
Kurayami just had a great meal in his opinion while Akeno and Raynare were still dealing with the burning pain. What he did not tell them was that he had ordered them with Ghost Peppers.

He looked behind him at the girls. 

"It was not that spicy. I am perfectly fine."

Akeno frowned and pointed at his kind of flushed face. She also remembered how it was hot enough to make him steam.

"Normal people don't steam when they eat food. Are you ok? Normal people would cry if they ate that thing."

Raynare agreed.

"She is right, how are you not screaming?"

He just kept walking as bodily pain was a constant. Spicy food unaffected him at this point. 

"I am perfectly fine."

As they walked they saw Vali eating a bowl of spaghetti alone. Kuraymi had no interest in talking to him, but when he saw them, he walked away. Kurayami thought that was strange unless the kid had gone through stuff.

"Seems he has his own issues." 

Raynare was interested in that. 

"What makes you say that?" 

"He shows great trauma." 

Akeno felt bad for him.

"Should we help him?" 

"If you want." 

After exploring a little, they all sat down as they didn't have much to do after training. Kurayami even said as much. 

"If we are not training or with Azazel this place is pretty bland."

Akeno agreed. 

"Most of the main branch is in the Underworld. Besides that, this place is quite boring."

Raynare got interested in something.

"How long as you two been training?"

Kurayami sat down on a bench for the three of them as he explained.

"Since we were 4 years old. We are 8 now, soon to turn 9." 

Akeno and Raynare finished their ice cream to reduce the burn of their mouths. As for him, did not have much else to do as his training for the day was done. As such he was going to take this day more easily.

The same went for Raynare as she had just gotten two sacred gears so she still felt tired. Even Akeno was the same as their training was over with. 

They were children, after all, Fallen Angels or not. 

"Just take it easy for a day."

When Raynare finished her ice cream she sighed and used her flames to burn the container. Akeno did the same with a bit of magic. Now that was done they just sat in silence as they had no clue what to do or talk about.

Both Akeno and Raynare suddenly leaned on him with a bored look on their faces. Akeno looked ready to go to sleep so she placed her head on his lap like usual. At any chance she got she used him as a pillow which he did not mind.

He could stay still for hours at a time like a reptile or insect. It was a skill he picked up from Harold who used it as training. Raynare brought up a good topic to think about. It did make him interested in what animals he could get.

"Don you want a familliar?" 

He thought about it and felt it was something fun. Even in his past life, he had a profound connection to animals. 

"Devils, magicians, and some Fallen get them as they can be affected by the contract of their Master. Something strong. 

Akeno looked up at him with a smile.

"I want a lightning monster." 

Raynare thought it sounded interesting. She thought about what families would be best for Kuraami.

"Maybe. What about you? Maybe some dragon, a magical lion. Who knows?"

It got interesting and they just kept talking about mythical creatures they thought were cool. Kurayami remembered a creature from Greek Mythology that he would not mind finding.

"How about a Nemean Lion? We might have to go to Greece or something to steal one from Zeus."

She thought about it and nodded.

"Well let's just wait and see."

Just as they were having fun Vali finally walked over. He did not look too sad at the moment. Kurayami spoke to him. 

"How are you settling in?" 

Vali smiled and leaned back. 

"The great White Dragon Emperor is settling in fine. Just wait, I shall surpass you and take the title of most talented one of Grigori." 

Kurayami would smile if he could. 

"Is that a fact? Seems I just have to train more than I already do and keep you from defeating me." 

"You do that, just watch me." 

With a chunni laugh, Vali ran away before he tripped on his own feet. He looked back in shame before he kept running. Akeno and Raynare giggled as that was funny. Once Vali was gone, they went to find Baraqiel. It was getting late anyway. When they found him he was dozing off on a wall. Akeno walked up to him and pulled on his pant leg.

"Dad, wake up."

When he heard that he got a small jump and looked down. When he saw it was Akeno he reached down and picked her up.

"Are you kids ready to go?"

The three of them nodded so he put them down. Today was going to be the day they flew home, as it increased control in the wings. Before he took off they felt the gaze of someone and saw Vali waving. 

Raynare and Akeno waved back while Kurayami gave him a nod. 

"You spoke to him?" 

Raynare nodded. 

"He spoke to us and said he was going to surpass Kurayami. We wished him luck."

Akeno nodded.

"He truly is a funny guy." 

Baraqiel gave Vali one last look before they returned home. From then on now and then, Vali would join their training. He would spar with Kurayami as he tried to master the Divine Dividing, but it was tricky. 

He lost every time, but he laughed it off and ran off saying he let him win. Kurayami found it funny, so he always accepted his challenge. Another month later Akeno and Raynare finished growing their second set of wings. 

Meanwhile, Kurayami already had his third pair of wings. After this, their wings would grow slower, but with proper training, they would be faster than normal. Each one had something to push then to more power and dedicated training. 


That led to the current situation where everyone was doing some strength training. All 4 of them were running around a running track with weights tied to their bodies. Baraqiel was supervising them and when it seemed they were about to stop he would strike behind them with holy lightning.

