Chapter 56

Tivon was looking at the horizon, watching the royal army ships sailing towards them. The dark clouds had already dispersed, but it was still grey. Even the atmosphere was grey and suffocating. Things are going to be different now.

He didn't want to think of it. Tivon gripped the ship's railing and closed his eyes. Their future slipped away. He looked back at the ships. But there are still things to be done.

»It looks like your parents are coming to.« Said Rea from behind. She walked to him and leaned on the railing. »Are you ready to talk to them?«

»I think I am.« Sighed Tivon.

They both watched them approach, the wind blowing through their hair.


»Yeah?« She looked at him.

»Thank you for helping.« He leaned on the railing. »And I also want to tell you that you're strong and no matter what challenges you face in the future, you'll get through them.«

Rea smiled, but before she could say anything, someone coughed behind them. They turned around to see Ivan, bandaged up.

»Sorry if I'm disturbing something. I would like to apologize.« He suddenly went on his knees. »I'm sorry. Sorry for everything. Because of my anger, I was blind. I didn't know who to trust.« He clenched his fists. »But now I know who I should trust from the beginning.«

He stood up but didn't look them in the eyes. »I'm ready to accept any punishment, even giving up the general title.«

Ivan was ready for the future king to kill him on the spot. He wasn't scared. He deserved it.

But Tivon just hugged him.

»You don't need to be sorry for anything.« Said Tivon. »You're still our friend.«

Rea hugged him too. Tears started running down Ivan's cheeks. He hugged his arms over both of them.

»You two grew up too quick.«

It felt to them like they were back in the days when Ivan wasn't a general yet, when Tivon hadn't had the accident and when Rea was still taller than both of them. It was a simpler time. A time when they were just kids. Kids ready to face the world.

And now they were standing in each other's arms, all grown up, looking at the sea, ready to take on the world.


Cornelis was sitting by his dead body, ready to let him in the sea, to let him be free from the curse in the sea's embrace. She stroked his face. Did you have to break the promise? She closed his eyes.

I'm sorry. Cornelis kissed his forehead. My love. Two men helped carry him in a boat and they let the boat into the sea. As she was holding onto his hat, looking at the boat disappear into the big sea, she started humming the song. A tear ran down her cheek.

It would be the last time Cornelis would sing that song.


As the royal ships came to them, The King and Queen with the army behind them, boarded The Young Marry. Tivon was standing in front of them accompanied by Rea, Ivan and Elias in the back, leaning against the railing, his arms crossed.

Urien was supporting Gyla who had her hand on her now already big pregnant belly.

»What is the meaning of this?« Asked Urien without even greeting them. »The message said that it was urgent.«

»It was,« said Tivon calmly. »But you were late.«

»Don't test me, boy, you've run away from me twice already.«

»Oh, so I wasn't kidnapped the first time?«

»N-no, I didn't-«

Whispers started to spread amongst the royal army and the crew of The Young Marry.

»Father, would you like to tell everyone about how you were working with The Rose Sparrow, oh and how you made deals with The Green Woman

There were some gasps amongst them and the whispers grew louder.

»That's enough! You will not talk to The King like that.«

»You are no king!« Tivon raised his voice. »You betrayed your kingdom. You've committed treason against it. Everything you did was for your own good. You don't care about the people, you don't care about your kingdom. You only care about yourself!«

Urien stepped forward. »You won't talk about me like that. You can't just get rid of me.«

Tivon smiled. »As The King of The Kingdom of Naydawin I can.«

»What king? I am The King! And I never agreed to put you on the throne.« He pointed at Gyla. »And I already have an heir.«

»Are you sure that he is your son?«

Now everyone looked at Tivon shocked, even Rea and Ivan. Gyla held her pregnant belly and stepped back. She wasn't shocked, she was just scared. Urien turned to her.

»Gyla. He is lying.« She was just looking at him with her gentle eyes. »No, tell me he's lying.«

She only looked down and shook her head.

»You have no right to be the king anymore.« Said Tivon.

Urien looked at him, his eyes fuming. »You... You can't be king. You are useless, you are a cripple!«

Elias already straightened his posture, reaching for his swords.

»You're right. I can't be. I have things to take care of. I need to pay my depth. But she can.« He moved his hand towards Rea. She looked at him like he was out of his mind.

