As the night was getting darker and colder the group sat by the fire eating their frugal dinner. As the fire was crackling and warming them up Rea stood up.
»I'll go for a quick swim, if you don't mind.« She looked at them sitting side by side. »Well, you'll defiantly won't mind.«
Their faces turned bright red in an instant and Rea laughed while turning towards the bushes.
»Just be careful not to fall into the fire.« She screamed behind the bushes, following with a gentle giggle.
Rea walked down the hill, stopping by the lake, undressing herself and letting her hair down. She quickly jumped into the warm water. The calm steamy water welcomed her into its embrace. She breathed out and relaxed her muscles. Could get used to this.
She noticed little white dots on the surface of the lake. She tried to touch them, but it didn't seem that they were on the lake. Rea looked up and, in a clearing, surrounded by trees a night sky full of thousands of million bright stars shone down on her. She smiled.
Definitely could get used to this.
For a minute Elias and Tivon just sat there in silence, only interrupted by the fire cracking. Elias moved closer, putting his coat over his and Tivon's shoulders.
»You seemed cold.« Said Elias quietly.
Tivon pulled the coat closer and snuggled closer to Elias. And there was silence again, but this time warmer.
»Do you know how to dance?« Asked Tivon all of a sudden.
Tivon stood up and offered him his hand.
»Tiv, I don't know ho-«
Tivon took his hand and pulled him to his feet. »I can teach you.« He held both of his hands and winked. »It's just like fighting.«
He put one hand over his waist and put his hand on Tivon's shoulder.
»We don't have any music.«
»We don't need it.«
Tivon pulled him closer, now looking at each other, face to face.
»Avoid my steps.«
Tivon started walking towards him, Elias looking down.
»Look into my eyes.« Said Tivon quietly.
Elias looked up, continuing to avoid Tivon's steps and Tivon avoiding his. Just as he got a hang of it, Tivon pulled him, making a little circle. Elias almost lost his step, but Tivon held him tight. He smiled at him and turned them around again.
In time Elias got a hang of it, and they started flowing around the fireplace. Suddenly Tivon let go of him, putting his left hand behind his back and holding the right hand up in the air.
Elias quickly did the same and they made two slow circles, looking at each other's eyes. Tivon then put hands on him again and they danced on, quietly, like two fireflies in the dark night.
Rea leaned against the rocky shore, looking at the charming stars sprinkled around the night sky. Even though she was on the run, she felt more relaxed than she had in the past couple of months at the castle. It only matters that Tivon's okay. It only matters that he's happy. That's all that matters.
She noticed them moving behind the bushes in the corner of her eye. She didn't look. They needed privacy. But it looked like they were running around, so she looked.
A big smile ran across her face when she realized that the two of them were dancing. She rested her head on her arms and looked at them. Didn't know pirates could dance.
As it was getting colder, she went out of the lake and put her clothes back on, quickly getting back to the fire to warm herself up. She tried to pass the dancing couple quietly and unnoticeably, but Tivon noticed her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to them.
Rea tried to step back and let them dance, but Tivon just nodded, letting her be a part of the dance. Rea smiled and the trio danced into the night, with the voice of Rea's humming, cracking fire and subtle laughter.
The next day was cold as the sun was trapped behind grey clouds. Tivon looked down from the cloudy sky.
»Let's just hope it's not going to rain.«
Rea looked at him. »Well, we are quite close to Hewe and the sun will set down any minute now.« She pointed at abandoned houses and a forest surrounded by the ruins of an old town.
»Why is there an abandoned village near an already existing town? And what happened here?« Asked Elias.
»This town was called Rhiamon.« Started Tivon. »The town had some of the best doctors in Krens.«
»It was known for having a market of countless different herbs, flowers and rocks.« Continued Rea as she stopped her horse to look at the countless different flowers growing over a mossy ground.
»But it was destroyed.« Said Tivon and Rea moved her horse. »Well, more burnt down."
»Why would you destroy a town that can be beneficial to the kingdom?« Asked Elias.
»There was a rumour - that witches were the ones selling and making medicine, creams and all sorts of liquids.« Said Rea.
She noticed an empty house, that was still standing and would be perfect for their stay.
Elias looked at Tivon. »You said that you don't believe in witches.«
»I don't. They were just smart woman.« He sighed. »My grand grandfather-«
»And mine too.« Interrupted Rea.
»Yeah, the Kingdom of Naydawin and the Kingdom of Lucine were connected since even before my grand grandfathers ruled.«
»Our grandfathers were known as The Witch Hunters.« Rea dismounted her horse and grabbed her horse reins.
