Chapter 99: The hidden council

 As the healers waited for Edwin to get the letter of approval from Cardinal Leo, they decided to be proactive, for once. In Alfredo Lavern's house there was a wine cellar, and so, the healers gathered there.

"If we get found out," healer Edward Dalhart looked shiftily around.

"Then we will be known as the ones who acted, for once!" healer Ella Rose snapped.

"Please, dear colleagues, don't think about what could happen. We are here to get some work done. What do we want?" healer Alfredo Lavern asked the gathered crowd.

"For our hands to be untied!" healer Ella stated firmly. "To be able to do what Roberts does, without being necromancers."

"It is a teasing dream," said a healer to her right. Alfredo attempted to remember his name. Hugo… something. "But can he really back the entire world? He got famous, or rather, infamous, when he got kicked out of the Mitestone Academy for Healers."