Tyrant vs Zesshi

Tyrant's giant body flew directly over the capital of the Slane Theocrasy. All of the surviving scriptures were tasked to take the Dragon out as they believed this was a hidden Dragon Lord. As for Platinum Dragon Lord, he watched how Tyrant had power beyond his expectation.

He felt that just maybe one of his kin had hidden away for centuries and managed to break the scale of their power. He wanted to meet Tyrant as this could be the chance for the Dragon Lords to rise once again.

Every single member of the Black Scripture was about to head out to face the Resurrection of Catastrophe Dragon Lord, but a different one came out to face them directly. The captain equipped all of his equipment and looked at his team.

"This Dragon Lord is not one we know, but we require Downfall of Castle and Country. Taking control of this Dragon Lord will do us better to safely face Catastrophe Dragon Lord."

"Yes, captain."

She held her hands in prayer and began to charge up the World Class Item. Tyrant's body began to crackle with lightning as he looked for the strongest being. He could feel Zeshi was in the Satan class and he decided to take her for his master. He descended in a full charge toward the castle as he felt both the target and treasure.

Just before he attacked, a golden Eastern Dragon flew toward him making him attack. A beam of lightning emerged from his horns that cut the dragon in half. Despite that, the attack still hit him straight in the face.

The power of the Artifact only took effect for a nanosecond before Tyrant's draconic might destroyed the effect. He turned and squinted his eyes toward Kaire who had attacked his mind.

Tyrant's body began to crackle with fire and lighting as he drew on the Infinite from Kurayami's body. His eyes vanished behind a flash of lightning as he grew a second set of wings and he started to grow even larger.

The entire continent began to shake causing Azazel who was talking with Emperor

Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix and Fludder about his proposal cursed. Both of them had already decided to agree, but everything was shaking.

"Sorry about that, my friend's pet is going on a rampage."

Fludder began to laugh in a maniacal way


Azazel sighed.

"You will eventually. Still, I wonder what set him off."

Jinrcniv held his head as this was already headache-inducing. Knowing that a different world had found their world and was making plans to invade. Just this Azazel had proven to be stronger than all of his knights and guards and he was just one of many.

In the end, he agreed to make an alliance with Grigori. When the invasion began, the Empire would act as a base for the incoming troops. In exchange, Grigori would give it magical knowledge. technological advancement and a means to stay in power.

Safe to say that The Kingdom and the Theocrasy were already set on being taken with military might. Their value was less than the Empire in Azazel's view as, despite the Theocrasy being stronger, it was too religious.

When one followed a faith, they would become martyrs. Azazel sat down as the shaking stopped.

"It seems Tyrant has calmed his rage. The origin of those shockwaves came from the South so, Kurayami who is the strongest second strongest in our world sent him there for a reason. The theocrasy might be destroyed as things go and the work we have to do is reduced."

Jinrcniv calmed his nerves as he looked at Azazel.

"Can you tell me what you meant by the offer at Immortality?"

Azazel smiled as he explained patiently.

"That is the thing, I am a Fallen Angel. In my organization, we learned a method to turn other races into Fallen Angels. We have not tested it with the natives of this world but fallen live for thousands on thousands of years. I am already 10,000 years old and not dying anytime soon."

Fludder who had used all of his experience in magic to prolonge his life to 200 years felt this was a chance for him to be a student once more. Azazel did not use tier magic, but the scale and power behind his magic circles outclassed even him.

Fludder prostrated himself to Azazel confusing the researcher.


Azazel scratched his head as he looked at the elderly man. That was the thing, Azazel was good at magic, but he did not focus on it. He was more of a reasercher and a fighter than he was a mage. He had someone else who was far better than him at magic.

"I don't mind, but it will have to wait. I may be good at magic, but I am more of a researcher as opposed to a proper mage who focuses on magic. You might not believe me, but my talent in magic is nothing compared to a 15-year-old girl named Akeno. She is the sister of the master of the Dragon Rampaging in the Theocrasy."

Fludder's eyes shot wide open as he thought Azazel was the best they had.

"You speak the truth."

Azazel nodded.

"That girl is a monster in magic. She can use nearly all types of magic and several different schools. I am sure that with experience of our world you would rise to a similar level with your life of reaserch. Maybe even combining our schools of magic."

Fludder cried tears at the idea that he would be granted his wish. The Emperor knew that if Fludder was accepted into their ranks it was possible that they would be more willing to be merciful to his people.