Tivon stopped his horse, and both Tivon and Elias dismounted their horses. »They went to village after village, killing every witch they could find.«
»What?« Tivon was surprised to hear confusion in Elias' voice.
Rea looked down. »But this town. The women stood up for themselves, trying to protect this little town.« Rea closed her eyes. »So they burnt the whole village down.«
»You and your royal asses solving problems with murder.« Suddenly said Elias.
Rea turned to him. »Excuse me?!«
»It's true. For centuries you've been hunting down witches and when that wasn't enough you've just burnt down everyone. And I mean everyone innocent too.« He pointed at the ruins. »And I beat you that this isn't the first town they've destroyed.«
»Elias!« Tivon couldn't quite believe it.
Rea stepped towards him. »That's a lot coming from a pirate!« She pointed a finger at him, raising her voice. »You've been ruining our trade routes for centuries and you've destroyed countless of our merchant ships, killing thousands of innocent lives.«
Tivon tried to step in between them. »Rea...«
»And you.« She was face to face with Elias, both of their looks sharp and fixed at each other. »You are the worst of them. You are just a filthy, murderous fernty!« Rea screamed.
»Have you ever reconsidered that I didn't choose to be like this?! You've just heard stories about The Masked Man and thought that, oh, it must all be true. Did it ever cross your noble, highborn mind that they made me like this?! A fernty as you call it!« Yelled Elias. "You have no right to call me that! You have no idea what awful things I had to go through."
Tivon pushed them away from each other. »Stop it! Both of you.«
Both stepped away, to Tivon's surprise both swallowing their tears down. »We're tired. We've been ridding whole day.«
»I'll get the wood.« Said Elias coldly and turned around.
»I'll take care of the horses.« Rea quickly turned to the horses.
Tivon sighed exhaustingly and went to see the house. He was tired and he knew that they were too, but Elias shouldn't have said that. Then again Rea shouldn't say what she did either.
He quickly glanced at Rea. She was shaking in anger while tying the horses to a tree. Then he turned to see where Elias was. At first, he didn't seem angry, but when you looked at his eyes you could see that they were burning. I need to talk to them.
Tivon walked to Rea, who was struggling to detach the bag from the horse saddle.
»Let me help.«
»I'll manage. Thank you.« She said sharply.
»You don't need to talk to me. Talk to him.«
He grabbed her hand. »Rea. I know he hurt you, but I'm sure he didn't mean it.« Rea tried to swallow down her tears. »And I'm sure you didn't mean what you said to him.«
»I don't know if I meant it or not.« She sighed. »I know that I don't know him and I probably never will, but.« She managed to detach the bag. Rea looked at Tivon. »If I'm bothering you two just say it. I'll leave.«
She went towards the house, where Elias was already lighting up the fire.
She didn't turn around.
As soon as Elias lit up the fire, he went inside. Rea sat down by the fire. When Tivon went passed her to go talk to Elias she said. »I'll take the first watch.«
She pulled her coat over her shoulders, avoiding Tivon's eyes. Tivon opened the door and looked around the room. Elias wasn't there. He noticed the stairs, so he went up. The room was dark and lit up only by the moon peeking through a window. Elias was standing in front of it.
When Tivon tried to take a step forward Elias said. »I don't need you to tell me that she didn't mean it.« Tivon stopped. »I know she meant everything she said.«
Elias turned around. »They are all the same. They only see the bad in people. Let it be a witch in every woman they see, or a pirate, a murderer in every man that is not some royal blood.«
Tivon took a step forward. »You know that not everyone is like that. I'm not.«
»Don't start with the I'm different.«
Tivon stopped. »You think I'm lying to you? That everything was a lie?«
Elias could hear the hurt in his voice and in that moment, he wanted to take it all back.
»No, I didn-.«
»If you think we're all the same,« he turned. »Then leave.«
It was too late. Tivon was gone and Elias was left alone again.
Tivon ran down the stairs, tears filling his eyes, but he couldn't let them out. He sat down and leaned against the wall. Elias was right. They were not different.
If Tivon never met Elias, he would still think of the pirates as... As fernties. He didn't like that word. Since he met Elias', he didn't want to hear it ever again. He closed his eyes.
Tivon wanted this to end. For this to pass. He wanted yesterday evening to come back. And then Tivon realized that all he ever wanted in life was to have something. And then he knew that Elias was right.
Elias clenched his fist. In sudden anger trapped inside of him, he kicked the nearby piece of wood lying on the floor. You fucking piece of shit Elias. Why are you always so egocentric? He sat down on the window still.
Because the village was on a hill, you could see the big meadow, right before the forest where the ruins of a town could be seen, disappearing in the darkness of the night.
He hurt him again. And this time he didn't know if Tivon would forgive him.