look was serious. »Of course I was. That's why I want to know what is happening.« He looked around to make sure no one was listening to them. »I've been in her office a couple of times, I memorized it and I know where to look. Luana isn't always there, she leaves the office at night. If someone makes a commotion outside to distract the guard, I could sneak in.«
Elias leaned on the wall. »What if she finds out?«
»She won't. I'll make sure she won't.«
»I'll think about it.« sighed Elias. »Come on, Violet's waiting for us.«
They continued walking up the busy street.
»Where do you even get this crazy ideas?« asked Elias, when they've entered a market square.
»I have a great teacher.« Tivon winked towards him.
Elias looked at him. »Am I really that bad of an influence?«
»A little bit.«
»Hey, you! The boy in green!« Tivon turned to see who was calling him. He saw an old lady dressed in colourful clothes, wearing countless jewellery. She had a crystal ball in her hand. »Do you want to know your future kid?«
Tivon just looked away and continued his walk. Elias stopped him. »Wait, you don't want to know? It's rare that a witch sees the future for you just by your looks.«
Tivon looked at Elias. »A witch? Elias, witches don't exist.«
»Of course they do.« He pointed at the woman. »There is one right there. If she weren't a witch how is the crystal ball floating.«
Tivon looked at her again. The crystal ball was indeed floating between her hands. Tivon then moved his head a little. When he moved it at the right angle, he could see the wire attached to the crystal ball, going into her sleeve.
»It's attached to her.« Said Tivon with a calm voice.
»No, it's n-«
Tivon pulled the hem of Elias' coat and pulled him towards himself. He then gently held his head and moved it a little.
»Do you see it?«
»Do I see what?« Asked Elias, trying to figure out what he was looking at and trying to ignore the touch of Tivon's fingers against him.
»The wire, you stupid.«
Tivon moved his head a bit and then Elias saw it. »Oh.«
»How are you going to explain that, huh?« Asked Tivon, proud that he managed to prove something to him.
»Well, she may be fake, but they still exist.« Said Elias and continued walking.
This hard head of his, thought Tivon.
»How do you think Sabur got his scars and why he's missing a leg?«
»What is that supposed to do with witches?« Said Tivon. He remembered the scars on Sabur's face. They were in fact quite unusual.
Elias turned to Tivon. »You want to hear a story?«
»Only if it's true.« Smiled Tivon.
»Sabur was once a captain of the merchant ship. He was the best captain around.« Elias was happily jumping around. »Then once when he was sailing the great sea of Krens, he met a woman. He took her on his ship, because she promised him fortune and love, the only thing she wanted in return was to stay on the ship and him to help her find the lost antes.«
He looked back at Tivon to see if he was still listening. Tivon was patiently listening, so Elias continued. »Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. It turned out that the woman was a witch, fooling Sabur. She wanted something from him and when he didn't give her what she wanted, she killed his whole crew and let her fury out on Sabur. She thought she killed him, but he survived and with all that rage and fury Sabur made The Rose Sparrow. They said that that faithful night the witch cursed him.«
Tivon looked at him baffled. »And why should I believe that story?«
Elias stopped. »Because Sabur told it.«
They were looking at each other. Elias waiting for Tivon's approval and Tivon looking at him like Elias had just lost his mind.
»And now I should believe in witches?« Asked Tivon after some time.
Elias sighed. »You and your royal, smart heads that aren't prepared to believe anything that isn't involving them.«
»You really see me like that?« Tivon knew he didn't mean him, but for some reason it still hurt.
»N-no. I didn't mean- I-« He breathed out. »Sorry, I didn't mean it.«
Now Tivon felt embarrassed. »I'm sorry too.«
Elias awkwardly cleaned his throat. »We're here.« He pointed at the store, they were standing in front of. »This is Violets shop.«
He opened the door and offered Tivon to enter. The shop was small, but full of handmade jewellery of all colours. Behind the counter was Violet, smiling at them.
»Hi Violet.« Said Elias with a soft voice. Tivon waved at her.
She pointed at the door behind her and offered them to go in. The room behind the shop was even smaller. But it was big enough for a small kitchen, bed and a table. When Violet closed the door behind them, Elias put off his mask and leaned on the wall by the door.
