Undead Brawl and Rebellions Tyrant(Rewrite)

Now that they managed to escape from the angry hoard of Razor Tooth Fiends, and their Alpha they took a quick break to recover their fighting strength. Baraqiel healed his burns while Kurayami, Raynare, and Akeno focused on their stamina.

They did not rest for very long because none of them were human so they only rested for a few minutes. When Baraqiel felt they were ready he stood up as it was time to find something interesting for Raynare as the Death Fields were nearby. 

They were referred to as such because of the sheer amount of deaths. Already Raynare was extremely excited about what she would find.

"Let's find something just as cool. What options are there?"

She was jumping in place as she looked up at Baraqiel. He shook his head as he explained why the death fields were called the death fields. 

"This place is the graveyard of billions so the resentment, magic, and blood gathered to form areas dense with death essence. There you can find many types of undead. Some of them are quite powerful."

Even Kurayami was finding it interesting as he was also a user of Death Magic. Maybe he could find something interesting. 

Meanwhile, Akeno flipped through the book at the many types of undead that called this place home. From zombies, skeletons, and wraiths, to dullahans. She looked at Tyrant, determined to find something as cool as him. The little beast looked prideful and raised his head high.

He was royalty among his race so his pride was on the level of a dragon. Although when compared to a dragon he was lacking. They all rolled their eyes at his antics. When they arrived at the Death Fields, they got why they were called that. It was totally shadowy and all around you could see miasma and weak undead and zombies.

"Be careful here. Cover your body in a mana barrier to keep yourself safe. Well, us at least." 

He meant him and Akeno as Kurayami and Raynare were users of Death Magic. So before they entered he and Akeno used some mana barriers to protect from the necrotic effects of the gathered Death Essence.

Once they were here, they began to push deeper into the Death Zone as they searched for strong sentient undead. A plus was that, they all could use Light and Holy magic to fight here the bane of the undead. Any zombies, skeletons, or even wraiths that attacked would be killed easily by holy lightning. 

As they continued to push deeper Baraqiel and Akeno strengthened their magic barriers to keep the miasma away as it was starting to burn through their barriers. As they walked Akeno focused on her link with her twin to ask him. 

'I never asked, but how did you unlock Death Magic?' 

'It's innate.' 

'Do I have it?' 

'I am not sure.' 

'Should I risk it?' 

'No. Wait till we return. I shall try to teach you.' 


Baraqiel turned to Raynare who was breathing and absorbing the Miasma. 

"Any kind of Undead that calls your attention Raynare?"

Kurayami looked at the page she was on as she had her head i the book. When he saw the undead she wanted he felt it suited her. 

"You want one of those?"

She nodded happily. 

"A Dullahan. They are strong and most Necromancers of the past have to have one to protect them. I think it is perfect."

Baraqiel had to agree with her assessment. They were quite strong and unlike the myths were not the result of someone losing their head and looking for it. They were just undead that became that way and did not need their heads. Their horses were bound to the Dullahan and if she tamed the rider the mount would be an added welcome. 

"They inhabit the area with even more death miasma. Let's go."

Just as he was going to lead them forward he paused when he saw Akeno pull something out of the ground. 

"Akeno, be careful. Everything here carries curses so d-"

He stopped when he saw what she pulled out. 

"Look Dad, an arm." 

Baraqiel laughed, but it was a disturbed laugh. 

"I would put it down." 

Akeno did not put it down and instead sent her mana into the hand as she wanted to see what species it belonged to. 

"I think this bone belonged to a Devil. I sense Demonic Power in it." 

Akeno started playing with it like a sword. She even began to poke Kurayami in the side with it. 

"Take that." 

With mana she made the hand grab his arm trying to spook him, but he ignored it. 


Kurayami was distracted at the moment as he too was absorbing the Death Miasma. His very soul was devouring it which made him feel at home here. He was starting to ask why he could always use Death Magic even in his past life. Why was he born with this power?

'What am I really?' 

He walked as he thought of this question, but he also wondered why his Longinous didn't react negatively to his innate power. Holy and Death energies were not supposed to mix, but in his body that was occurring. Both were making way for each other and interacting in sync. 

He snapped out of his thoughts as they had already arrived at the spawning grounds of Dullahans. But what they saw when they arrived was rather surprising. Over a hundred Dullahands and their horses were locked in deadly combat. Baraqiel was confused at the sight as this was not normal.