At the same time he wanted to plan for any chance they had to keep some power. Azazel much perfer to leave the emperor in charge as from what he could see the Empire was flurishing.

If he could recruit the man and Fludder to Grigori, the rest of the empire would surely follow. While Azazel was using his experience as Governor-General to win over the support of the Empire, Kurayami, Ainz, the Guardians, Rebellion, Submission and Shin were watching how Tyrant started to rain fire and lightning on the capital Kami Miyako. (Those players had crappy naming sense honestly.)

Seeing the power behind one of Kurayami's pets made Ainz glad he decided to befriend him instead of opposing him. Just that Dragon was powerful enough to be one of the Level Breaking bosses in Yggrdrisil.

Well he also did not have levels so that was also something. Most of the guardians hated humans so seeing them being massacred was a nice sight for them. The fact that Kurayami was also not human made them see him in better light since Ainz accepted him as a friend.

Only Sebes seemed opposed to the actions taken by Tyrant. At the same time as a Draganoid, he felt the instictive feeling to serve the stronger Dragon. Just being in Kurayami's presense made it hard for him to keep his composure.

His forehead was covered in sweat while his heard was pumping loudly. Kurayami glanced at him as he realized what he wa.s

"You are part Dragon are you not?"

Sebes nodded.

"That is correct. I am a Draganoid."

Kurayami felt that Sebes was both a good butler and had potetiol for growth. Only issue was that this world was still limited by levels so maybe that would change with his help.

"Well you got potetiol. I say all of you do to improve."

Ainz felt glad that it was Kurayami who came here. He felt he finaly had a real friend again after all his guild members choose the real world. For now he focused on the big screan that showed the rampage of Tyrant.

The Scirptures used many powerful items to resist a single rain of fire from the Dragon. They summoned many types of angels on mass to fly into the sky to face him, but they were destoyed by the aura that was around Tyrant. Even the strongest angel they had was one shot by a single tail swipe.

Tyrant raised his arms in the sky and created a rain of burning lightning spears. The first thing he did was Kaire who dared to attempt to try to take over his mind. He made sure the dress was undamaged though.

Ainz while watching had informed Kurayami that the dress was infract a World class item. Hearing that made Kurayami order Tyrant to make sure the dress was not damaged which the Dragon did.

Just as Tyrant killed her and was about to capture the reamining Black Scripure alive as they would be a good experiment. Demiurge looked on and brought up a good point.

"Lord Ainz, if this Dragon suceeds in taking that country, we will need to move in to stabalize it won't we. What shall we do with the humans? I sugesst giving them to me."

(Happy farm will still be a thing.)

Ainz and Kurayami looked at each other before Kurayami offered his take.

"Demiurge was it, I can see how none of you safe for Sebes seem to hold any care for humans. I don't either, but those can be used far better than for whatever sadistic thoughts you all hold. Kill them all for all I care, but find a better use for them."

Demiurge thought about it as Kurayami had a point.

"What do you propose then?"

"How about you find a way to exploit them as a resource. I think they would be s-"

He stoped talkingand lifted his sunglasses as someone just took his attetion.

"Now who is this?"

Zesshi emerged from the caslte and leaped into the air. She used a medalion to fly while a black aura covered her scythe as the numerous buffs from her equipment filled her with power. Kurayami could feel death magic in that scythe, but it seemed she could not use all of it.

It was a weaker than Azrael, but stronger than Raynare's for now. Seeing her made Ainz sit up on his throne with intrest.

"That is level 100 equipment from Yggdrissil. That measn there have been other players here before. As for the girl herself, she seems to be at least level 85 in Yggdrisil terms. How strong is your dragon?"

Kurayami thought about it as he saw Zesshi land a giant slash of death energy on Tyrant's face.

"Tyrant is at the Heavely Dragon Class in my worlds hireachy, he would be storng enough to stand in the top 5 worlds strongest. He can kill her and this whole world with just brute force. She can't kill beat him."

Demiurge was intrested in experimenting on her as he wanted to see what made her so strong.

"May I request ownership of the girl?"

Kurayami shook his head.

"I have a better use for her. Her blood is full of potetiol and I say she is good enough to be one of my retainers. I want her. She reminds me of my insane Maid Walburga. I can deal with another crazy."

'Tyrant, capture the girl alive.'

The dragon's face moved slightly as a single dark purple line was traced on his face. She managed to inflict a hit on Tyrant which started the death counter of her scythe. As long as she landed 50 hits, a Instant Death spell would activate.

