First Battle?

In the underground car park one could see a tall extremely good looking man swinging his arms and clicking his car clicker. As Ben made his way to his car he thought to himself. "I might aswell head home to let Jill know what is soon to happen, so that way she can better prepare herself. I mean me being here already created huge butterfly effect no one should care if I step on a few more right? I mean this should just a scenario created by the system."

Opening the door of the all black 2015 Dodge Challenger Hellcat. Ben buckles up puts it in reverse backing out of the parking lot. ramming the gear back in drive he peels off out of the garage right into the streets of Raccoon City.

"Shame that this once beautiful city is about to become hell on earth for everyone living in it. Since I'm going to change things might as well change as much a I can." Ben thought to himself as he turned the radio station trying to find a good song until he stopped on a certain station that happened to be playing "True Survivor".

Jamming out to "True Survivor" Ben grab his siren and put it on the car hood and turned it on. Pressing down on the gas pedal he started belching the lyrics.

"Out of time, running in and out of time"


Back in the police station. It had been more than 2 minutes and Lt. Branagh had yet to return. So Chief Irons decided to head out of his office a find out what was going on. As soon as he stepped out he saw Lt. Branagh enroute to him.

" Status report, where is Banner!".

"Sir! it's been reported that Lt. Banner has left for home, also he did not bring any weapons with him. He only left with his two personal firearms. It was reported though, Sir that he was decked from top to bottom in battle gear SIR!" Marvin had given him his report at full attention.

"Alright then that is all I need from you." maybe I was over reacting.


seeing that he was getting closer to his house Ben started to slow down, turning off his police siren he brought it back in and put it away. Pulling up to the drive way he parked the car and turned it off.

Seeing Ben pulling up the driveway had truly surprised Jill, It was a rare occurrence as rare as getting struck by lightning. Doesnt always happen but it does. Usually he wouldn't be home at least until the sun was down. So Jill being Jill decided to investigate. walking outside just as Ben stepped out of the car she walked up to him and welcomed him into her embrace.

"Your home early babe, is something the matter?" she asked as she let go of the Hug. now looking closely she noticed the Ben was decked from top to bottom in full battle rattle. He looked as if he was going to war.

"Yeah.... there is." Ben said while rubbing the back of his neck. still feeling a little awkward because due to the on going Synchronization this was his wife, but until today Ben had never had a wife. Not even in his past life did he have one, he didnt even have a girlfriend at the time of his death for the past 3 years. It was hard for Ben in his past life to even open up his heart. But this being Benjamin Banner(R.E) be tried his best to get over it.

"Let's go inside and talk then." Jill pulled him into the house as she replied.

Being lead by the hand into the house Ben thought to himself

" What the hell, who is this and has she done with the real Jill. The one that is known for kicking zombie ass, and taking no prisoners."

when Ben came out of his thoughts he realized that he was already in the house and sitting on the couch. He soon noticed that there was a silhouette in front of him, because of the light coming from the window and the dim lighting in the house he could only make out her shape. Even so he knew what was happening right. The person standing in front of him was of course Jill Valentine Banner and he was completely naked.

"Jill what are you doing?" Ben said in a soft voice.

"Shhh... we can talk later, right now let me enjoy this." Jill had said as she kneeled down and unclasped Ben's pants.


lying on the couch with Jill on top of him Ben started to talk about what he could tell her that would be believable. So he decide to go with telling her that he had an inside spy that was talking to him and feeding him information. How he had lost contact with this informant soon after said informant had relayed that the bio chemical weapon had be unleashed. By this point in time both had already dressed and were ready to do what needed to be done. Jill was in her outfit that she had from the remake of Resident Evil 3 and Ben had his pants back on.

"We need to evacuate the civilians and quick before it infects the whole city." Jill had said with a sense of urgency in her voice.

"I know but we can get the help of the RPD without alerting Chief Irons that we are aware of what is going on. Because if Irons knows Umbrella will know soon after. We need the element of surprise . I suggest you head to the powerplant and shut off all of the City's water supply so we can at least slow this down as much as we can, only then do we rush to alert everyone of bio chemical attack. by then we already have the advantage.We can then bring the CIA and the FBI into the fold."

"Ok let's do that but what will you be doing?" Jill asked.

"I'll be heading down to the secret underground research facility." Ben replied while rechecking all of his gear that he had in his storage.

"W-870 Shotgun check, Rocket launcher check, Flame thrower check. Ok I'm heading off, stay safe ok... and Uhh.. love you." Ben Said as he opened the front door.

" Love you too, and stay safe dont do anything stupid." Jill reciprocated back but it was a little to slow Ben had walked too fast after saying his last piece. he was already at the car. He still was uncomfortable saying those words but they came out of his mouth , as if someone or something was forcing them out. As Ben Started the car a sound sounded off in is mind.

["ding, Synchronization complete"]