Chapter 22

[Location: Blackstone Fortress, orbit of Cadia]

[Time: 0800 Hours]

The Admiral and his three shipgirls were sitting down in an observation room where they could see the planet Cadia while eating some frozen fruits. They arrived too early since the meeting will start at 0900 Hours which is only 1 hour away. Yamato suggested eating something from the cafeteria while waiting.

"You know, I think we should apologize to that couple we scared off earlier when we came out of the warp." Shinano said, eating a spoonful of fruits.

Earlier, when the three warships exited from the warp, they were so close to the station that they accidentally scared a couple that were minding their business, and were about to kiss each other before the warships entered the frame showing off their gigantic size, intimidating armaments, and most important of all, their bright glory to the couple.

"Nah, I like seeing couples taking Ls because I'm single as fuck and jealous." Andromeda said honestly as she eats her food while pouting.

"Don't worry, honey! You will find the one for you and your mother will teach you how to make that "one" love you until death…" Yamato said, showing a little of her yandere side.


[Location: Meeting Hall]

[Time: 0900 Hours]

The meeting hall was packed with many personnel of the Space Force with different ranks from the lowest rank of Private to the highest rank of Supreme Admiral, the higher rank personnel like junior commanders had their own shipgirls accompany them for protection or just showing them off to other people like trophies or something.

Admiral Justin and his three shipgirls entered the meeting hall last to be more dramatic since the meeting won't start unless one descendant of the four legendary Admirals is present to oversee, provide their opinion on the topic or to prevent anything such as riot from happening.

The Admiral, and the three shipgirls walked down on a red carpet in the middle of the hall where many people can see them, the people present started to whisper among themselves about first time seeing a descendant of the four legendary Admirals or seeing the two famous warships, Andromeda, and Yamato. The shipgirls in the hall watched the two warships with envious eyes while some were just praising them.

The greedy Admirals stayed silent because they know that trying to steal the two shipgirls away from Admiral Justin is just signing their own death sentence. The four arrived at the front of the hall where the 5 council members of the Space Force were sitting down at a half cycle design high table. The three shipgirls sat down while the Admiral continued to stand.

"Before we start this meeting, I would like to say to the Supreme Admiral & Planetary Governor of Krieg, Justin Reznov Mason, thank you for blessing us with your presence." One of the council members said Admiral Justin stayed silent as the council member continued. "It is not everyday you could have a chance to meet a family from the four legendary Admirals in person."

"[Bullshit, you keep trying to facetime me everyday, you old fuck.]" Justin thought.

"It seemed that we got the chance to see the two new shipgirls of the Space Force in person." A second council member said, looking at Andromeda, and Yamato as if he wanted to take them like candies.

"Like I said before, you five old fucks. They are mine, and mine alone." Justin said as many gasped in shock.

Everyone who's high ranking in the Space Force knows that Admiral Justin can insult the council members however, he likes since he was the type of person that doesn't show his plans to others, only results and those results are always positive in every way possible. That's why many people can only shut their mouths when Admiral Justin starts insulting them, they know they can't stop him.

"Let's start this fucking meeting that I was forced to be here." Justin said, looking over a guard. "Bring in the three fucks who decided that the rules of Space Force means nothing to them, now!"

Admiral Justin curled up his hand into a fist as he slammed it down on a wooden desk's surface, making a loud noise that made many flinch in surprise or frighten. The guard that Admiral Justin ordered, immediately went to get the three Admirals who broke the rules, the guard made them stand in front of the meeting hall where many predatory eyes were watching over them as if they were a small group of hopeless prey's getting stalked by a group of strong, and hungry predators.

"Admirals, Jason, David, and Tyler. You three have broken numerous rules of the Space Force." One of the council members spoke with a strong authority voice. "Do you three have reasonable excuses why you broke the rules? Or do you think because you're Admirals the rules won't apply to you?"

"Sir, we have good reasons!" Jason said. "We treated our ships with respect, yet they won't comply with our orders—"

"That's because you treat them shit!" A vice-commander said loudly, cutting off Jason mid-sentence. "It's natural for them to not comply with your orders because you're treating them like fucking toys rather than like us! Humans with common fucking sense!"

"What that vice-commander said was true, we got many complaints from your ships about mistreatment, harassment, verbal abuse, and many more. I have a complete list of these complaints, so trying to say these complaints are fake is proving what you three did is true." A council member said, gesturing a screen where the list can be seen by many.


"How dare you!"




Many voices insulting the three Admirals can be heard in the meeting hall, the Admirals only lowered their heads in shame and did not speak a single word. Yamato scoffed in a joking, yet insulting manner as she continued to silently watch the meeting going on.

"Breaking many rules of the Space Force immediately means you forfeit your lives, no one can save you three unless…" A council member paused to look at the audience. "If someone in the audience has some kind of evidence to prove these complaints are fake, these Admirals will leave this meeting hall as innocent men."

No one spoke a single word, even the shipgirls that are a part of the three Admirals' fleet were completely silent. It looks like the fate of the Admirals have been sealed as a sound of metal clicking with each other, Andromeda looked over to Admiral Justin standing up from his chair with a handgun. The three Admirals began pleading to spare their lives while guards held them in place.

"Please, sir Supreme Admiral Justin! Spare our lives. We promise to do everything we can to correct ourselves." The three Admirals plead as Admiral Justin raises his handgun at their heads.

"You three have potential, I see that. However, my gun doesn't have eyes." Justin said as he pulled the trigger.