Raynare was haggard and terrified as this was unexpected. She was already forced to run with 500 pounds. 


Baraqiel was pushing them hard, but hearing that made him smile.

"You are kids who can take this training. Looks like I can increase the weight next time."

Akeno was also not expecting this. She directly freaked out. As for Kurayami, he kept a blank look as he ran barely haggard. Akeno yelled out at the unfairness.


Raynare looked like she would puke any moment.


Azazel was laughing while watching this. He wished that Kurayami would freak out, but he was cold as ice. It reminded him of Terminator 2 as Kurayami was not sweating and did not look like he was breathing. 

He was even running with 2 tons of weight which was just crazy. 

"If you can apologize you can run faster. Run until you feel your legs falling off."

Vali was also running, but he only had 300 pounds of weight. His training had barely started, but it made him frown. 


"Kurayami, Raynare use your sacred gears as you run. Make sure that you control it to an area around you. Akeno, use as many magic circles around and keep stable."

Suddenly both Raynare and Kurayami were covered in flames and their speed increased. As for Akeno, she had to focus on keeping the magic circles steady as a wrong move would make them explode.

This tired them out as using sacred gear took a huge stamina drain. Controlling magic while on the move caused Akeno to tire out mentally and physically. Lucky for them they were hybrids and as such their Fallen blood made them far stronger than a normal human.

Azazel watched in interest as Kurayami and Raynare seemed to be able to use their sacred gears to exemplary efficiency for their age. However, they were still young so they had space to improve. 

Raynare had three Sacred Gears, but they were of the same type and fused. As such it was treated as one. As for Akeno, her talent was rare and amazing for a lack of Sacred gear. 

And the more they were pushed the better. His focus went to Kurayami Who had one of the Holy Relics and one of the Longinus. He needed to bind a soul to the cross to use a balance breaker and they were searching for a suitable creature to use for it. His future balance breaker depended on it as it would become an Independent Avatar. The first to drop was Akeno, but Raynare could only keep going for another minute before dropping as well.

Kurayami lasted a total of 10 minutes extra, but when he stopped running he was breathing deep and slow breaths. His lungs burned, but it was all within expectation. They were running with plenty of baggage and multitasking.

Azazel walked up to them and picked them up while they were panting. He helped remove the weights and decided it was time to offer them a place in the school for sacred gear users.

Akeno could go as well. 

"Are you 4 interested in joining Nephilim? It is a school for sacred gear users in the Underworld. This place is not made for training, but it is the closest to your home. Even if Akeno does not have one she can go as well."

Raynare nodded.

"Of course." 

Akeno nodded

"I want to go

Kurayami got up and dusted himself. He also agreed.

"Yeah. I don't see why not. As long as it is a better place than here."

Baraqiel knew it was a matter of time for them to go there, but he was just waiting for Azazel to offer it to them. So he supported it fully.

"Alright. Follow me."

They followed Azazel until they got to a magic elevator. He pushed a button and soon the elevator opened up. He was followed by the three kids and Baraqiel. Raynare and Akeno looked around and were a little confused.

"I thought we were on the lowest floor?"

Akeno had to agree as this was the bottom floor. Azazel explained it. 

"We are. This elevator moves through the dimension to get to the Underworld. Just one of the many inventions I have made."

Akeno nodded in interest. She looked at every rune and array on it with curiosity as Azazel was a great inventor. He had made Kurayami's living sword and Akeno's spear which were already impressive.

When they arrived in the Underworld and looked at the place they arrived it was all a new experience as neither one of them had been to the Underworld. Azazel gave them student name tags.

"Well there are a few students here already under Satanael, but those guys all have ferocious sacred gears, but being honest with you I don't know how long he will stick around. I have him monitored."

Baraqiel nodded as he knew how fanatic Sataneal was with his research into sacred gears. Unlike Azazel, he was far more interested in making more Longinus. He wanted to keep that guy away from his son and Raynare.

He always requested to place Kurayami and Raynare under his guidance. It was rejected every time as Baraqil knew what he wanted to do to them. He wanted to see what went beyond a Longinus.

As for Raynare, he wanted to try to make her sacred gear evolve into a Longious no matter the cost. Azazel shook his head as he looked at the three of them.

"Well, you three will be part of Baraqiel's first class as I want that guy as far away from you. As for you Vali, you will stick with me." 

Vali nodded. 

"I get the best teaching, soon I shall beat you Kurayami." 


"HAHAHAH-cough, cough, cough."

When they arrived, Azazel left with Vali while Kurayami, Akeno, and Raynare stayed with Baraqiel. He explained to them that here he could give them more specialized training focused on each one.

That was just what they wanted to hear which was what happened. Each one got a training regiment suited to their needs. They received magical training and sparring with other students and teachers as Armaros and Penemune had their classes. Very quickly six months had passed into their training Azazel felt it was finally time to forge Raynare's scythe.

