Rea waited for the last masked man to go off the ship. As she was watching them, she managed to figure out their working patterns.
Two men were given a task to bring barrels on the ship. As one took the barrel and brought it on the ship, the other one just came back down. Rea would sneak behind the last man who had to bring the barrel on.
When there was only one barrel left and the other men already left to see if there were any other things to take care of, Rea ran to it and hid behind the column by the barrel. When the man took the barrel, she sneaked behind him and as easy as that she was on the ship. Before that, she made sure that there were no other people on the ship.
She walked down the other stairs, being careful that the men didn't see her. She hid behind a wooden column and when the man put down the last barrel and left, Rea hid behind them, sitting down by a little hole in the ship, from where she could see the harbour and the board where they would walk on to board the ship.
And then she waited.
She almost dozed off when she suddenly heard Luana yelling at one of her jade boys. Rea looked through the hole to see what had happened. Luana was just yelling at him because he had dropped her scarf on the ground.
Behind her, she saw Elias. Rea's heart jumped when she saw that he was still alive. But he didn't look well. Two men had to hold him, and it looked like he was unconscious. Even from afar, Rea could see the cold sweat running down his pale face. What did she do to you?
As soon as they boarded the ship it set sail. For now, the plan was working. They just needed to put Elias in the cell, and she'll unchain him. But to Rea's surprise, they brought him to the floor where she was.
»Chain him there.« Said Luana.
They brought him beside the barrels where Rea was hiding and chained him to the wall so that his hands were tied over his head. Luana grabbed his chin.
»He won't be able to get anywhere.« She released his head and looked at the two men who brought him there. »You don't need to look after him. He won't be able to go anywhere.«
They bowed and disappeared on deck with Luana. Rea waited for a couple of minutes to make sure nobody came down and then she ran to Elias.
»Elias?« She whispered.
She didn't want to touch him because she didn't want to trigger anything in him.
»Elias.« She whispered a little bit louder that time.
He moved his head a little, letting out the slightest quiet sound.
»Elias. Oh, thank God you're alive.«
Rea quickly looked up at his chained hands. There was no way she could unlock them without a key.
Rea looked down. »What? Elias I need to get you out of these.«
»They'll k-know.«
»And what else are we supposed to do?« Asked Rea hysterically.
»I-I don't know yet, b-but I'll figure something out. For now, you h-hide.«
»I can't just stay behind those barrels and look at you in the state you're in.«
Rea looked around the place, trying to find something or more likely trying to come up with something to get Elias unchained. She saw a bucket with fresh water. She took a cup beside it and ladled a cup of water. Rea leaned it against Elias' lips and let him drink.
»Thank you.«
Rea just managed a brief smile and then she sat beside him.
»You need to hide behind t-the barrels.«
»If anyone gets here, I'll hide. I'm not leaving you alone.«
She crossed her arms over her knees. Elias smiled briefly. »Stubborn princess.«
»You're the one to talk, you're half alive.«
Elias smirked. »But still alive.«
Luana was standing beside the helmsman as the sun was setting down. It wasn't normal for her to be on deck while they were sailing. She wasn't even the person who liked sailing in the first place. It was even weird for everyone on deck. They were constantly looking over at her like she's gone mad. But her look was fixed on the horizon like she was waiting for something. Or someone.
»We're sailing towards the kingdom, aren't we?«
»Yes mam.«
»Good. We should meet them in no time.« She squeezed her eyes. A big smile ran over her face. »I guess the time has already come.«
She turned to the helmsman. »Sail towards them.«
The helmsman nodded as Luana went down the stairs. The helmsman looked over to where Luana was looking and there, he saw a black dot on the horizon. From this far it was almost impossible to recognize the ship, but he would always recognize that black ship, even if there was full darkness. He moved the helm, turning the ship a little to the left and sailed it towards The Rose Sparrow.
Rea was trying to come up with a plan, but no matter how hard she tried, there was no way they'd get out of there alive. She looked at Elias. His hands were beginning to swell and he still looked like he was passing out from time to time.
Suddenly they heard a cracking of a ship, but not their ship.