»How are you doing on this lovely day Violet?« asked Elias.
She smiled at him and then pointed at the kettle on the stove.
»Tea?« Violet nodded. »I'll pass.«
Violet looked at Tivon. He smiled and said. »Yes, please.«
She grabbed a cup out of a cupboard and poured in the tea. She gave it to Tivon with a kind smile. »Thank you.«
She then went back to her shop. Elias' and Tivon's eyes unintentionally met and Tivon blushed. He quickly looked away and hid himself behind the cup of tea. Elias quietly laughed.
When Violet came back, she was holding something in her hands. She gave it to Tivon. It was a pin that all the jade boys wore right by the neck so that the tulle didn't fall off. Tivon looked up, confused to why he needed another one.
»But I already have one.«
Elias came to him. »I know, but this one is different.« He took it and pulled the end of it. The end that stayed in his hand was sharp like a little dagger. »If someone gets any weird ideas you'll have something to protect yourself.«
He put the sharp end back in and handed the pin to Tivon.
»I don't want to hurt anyone.« Said Tivon looking at the pin.
Elias took it and swapped the previous pin with the new one. »And I don't want anyone to hurt you.« Finished Elias looking him in the eyes.
He then turned to Violet. »Do you have by any chance some lockpicks?«
She nodded and went back to her shop.
»I thought you'll need more time to think about it.« Said Tivon surprised.
»For the record, I still think it's a bad idea.«
»None of this was ever a good idea.« Smiled Tivon.
Elias laughed as Violet came back with two lockpicks and handed it to Elias.
»Now where will we hide those?«
Violet suddenly grabbed the lockpicks and went to Tivon. She nodded to him to stand up. She moved the chiffon on Tivon's hip. She put the lockpicks between the layers of the belt. The belt was a harder material so even if the guards look hard enough, they wouldn't see it nor feel it.
Elias reached in his inner coat pocket and pulled out a sack of money. »How much do I own you Violet, 20 peiges?«
But Violet only turned to him and held his hands and shook her head.
»I need to give you something Violet.«
She smiled. »Thank you.« Said Tivon behind them.
He then quickly put down the cup of tea and set down in the chair.
Elias quickly came to him, Violet looked confused, and her green eyes were filled with worry.
»Elias do you have a-any Hyssopy flowers?« Said Tivon, feeling the pain going through his back in waves.
Elias quickly rummaged through his inner pockets. »Y-yes, I have them somewhere.« He finally found the bottle and poured some flowers in his hand. He crushed them and mixed it in Tivon's tea. Tivon drank it before the pain got any worse.
»Thanks.« He took a big breath. »I left the bag at The Jade Paradise.«
»Lucky for you I always have a spare bottle on me now.« smiled Elias.
Tivon looked at Violet, who was still confused and scared.
»I'm sorry Violet. It's just pain a get sometimes. You don't need to worry.«
Violet only slowly nodded.
»I should head back, I don't want to be late.« He stood up and looked at Violet. »Thank you again Violet.«
She smiled and hugged him. Then she looked at him again and smiled. Even though she couldn't speak, Tivon knew that she wished him good luck.
Tivon looked at Elias. »Want to walk with me to The Jade Paradise?«
Elias nodded, turned to Violet and thanked her. He put his mask on, and they left.
As they were walking to the pleasure house Tivon said. »She's a nice lady. I feel bad that she didn't accept the money.«
»She rarely accepts money from me.« Said Elias.
»Why is that?«
»I'm not sure.« Tivon wanted to continue his step, but Elias' hand stopped him. »There she is.«
Tivon followed Elias' gaze. There was a woman in the crowd, her long blond hair falling freely down her back. Her head was covered with big elegant green hat. She was wearing a big basil, green dress, fanning herself with a black and green embroidery fan. She was accompanied by two big men.
»Is that her?« Asked Tivon.
The woman turned. Her face was young and smooth, wearing black smoky makeup and vibrant red lipstick. Her bare neckline was ornated with the necklace. The same necklace that was on the picture that Sabur gave to them. The big Chrome Sphene shining in the light.
»Yes, that's her. That's Alieana.«