He waited so long as he wanted her to push herself to not think she got everything handed to her for free. That had been proven to not be the case as she pushed herself to catch up to Kurayami and Akeno. 

Azazel went into their usual training field where Vali and Kurayami were locked in another spar. From Kurayami, a blaze of holy flames and lightning strikes rampaged while Vali used his Sacred Gear to keep absorbing the raw mana found within. 

However, repeated use was beginning to tire him out as he did not have Kurayami's resilience. Akeno was watching with interest as she always liked to watch her brother Dominate his Battles. Of course most of the time Kurayami won as he was the counter to Devils. 

It did not mean that Vali did not go all out and try to overcome his firepower. He kept smiling as he flew with his Sacred Gear. 

"I will win today Kurayami." 

As usual, Kurayami did not tease or yell back. He merely encouraged him. 

"Show me." 

Just then Azazel coughed which caused both boys to look over at them. Kurayami extinguished his magic as Vali landed on the ground. Raynare and Akeno clapped a little as they liked the display. 

Azazel was proud of the 4 of them, but especially Kurayami. The guy was already almost growing his 4th set. 

"Seems you kids are getting way stronger. Your progress has been steady. Keep up the good work."

Akeno looked over with a question on her mind.

"Why are you here? I thought you were busy."

Azazel nodded as he pointed at Raynare next to her. 

"It's time to forge your scythe Raynare. I have been thinking about it and I think you earned it. Just like Kurayami and Akeno did."

Kurayami looked over and agreed.

"Let me borrow your forge when you are done. I got some work to do." 

Azazel nodded.

"Sure. This is also a good time to temper Rebellion a bit. Just not now. 

Raynare couldn't help being excited. She had seen Kurayami's sword and Akeno's spear so she wanted one like them. Rebellion did not need the tempering, but why spit on a boost when one was offered? 

As for Submission, the blade was ready to be reforged. Over the past year, the constant infusion of elements had nurtured its will which turned into a consciousness. 

Before they could do that Azazel pointed at them. 

"First, use some magic and clean yourselves. Also, it's not today as I got to get my materials ready." 

Vali, Raynare, Akeno, and Kurayami did as told and with a wave of mana cleaned themselves. Once they were done, Azazel let them relax after a long training day. 

Vali ran off saying his super move was almost ready to defeat Kurayami. As for Kurayami, Akeno, and Raynare, they searched for Baraqiel. He usually was busy with training them or doing his duties, but he was given more free time.

Having Akeno and Kurayami allowed him to take it easier as a reward for giving Grigori such a good asset. Also, Azazel was extra thankful as he was raising Kurayami to replace him in the tiring job of Governor-General.

Once they found Baraqiel he was practicing his swordsmanship so they called out to him to get his attention. When he noticed them he rested his giant sword on his shoulder.

"What is it?"

Akeno ran up to him and hugged her father. Now at 10 years old, she had gotten a bit taller and she was looking much mature. 2 years did a lot to Fallen Angels. 

"Dad we want familiars."

Kurayami agreed on this. 

"It seems like a good investment to have for the future." 

Raynare also wanted one.

"Exactly, we can train them to fight." 

Baraqiel thought about it and saw no reason to say no. Familiars were a thing most devils had, but it was not that other races couldn't get them. There are many types and knowing that they can change according to the aura and power of the master they would be able to raise some strong familiars in the future.

"I can talk to Azazel about taking you to a place like that. I can be your guard during it as it can get dangerous."

They nodded and were a little excited as cool creatures being their familiars would be nice. In Kurayami's and Raynare's case, they both had sacred gears and an ability inherited from their ancestor that would result in interesting creatures.

Akeno was no less interested so any creature she got would still be powerful. When they were about to go to the elevator to go back to Earth, they saw someone they did not want to run into. It was Satanael.

He had brown hair, silver eyes, and a masculine-built face. He was tall, but he was shorter than Baraqiel. His gaze was stuck on Kurayami and Raynare looking like a viper.

"Baraqiel, good to see you. I see your kids and students are doing great. Hey kids, I can help you master your sacred gears faster than him. I recommend joining my class."

However, Baraqiel got them behind him as lightning began to crackle in his hands. Seeing it made Satanael, take a step back.

"You will do no such thing. Stay away from them."

Seeing that made him raise his hands while backing away.

"Fine, ever interested you know where to find me."

When he was gone Baraqiel looked at them with an unhappy look on his face.

"You kids need to stay away from that guy. I feel he may try to push your sacred gears beyond what you can handle. He has already killed a few of his students like that. The ones who survive get stronger, but they go nearly mad."

They nodded as they felt he was like a slimy snake. 

Baraqiel kneeled and hugged the three of them as he tried to confirm them. He was more worried for Shuri as Grigori was not a united place and many would kill his family to get to him. No flight today as he directly teleported home. 

He was going to ask Azazel if he could increase the guards around his family eve more. The more protection Shuri had the better as she supported her children getting stronger for their lives sake. The stronger they were the less danger they would have to face.