Chapter 38: The diet

 Edwin must really think himself clever, Daniel thought, to put the entire family on a diet, so Daniel wouldn't be the only one eating rabbit fodder.

Well, ok, that wasn't fair.

He also ate cream cheese on freshly baked wholegrain bread, courtesy of Edwin, with a side helping of smoked turkey and freshly ground spices for breakfast.

Salmon grilled and not smoked, as Daniel preferred it, for lunch.

And brown rice with garlic and the tastiest chicken Daniel had ever eaten. It was not perfect, for Edwin removed the skin beforehand. But, oh, if the puppy wasn't taken already…

Daniel was given fruits by the children at different intervals of the day. Lucy, especially, liked to give him peeled and sliced apples.

The boy thought that Daniel was his first patient and would hit him with puppy dog eyes if he didn't eat.