"What is happening? Undead rarely fight each other so what are they doing?" 

Kurayami looked at the large hoard and noticed two unique undeads. One of the Dullahans and his horse were far bigger than the rest. It wore heavy plate armor while it fought with a giant battleaxe that it used to slice and smash the other Dullahans.

Even its horse was covered in heavy armor, while it towered over the other horses looking like a draft horse. In its left hand, it held a black tower shield which it used to bash, block, and kill the others around. The other Dullahan rode a smaller horse while it battled with a bone whip in its hands. As it fought, it held the reins of its horse which was far faster than the others.

These two special Dullahans killed any who came near them while avoiding each other. Raynare had an idea. 

"They are competing to see who will be my familiar." 

Kurayami was not so sure as he could sense their focus on him, not her. As for Barraqiel, he felt it was weird, but she was the granddaughter of Azrael. They watched on as all, but the two special Dullahans remained. They locked eyes with each other and prepared to attack each other. The winner would devour all the dead around them and each other, but Kurayami walked forward. 

He got between both Dullahans and held his hands out. 

"Peace. No need to battle. One of you can join me and the other can join my friend. She too is a Death Magic user." 

Hearing his words, the two Dullahans accepted what he said. The axe wielder raised his axe to the sky and absorbed half of the Dullahan bodies while his horse absorbed the horses. The other one took the other half which caused both of them to directly evolve.

The armor of the axe wielder grew a shade darker, it grew thicker, and it even grew a helmet from which a giant pair of horns grew. As for the horse, a large black horn grew from its forehead while black flames burned on it.

As for the whip wielder, its armor got shinier, but it did not get any larger. Only its aura grew so Kurayami directly chose the axe wielder. He walked toward the former Dullahan which lept off its mount to kneel before him. It presented its shield and axe as a form of a pledge. 

"From this day forth, your name shall be Ulrik."

He placed his hand on Ulrik's chest and signed the second familiar pact. The moment the pledge was formed, Abel felt a rush of pure Death Essence coming from Kurayami's soul. He would weep in joy if he had the ability so he just pressed his head against the ground. 

"Rise, you're better than this. Lower your head to no one my friend." 

Ulrik did as he was told and offered Kurayami to ride with him on his new horse, now a Bicorn. Kurayami accepted the help and once he was mounted Ulrik rode behind him. Tyrant crawled up Ulrik's body up to his head showing his superiority. Ulrik did not bother with the small Fiend as he merely controlled his Bicorn for Kurayami.

Baraqiel was amazed so he explained what Ulrik had become. 

"Abel is a higher type of undead called a Black Skull General, a powerful warrior and leader."

(Image here)

Raynare felt disappointed, but she looked at the other undead and felt he was just fine. 

"That means you will be my familiar? Welcome to the team." 

He kneeled at Raynare's side as she also formed the contract with him. Like Ulrik, he got a rush of Death Energy, but it just did not compare to what Ulrik got. As such he was a little disappointed as he wanted to be Kurayami's familiar. However, his rival had beaten him and evolved differently. 

Raynare thought of a perfect name for him, 

"I want to name you Cain." 

He nodded and he and his horse vanished into her contract space. Akeno was impressed with their familiars and now she wanted something just as cool. She also was jealous that Kurayami got two of them, but now it was her turn.

"Dad, let's go find something just as amazing. No, better." 

"Alright. We need to leave the Death Fields and return to the Lightning Fields. I know just the perfect place." 

Baraqiel led them out and took them to a section where many lightning and nature-related creatures roamed. When they arrived, they began to look through the many creatures as if they needed something strong. Not just anything would serve what she was looking for. After an hour of searching, they found something Baraqiel knew she could not pass upon.

When she also saw it she pointed at it with a determined look.

"That one, I want it."

Up in the trees, a small blue and purple dragon was flying. Baraqiel flew up and caught it with both hands which made the little dragon try to escape. Too bad it was far too weak so his hold was still firm so he flipped it over to find its gender. It was a female so he looked at Akeno with a smile.

"It is a girl. Perfect for you."

She nodded and the dragon tried to shock Baraqiel, but its little lightning couldn't hurt him who used one that was far stronger. Akeno took it in her hands and with some mana calmed it down. Instantly, the dragon liked her and snuggled in her embrace. When she felt the magic and strong lightning in her body she felt this was perfect.