»S-she can't.« Stuttered Urien. »No. She can't. Rea has her own kingdom to take care of.«

»The kingdoms are already connected. She can rule them both.«

»You can't possibly do that.«

»I can.« Smiled Tivon.

Urien pointed at her. »She can't. I woman can't possibly take care of two kingdoms all alone.«

»She will have help, she will find her Queen.«

Everyone gasped. Tivon quickly glanced at Rea. Her cheeks were bright red, but she was smiling.

Urien started shaking. It looked like he was going to explode any second now. He grabbed a sword from one of the soldiers and launched at Tivon.

»You disabled piece of s-«

Suddenly he felt a sword at his neck.

»Step away from him.« Said Elias coldly.

»Who are you to talk to me fernty

Elias pushed the sword closer and smiled. »Just The Kings personal knight, nothing more.«

»You've all gone out of your minds.« He looked at Ivan. »Ivan take the criminals away.«

Ivan didn't move, he just straightened his pose. »I take orders just from The King.«

Urien dropped the sword.

»Guards,« Said Ivan. »Take the traitor away.«

The guards grabbed him and started dragging him off the ship. He started laughing, hysterically.

»Fine. If you want it this way. Soon you'll come crawling back to me!« He yelled behind them.

Rea turned to Tivon. »You could've warned me.«

Tivon smiled. »I did.«

»How long did you know about your mom? Is the child really not his?«

»From the first day, I knew she was pregnant. Even before that, my father was so stubborn about me not leaving the castle that he never suspected her leaving. She loved to go to the nearby village.«

»Quite the observer.« Smiled Rea. She looked down at the royal army. »Do you really think I can do it?«

Tivon reached into his pocket and pulled out her necklace. He handed it to her. »I'm not just certain.« He looked at her green eyes. »I know you'll make a great Queen.«

She smiled. Ivan stepped to her and bowed down. »Orders, Your Majesty?«

»Take the ships back at the kingdom and take Luana with you. Make sure she doesn't get away. I'll be catching up with you later.«

»As you wish, Your Majesty.«

Rea smiled and winked at him. »You can call me Rea.« She whispered.

»Glad to be at your service Rea.«

Rea tilted her head and smiled.


Tivon was looking down from The Young Marry at The Rose Sparrow whose new captain was walking on it, dragging his hand against the railing.

Cornelis walked to him, stopping by his side. »The ship is his now.«

»What does it mean for him to have the curse now?«

Cornelis was silent for a moment and then she spoke. »He is bonded to the sea.«

Tivon's heart jumped. »He can't go on land?«

»No, he can still go on land whenever he wants. The sea decides for how long.« She looked at Tivon. »The sea will guide him, it will protect him, it will be his messenger.«

She looked back down at Elias. »He is now obligated to look for the lost antes. The boys who have no home or parents. He needs to save them. If he fails, the sea will be his judge.«

Tivon nodded. It didn't sound too hard. Elias will be able to do it. Tivon was sure of it.

»What about me?«

»The depth must be paid. If it were just my powers, I would let you off without the pay.« She sighed. »But this was a deal with the other side.« She looked at him. »We both are bonded to the other side. We both are the slaves of it.« Cornelis looked at the setting sun. » Besides that, I will need you. There was a reason I brought you back.«

Tivon looked at her. »For what?«

»You'll help me save my sisters.« She gripped the ship's railing. »The witches killed by hunters, the witches trapped and the ones who still live.«

Tivon was ready to hear that. He had a feeling there was something more to Cornelis just bringing him back to life so he could save Rea and Elias. He knew there wasn't a future where Elias and he could stay together.

»Why me?« He asked softly.

»I'm not yet sure, but it has to do something with your eye.«

Elias entered his cabin. Cornelis looked at Tivon. She knew sadness when she saw one.

»You'll still be able to see him. Just not everyday.«

»I know.« Sighed Tivon.

»Go to him.« Tivon looked at her. »We'll be parting ways in the morning.« She put her hand on his shoulder. »He still needs healing.«

She walked away towards Rea. Tivon looked down to Elias' cabin. His heart started racing and he felt like it was his first days on The Rose Sparrow again. Scared of what might happen next but knowing that he'll be alright. Because he had him.