Chapter 24: Chickenpox

The children were not getting better. What was more, pimples began to appear on their chests. They complained of headaches and developed a fever of around 38.5. Edwin knew what this was, chickenpox.

But how it happened was a mystery. Vaccines were mandatory for everyone, even the homeless. It was one good thing their current king had enforced after his own firstborn son died.

The three should have been vaccinated. So, he rounded them up and begun questioning them.

"Ok, how did you three avoid getting your mandatory vaccines?" asked Edwin as the three sat with eyes half closed on the sofa.

"Easy, the nurses at the clinic didn't want to waste good vaccines on street urchins. They get paid only for giving vaccines to taxpayers, and we didn't pay any taxes," Ben said with a shrug. Then he groaned and rested his head on top of Rael's shoulder.

"That is…what in the world is wrong with this country!" Edwin screamed, and that got the three boys fully awake.