Chapter 13

The three space shipgirls, and their robot bodyguards, reached the Admiral's office a few minutes later. Andromeda opened the door, and she was welcomed by an extremely gruesome scene. A dead body with one of its legs cut off, face unrecognizable, rib cage at full view with only few organs left, and finally multiple bite marks everywhere on the body.

Yamato pulls Andromeda to her as she goes in front of her daughter to cover up the gruesome scene. Andromeda was about to vomit there, but Yamato was lucky to prevent that from happening. A robot pulled out a white cloth out of nowhere, and covered the corpse with it.

Yamato could feel her daughter trembling because she remembers her past life. Yamato tries to calm down her daughter by hugging her, and humming gently.

"{Shhhh, it's okay, it's okay. I'm here, and auntie too}." Yamato said gently.

"{Looks like the infected got the Admiral, and planetary governor}." Shinano said, checking the body. "{The body is at least 22 hours old}."

"{An admiral can also be a planetary governor?}" Yamato asked.

"{Yes, as long as they can manage harder tasks like preventing this planet from going into chaos, and commanding shipgirls at the same time.}" Shinano said.

"{I'm okay now, mom… You can let go now.}" Andromeda said.

"{Are you sure?}" Yamato asked.

Andromeda only nodded as her mother released her from the hug, she walked past the dead body to the chair of the Admiral to begin searching data logs of hospitals if they have any information. Yamato stayed with Shinano who was examining the dead body.

"{How long does the virus kick in?}" Yamato asked.

"{That's the scary part of the virus, no one knows because it might take hours, days, weeks, months, even years before showing signs of symptoms or an instant with no warning.}" Shinano replied.

"{Shit… What are the symptoms?}" Yamato asked.

"{It's random, it might be a simple cough or something extreme like cancer, but it's always the same at the end. Your veins will be more visible, and glow in purple or red. Your eyes will glow the same.}" Shinano said.

"{Hey guys. I found something!}" Andromeda announced.

The two Yamato-Class sisters immediately went to Andromeda to check what she discovered. It was a medical record of a man, who visited a hospital somewhere in the eastern parts of the planet, telling his doctor that he has had quite the high fever for the past 4 days. The doctor dismissed the man thinking it was just a normal fever which was caused by stress from work. However, it was the siren-made virus.

"{Looks like we found our patient zero.}" Shinano said.

"{But how did this planet go into chaos after only a few hours? That can't be possible unless some sirens arrive here.}" Yamato said.

"{Could be. Andromeda, send a message throughout the planet to see if there's any survivors, so we could rescue them.}" Shinano said. "{And send this information back to Krieg.}"

"{Yes, auntie.}" Andromeda replied.

"{I will check the remaining parts of the base to see if any shipgirls didn't get infected. I will take my robots with me.}" Yamato said.

"{Wait, mom, are you sure? You might be infected!}" Andromeda said, fully concerned.

"{I agree with Andromeda, sis.}" Shinano said.

"{Don't worry about me. I know a goddess is watching over me, and my love for Admiral Justin will protect me, no matter what!}" Yamato boldly said. "[Also, my plot armor is overpowered as fuck.]"

The daughter, and auntie looked at each other before letting Yamato explore the base, she left the office with her robot bodyguards, and walked throughout the base which was completely a mess, and there were many blood stains.

Yamato comes across many dead bodies of staff members that work in the base, and shipgirls too. It was very gruesome to look at, but Yamato kept a straight, and clear mind not letting her think about the bodies. Yamato hears some noises from the cafeteria, and immediately heads there to find out what is causing those noises.

Yamato slowly checks inside the cafeteria to see three infected people feasting on a shipgirl, after a closer look the shipgirl was Shinano, specifically speaking, another copy of Shinano. Yamato was filled with angry emotions seeing barbaric monsters eating another copy of her sister.

"{Attack them, now.}" Yamato ordered.

The robots kicked the door wide open, alerting the infected people inside the cafeteria. The robots started blasting the infected people with their advanced rifles, instantly killing them easily without any further actions. Yamato walked past the robots once they stopped firing, she walked over to Shinano's dead corpse, and looked at it for a few moments.

"{Burn it, please.}" Yamato said, walking away.

A robot followed the other, and used its built-in flamethrower to burn the body. Yamato watched the robot until it stopped as she exited the cafeteria while thinking something deeply that is related to the copy of Shinano. Sure, it was just a copy, but it was the same Shinano who's Yamato's younger sister.


The three space shipgirls, and their robots were near their ships ready to depart from the planet after not getting any response from survivors. They decided to exterminatus the world before the infected people could infect other nearby planets, and suddenly Analyzer called three shipgirls out of nowhere.

"{I detected unknown ships approaching the base, and one of those ships is a siren.}" Analyzer said.

"{Shit! Let's go.}" Andromeda said.

Yamato, and Shinano didn't hesitate, and went to board their ships. As the ships launched from the base, the unknown ships arrived, and started attacking them. Yamato, and Andromeda positioned their space battleships behind Shinano since she doesn't have powerful guns on her stern.

The two wave motion powered space battleships fired their main guns of their sterns, the blue beams were very powerful to where the shields of the once ships of Azur Lane were easily penetrated without issues. Some ships that fired back towards the space battleships had their attacks rendered useless by the battleships' wave motion shields which deflected the beams to a random direction.

Once they exited the atmosphere of the planet, and traveled further in space. Shinano fired the world destroying torpedo from her torpedo launcher, the torpedo traveled towards the planet at a very fast speed before a moment of silence. Yamato, and Andromeda had their eyes glued to the screens of their ships to watch the destruction of the planet.

Seconds later, the entire planet blew up into millions of pieces of space debris. Yamato, and Andromeda witnessed their first exterminatus. Shinano contacted Krieg, and told everything that happened to the Admiral as she, her sister, and her niece will now travel back to their home world.

"[Now, that mission is done… Time for my next mission… Travel to Iscandar.]" Yamato thought.