Tyrant traced the line and destroyed it causing Zesshi some surprince. She just thought she had to hit him faster if she wanted to use the specila ability of Surshana's scythe.

"Dragon Lord, what is your name?"

Tyrant squinted his eyes as he knew she was the target his master wanted to capture. His mouth opened as he said his name.


Zesshi pointed her scythe at him as her face was covered in a maniacal smile.

"Have you ever taken human form before?"

Tyrant rose to his back legs as his wings spread wide.

"No, my master demands your capture and I shall do his will. Surrender yourself to him."

That seemed to break her out of her fantasy as the Dragon had a master. What kind of master was strong enough to say he owned this dragon.

"Is he stronger than you?"

When Tyrant heard that question it made him laugh. He could not compare to his master's rank as a Dragon. Not even close.

"Magnitudes stronger. My Lord is a Dragon God. A higher lifeform compared to one such as me. No more talking, come peacefully. I do not like to speak."

Zesshi did not seem to want to go quietly as she rather be deafeated first.

"No can do, I have wanted a challenge for so long."

Kurayami nodded as he respected that.

'Tyrant, play with her for a bit. I want to see just how much power she gots.'

'As you wish.'

"My master has agreed. You have 1 minute to preapare. If you lose, you submit."

Zesshi took a deep breath as used the power of her elf side.

"Bless of Magic Caster, Infinity Wall, Magic Ward Fire, Magic Ward Lightning, Death Essense, Greater Full potential, Greater Resistance, Greater Luck, Draconic Power, Demonic Power."

After she buffered herself to the max, she held her scythe as she activated all the buffs in her armor. Her body began to glow full of power as she once again appeared in front of Tyrant's face.

This time he was not going to just take a hit. He had to hold back as Kurayami wanted her and he did not wan to accidently kill her. Before her scythe connected to the dragon's face, a large tail rushed behind her.

The boost of her armor allowed her to dodge the tail as Tyrant did not put muhc power in that swing. She slashed the surface level of the scales open that made Tyrant look at his large spiked tail.

A death counter appeared once again on his scales, but did not do much lasting damage. He destroyed it again as he knew that was not a good idea to take it. Seeing the effects of her gear made Tyrant want it.

Her treasure started to shin in Tyrant's eyes as he did not have a hoard. Treasure was like shiny to a magpie, but he ignored those thoughts of his. Any treasure he found was rightfully his master's so he did not have any right to take from him.

He clentched his right hand into fist and punched Zesshi with enough force to flatten a Ultimate Class being. She raised her scythe to block, but she just got launched through out the city.

The captain of the Black Scripure raised his lance and threw it at Tyrant who caught it between his claws. When the captain looked into his eyes, the man passed out fromt the supression of the Heavely Dragon.

Zesshi broke both of her arms and most of her ribs, but her armor had a healing over time effect. The bones in her body started to get put back in place, but that hit was just brute force.

She knew that Tyrant was a fire and lightning dragon, but he stoped using them. The smile on her face did not reduce at all as she wanted to see Tyrant's master already. Tyrant flew toward where she landed and saw she was getting up again.

"You do not quit, comadeble. You just may produce the master great offspring as you desire."

Kurayami read her memories when he heard that and saw it was true.

'Oh, I got Kuroka wanting kids and now this crazy girl. Maybe.'

Zesshi heard the dragon and it distracted her for a second. She shook her head as she tried to not get lost in her fantasy. A dark aura surged on her body and scythe as she activated every bit of her stregth againt Tyrant. She now respected that name as the dragon had earned it.

"You are powerful Tyrant, if my attack fails, my life belongs to your master."

Tyrant squinted his eyes as it did not matter either way. She was his the moment her master wanted her.


She swung her scythe up and launched a giant pitch black ray of death toward Tyrant. That attack used eveyr single drop of magic in her body and was storng enough to destroy a country like Japan.

She expected him to either dodge or something, but Tyrant headbutted the attack. He smashed through it which also hit her knocking her out. That took all of her magic so her resistence was at his limits. Zesshi felt most of the bones in her body break while her armor cracked.

Tyrant picked her up with his claws and did the same for the rest of the black Scipture. Their gear and blood were intresting to kurayami so he decided to take them all. Zesshi was the one that his master placed greator inportance on though.

"I win."

He took off into the sky as he completed his mission.