TW// Mention of blood and death
The group of three quickly made their way through the forest. The setting sun made its way through the leaves of the trees, illuminating the forest in warm orange. The shadows became colder. The horses were still in gallop.
Whenever the terrain was uneven or the horse moved weirdly, Tivon could feel Elias' grip tighten and release quickly. Tivon turned his head and looked over his shoulder, slowing his horse a little.
»Is everything okay?«
»Y-yeah.« Said Elias, hiding his pain with a smile.
Tivon could see that he was hiding something. He stopped his horse and turned to move Elias' shirt up. The blood got through his bandages.
Tivon looked at him, his look serious. »Why didn't you say anything?«
»It's fine.«
Rea stopped and turned her horse. »Is everything okay?«
»We need to stop. Elias' wound opened again.«
»I said I'm fi-« He tried to move, but the pain got worse.
»Either way we need to find a place to stay for the night.« Said Rea.
She looked around to see if she could find an appropriate spot for them to stay for the night. There was a clearing under a tree, old tree logs laying around.
Rea dismounted the horse. »We could stay here.«
Tivon got off the horse, helping Elias down and tied the horses to the trees. Elias sat down and started removing the bandages. Fortunately, the wound was just slightly opened, the stitches were still attached. Tivon took the brown liquid and the black flowers from his back and sat beside Elias. Rea stood there watching. Elias peered at her as like she was annoying him.
She noticed his look on her. »Oh, hmmm, I'll go find wood for the fire.« Said Rea, turning around and going off into the forest.
»Okay.« Said Tivon and turned to mix the flower and the liquid. When se was far away, he said to Elias. »You don't need to be rude to her.«
»I am not.« Tivon put the mixture on his wound. It stung Elias through his body. »Ouch!«
»Just try to be nice.«
Elias sighed. »Okay, I'll try.«
Tivon smiled, putting the bandages over his wound.
Rea came back with hands full of wood and sticks. Elias stood up and came to her, taking the log into his hands, put them down and started building the fire.
»Thank you.« Said Rea with a kind smile.
Tivon grabbed food from the bag, while Elias set up the fire. They sat around and ate their food as the night fell.
»We should take shifts while we sleep, just to be more careful.« Recommended Rea. »I can take the first shift. You two can sleep.«
Tivon nodded and looked at Elias.
»Well, I won't refuse an opportunity to rest.« Elias laid down, leaning his head on the log and closed his eyes. »Good night.«
»Good night.« Laughed Tivon.
He turned to Rea. She slowly nodded to him and whispered. »You should sleep too.«
Tivon looked down and nodded. He lowered himself and laid down his head on his bag. Rea pulled her coat over her shoulders and curled herself closer to her knees, looking at the flames curling itself into the night sky.
Ivan was walking down a long hallway. He was filled with anger and embarrassment. He was mostly embarrassed.
He got tricked by Rea. He should've seen it coming – Rea and Tivon were a handful growing up. He should've seen it coming.
And now he needed to face the king. Fear rushed through his body as he realized the situation he was in. Ivan was in hock to look after Rea so she wouldn't get captured by the murderer and then she managed to trick him and get him unconscious. And she stole his horse. His horse!
When he came to the door leading to Urien's office, he took a big breath. He tried to convince himself that he was ready to take all the necessary consequences. He opened the door and looked Urien straight into his angry eyes.
He was not ready.
»Sit down general.«
Ivan quietly moved to the chair in front of the table and sat down.
»So it's not that my son and a murderer are on the loose, Rea is also missing?« asked Urien sharply.
»My greatest apologies, my king. I didn't see it coming.«
»Is she with them?«
»I don't know, sir.« Said Ivan. He didn't know why he lied. He was sure that Rea was helping Tivon, but something in him said, that it's better that the king doesn't know about it.
This means treason, Ivan. Better be careful.
»That woman was right, my army is useless.«
Ivan looked up quickly. »What woman?«
The doors burst open, and The Green Woman walked to them.
»Me.« she said with a big smile. She inhaled her cigarette and looked down on Ivan. »And who's this blondy?«
»He is the general of my 'useless' army, as you called it.«
»Oh, interesting.« She smiled playfully at Ivan. »Still haven't found them?«
»You haven't found them too.« Said Urien and leaned in his chair.
