Chapter 72: The desert

At the end of the week, the sprawling desert finally showed itself to them.

Sebastian had wasted no time in stashing away his clock and unbuttoning his shirt. Edwin lamented the loss of hard ground and made peace with the fact that there was going to be sand in his shoes from then on.

As they walked, they searched for a road. There wasn't one, but every 500 meters, there was a signpost. One of the planks read Asylum of Blood, so they walked in the general direction of the pointing arrow.

Just as night was falling, a strong wind came from the west. Edwin had heard about the fierce sandstorms in the deserts and didn't want to end up in one. But he had no idea what he could do.

"Come on, time to bury ourselves in the dunes," Sebastian yelled over the whipping wind.

"We will suffocate!" Edwin yelled back, blushing as he remembered what they were. "Never mind."