Elias moved his head up. »What was that?«
Rea moved to the walls of the ship and looked threw the crack.
»A black ship is beside us.«
»The Rose Sparrow.« Whispered Elias.
Rea turned to him. »What are they doing here?«
»I-I don't know.«
Rea moved passed him. »I'll figure it out.«
Elias moved, trying to stop her, forgetting that he was chained up. »Rea don't! They'll see you.«
Rea ignored him. She put down her bow and hid it behind the barrels and then opened one of the barrels. She pulled out a mask and black veil. Rea turned to Elias with a satisfying smile.
»That could do.«
Rea smirked, put on the mask and covered herself in a black veil. Before she went upstairs Elias stopped her.
»Hey.« Rea turned to him. »Be careful.«
Rea nodded and rushed up the stairs.
As soon as Rea stepped outside on the deck, Luana was standing by the railing, dressed in a new black dress with long sleeves. Her hair was for once a little less messy. She looked at Rea.
»Hey you, come here.«
That's it. She knows. Rea slowly came to her, her heart pounding. Luana smiled.
»You'll be walking around The Rose Sparrow. If there is anything suspicious, you tell me immediately.« She whispered.
Rea nodded and Luana turned to the other two masked men accompanied by Pit.
»Pit is the only one who can walk across the board. Only with his permission, you can go through.« They nodded and Luana smiled. »Now let's go boys, I have a dinner to attend.«
They walked across the board onto The Rose Sparrow where Sabur was already waiting in the shadow. Pit stopped by the railings as did Rea and Luana walked to Sabur. He offered her his hand.
»Didn't expect you to be here. Weren't you going to Ascot?«
Luana took his hand and smiled. »Inside marily, inside.«
He nodded and accompanied her to his cabin. When the door closed the other two masked men stood by it.
Pit leaned on the railings, taking out his knife and started moving it in his hands. He looked at Rea. »Weren't ya supposed to walk around?«
Rea lowered her voice as much as she could. »Yes, I'm on it.«
She moved on before Pit would become suspicious of her. Rea moved behind Sabur's cabin, squatting down by the slightly open window. Sabur was just pouring wine into their cups as Luana lit up her cigarette.
»Tell me Luana, why aren't you sailing towards Ascot?«
Luana smiled, her playful eyes watching Sabur. »He surrendered to me. He's mine now.«
»Elias?« He sat down. »He is still mine.«
»Oh, Sabur stop it.«
»He still has the tattoo.« He said roughly.
»It's just a tattoo Sabur, stop making up stories.« She inhaled her cigarette and reached into her sleeve. She pulled out a contract. »He is mine.« She put it back and looked Sabur in the eyes. »And after what I plan to do, you won't need him anymore.«
Sabur leaned forward, listening carefully to what she was about to say. »And what is that plan?«
»I'm taking him to The Kingdom of Naydawin. I still promised them I'll bring them the trio.«
»You only have him.«
Luana shrugged. »I don't need all of them. The king only cares about Tivon and he is dead. I'll bring him Elias and tell him that he killed Tivon. After that, I will get both of them, The King and The Queen, killed. They don't have another heir and I'll get the kingdom.«
Sabur laughed. »I don't think that's how it works.«
»Maybe in other kingdoms, but this one is different. If The King and Queen are in danger, they can give their kingdom to anyone they want, without anything to sign on.« She giggled. »I'll just kill them, make it seem like Elias did it and act like they gave me the kingdom.«
»And you think that it's as simple as that.«
Luana leaned closer. »Even easier marily.« She smiled. »We will be rich Sabur. Rich.«
Sabur smiled and grabbed his cup. He raised it up. »A toast to us.«
Luana grabbed her cup. »A toast to rich us.«
They drank up their wine and laughed.
Rea was shocked. She needed to get Elias out of her hands. She needed to warn the kingdom.
She quietly stood up and walked to the middle of the ship. Pit was still leaning on the railing. I need to get to him. She brushed her hand against her belt. The knife she took from Elias was still there. I need to get to Elias. Whatever it takes.