She signed the contract and named her Elektra as she was a Thunder Dragon. . Raynare thought Cain was much better.

"It's cool I guess."

Kurayami from the back of the Bicorn thought she was just jealous.

"A dragon no matter the type is powerful. You better be careful or she will leave you behind."

Raynare covered her mouth as Akeno felt pride for her pick. From the top of Ulrik's horse head, Tyrant scoffed at it. Elektra tried to shock him, but the little glutton ate it. The dragon was mad while Ulrik could not care less what the little creatures did. Now that they were done Baraqiel was proud of all of their choices.

"Come on, time to go home."

The three of them nodded so they opened a teleport circle to Grigori. When they arrived Azazel came out to greet them with a smile. When Azazel saw Kurayami on the back of a Bicorn with a Blackskull General and a Razor Tooth Field royal, he thought he got three. 

"Wow, why did you get three?" 

Kurayami got off the Bicorn and explained. 

"I didn't. Ulrik and the Bicorn were once a Dullahan that evolved by consuming 50 others. Tyrant is my first choice, an offspring of a mutated Alpha."

Azazel was proud.

"Excellent work. Now what did you two get." 

Akeno raised Elektra to show him. 

"A lightning dragon." 

Raynare summoned Cain to her side to show him off. 

"I also got a Dullahan. But mine did not evolve." 

Azazel felt that was fine. 

"Not every single one gets that lucky. However, you three lucked out." 

They all accepted that as Azazel's knowledge was rarely wrong. Azazel turned to Vali who got done with his math class. 

"How about you? You interested in getting a familiar."

Vali nodded as Albion spoke to him. 

"OF COURSE! A dragon for the White Dragon emperor shall be perfect."

Azazel smirked.

"I will start looking. As for you three, I got a mission for you very soon. You are all about to be teenagers so it's the perfect time" 

Baraqiel knew it was coming. 

"Will I be taking them as their guardian?"

Azazel shook his head. 

"No. I will leave it to Shemhazai as if you get too used to Baraqiel protection, It will work against you in the future."

Baraqiel frowned before he sighed. He trusted Shemhazai as he would not endanger them.

"Fine, but if something happens it's your head Azazel."

Azazel was not worried at all. 

"I thought we were friends. I am hurt, but all jokes aside you can count on it. I will not allow a thing to happen to the three of them. One fact I care for the three and they are good assets. Sorry if that sounds bad." 

Baraqiel shook his head. 

"We all are. Don't feel bad. We are leaving Azazel." 

With a flash of magic, he teleported them all home. All were in a good mood as they got their familiars. When Shuri met them all, she was impressed and a little annoyed with Raynare and Kurayami as Undead is supposed to be hard to control, but seems she had no issue with it.

After getting them, Ulrik and Cain proved to be helpful as they never caused trouble. They even helped around the house while Elektra and Tyrant caused nothing but trouble by starting fires. Especially Tyrant who did it all for kicks as his species were known to be pyromaniacs.

Shuri had Kurayami start training him not to destroy stuff, but the little guy did it even more. He felt he was royalty so he could do as he pleased. He also did not like being told he could not do something and he finally took it too far.

Only a month later Kurayami, Akeno, and Raynare were woken up by the horrified scream of Shuri. They all rushed out with weapons drawn as they thought something had attacked her, but they saw what had her so horrified.

Tyrant had turned her garden into a lava pool where he was basking without a care in the world. Shuri turned to look at Kurayami who looked up at her with his usual blank stare.

"It seems he did this out of spite." 

Shuri took a deep breath as she looked at the large lava pit.

"That is no excuse? He needs to be punished." 

He did not disagree. 

"What do you have in mind, Mom?" 

Shuri thought of something. 

"He is quite strong. He will be the one to help me make my new garden. Bigger than before." 

Kurayami turned to Tyrant who was out of the pool. 

"Get to work already." 

Tyrant seemed wronged as he felt he did nothing wrong. He dragged himself away acting all sad and depressed. If he had eyes, he would be fake crying, but no one bought it. 

As he was told to, Shuri used his powerful body and claws to plow her new garden. She was planning on expanding anyway, but with the help of Tyrant she got started on a new one rather quickly. 

Also, Tyrant learned he hated gardening or plowing so no more destruction for him. For the next month, Kurayami continued his constant training as it was never enough. Now he had Tyrant and Ulrik to think about. But, he was not bothered by it as he was never going to die of age. 

Time he had to spare.