She looked at him. »Oh, soon enough marily.«
Ivan went to his feet. »You don't talk like that to the king!«
»A feisty one, aren't you?« She puffed smoke into his face.
»Luana, could you please leave us alone.«
Luana didn't turn her face away from Ivan's angry eyes. »Fine.«
She turned and slowly exited the room, dragging her dress on the floor, stalling for the dramatic effect.
Ivan turned to Urien. »What is this woman doing here? Who even is she?«
The king sighed. »She claims to be a woman of great importance. My son and the Masked Man own her money. She said that she has a personal army who can find them faster-«
»And you just trust her?« Interrupted Ivan.
»Don't interrupt me!« He raised his voice. »I don't trust her, but if she finds them, I'm prepared to pay her.« He looked up from the table. »But I still need you. It would be better if you find them first. Send some troops to look at the forest, a troop to look at the village and one at the sea.«
Ivan nodded. He turned around to leave.
»And Ivan.« He turned to the king. »Keep an eye on her." His voice was sharp and serious. "Don't let me down again.«
»Yes, sir.« Bowed Ivan and left the room.
When he closed the door Luana was waiting behind them.
»What is such a pretty young man doing in a castle?« He ignored her and continued his way. »You would fit right in my house. Just like Tivon did.«
Ivan turned around. »What?«
»Oh, Tivon was just perfect. Well, not quiet. His scar was a problem and he was a troublemaker.« She waved her quellazaire around as she was talking.
Ivan stepped closer. »What does Tivon have to do with you?«
»Oh, with everything general.« She stroked his face. »You see he owns me money. But not just money.« Her look suddenly became deadly serious. »He murdered my sister.«
»What?! Tivon would never.«
»Oh, marily. He is not an innocent boy you may know.« She moved her quellazaire down his face to his neck. »He lied, manipulated his way to the higher ranks and then when my sister visited him, he stabbed her right in her neck.« She pressed the quellazaire against his neck, causing Ivan to move away.
»Don't get close to me!« He said while covering the burn on his neck.
She smiled viciously, turned and slowly continued her way down the hallway.
What the hell is wrong with that woman? And Tivon... That couldn't be true. Not Tivon. He moved his hand away. I need to find them before she does. He turned around and ran to the armoury to prepare the troops to find the missing kids.
He dreamt of her again. But this time he was trapped under her heavy body and blood wasn't coming out of her mouth. It was coming from her light blue, almost white eyes, pouring down on Tivon.
He quickly woke up, breathing heavily.
»Are you okay?« Asked Rea, staring at him with curious green eyes.
»I'm okay.« He sighed and sat up. »Just a nightmare.«
»Want to talk about it?« Tivon shook his head. He wasn't ready to tell her about the murder. »If you're not ready you don't need to, but you don't need to hide things from me. You can trust me.« Smiled Rea.
»I know.« He looked at Elias peacefully sleeping.
»How did you two meet?«
Tivon looked at her. »Do you know about The Rose Sparrow?« Rea nodded. »When I ran away, they attacked the merchant ship I was on. They killed the whole crew, but they let me live. He let me live.« He looked at Elias again. »He's the reason I'm alive.«
Rea leaned closer like a curious child wanting to know the end of the story.
»He showed me around their island, I worked with him, I spent a lot of time with him.« Tivon smiled and Rea could see in the dim light of the fire a slight blush on his face. »He showed me what it means to live.«
»So he isn't this murderer all the stories tell us about.«
»Oh, he is everything the stories tell. I've seen him angry, furious. But never at me.«
Rea looked at Elias and then at Tivon. »He cares about you.«
Tivon nodded.
Rea smiled. It was that kind smile she always gave him when they were little. »I can see it. When he looks at you and the way he talks to you, the way he is around you.«
Tivon blushed and looked at Elias. »I guess I'm lucky, I stumbled across him.«
»Yeah.« Rea tried to hide the sadness in her voice. She yawned.
»You can go to sleep. I'll take the next shift.« Said Tivon.
He grabbed a log and put it over the fire. Rea nodded and lay down. She was tired. Rea only then realized what had happened that day.
She ran away to help her best friend and a murderer, but at the same time she felt free, she felt alive. She smiled at herself as she fell asleep.