Prophet and Mistake.

Issei after his encounter with Kurayami changed deeply. Just like Tobio, losing Draig damaged his potential and his soul. Things were very different right now as the battle between Satanael, Ophis, Atlas, and Kurayami had shaken the entire world.

The humans now knew the truth of the real world and Kuoh Town was full of Stray Devils. They no longer hid and started to hunt the humans with less fear. As that happened, Devils of the Gremory family flew around helping with repairs.

Issei's family all survived, but his house did not. At this moment a few Devils were moving the ruble to make some apartments to get the humans out of the way. No longer would humans have individual homes as the Devils were taking over Kuoh Town in the Open.

They were moving humans to apartments that were not bad, as humans were assets. Only something was wrong with these Devils. Some of them carried the values of the Gremory clan, but some of them were worshipers of Kurayami. They looked down on humans, just like their god did.

For now, these Gremory soldiers were not abusing the humans, but they still felt superior to the humans. All it would take was one mistake and these Devils would show their true colors. Just one mistake and one pervert was about to do just that.

Issei looked at a female Devil in the sky who had the largest breasts that he had ever seen. They jiggled as she flapped her wings. His face turned lecherous, but her lover saw that. Both of them were fantastical worshipers of Kurayami and that set off half of the Devils.

Her lover kicked him in the ribs and launched him into a metal pole causing him pure agony. Issei felt his ribs breaking causing him to puke. The male Devil pulled out his whip causing one of the other Devils to try to stop him.

"Oliver, your orders were to not touch them."

Oliver no longer cared.

"This animal looked at my lover. Hey, Olivia. This kid was gawking at you."

She turned to look at Issei and scoffed in disgust.

"Inferior creature. 50 lashes, be thankful I am being merciful. Give it to him, Oliver."

Their superior yelled at both of them.


At that moment Issei's father charged at the Devil and tackled him by the waist to stop him.


Oliver grabbed him and threw him next to his son with his full strength breaking several of the man's ribs. The superior wanted to intervene, but he saw that half of his soldiers were ready to help Oliver and Olivia. He cursed as the worship of Kurayami was increasing by the day among the Supernatural beings.

Half of his platoon was already worshipers, but this was the last straw. Oliver cursed at Gorou

"Disgusting human, how dare you to touch me. I will spare your son and give you 100 for raising him without manners."

Issei tried to get up, but he was weak at this moment. He had been saved from death, but he was still just a normal human. He watched as his father was lashed and how he screamed in agony. His mother watched and could do nothing whole the sadistic Devil lashed her husband.

As for the commander, he just looked the other way as he did not want to cause infighting among his soldiers. He would have to put in an order to discharge any who worshiped Kurayami as they were losing their loyalty to the Devil Kings.

They followed the will of their god and they were fanatical about it.

"Ignore it and get back to work."

Issei tried to beg for mercy when he saw that even the commander was not going to stop him. Sadly, he would get none.

"STOP IT! It was my fault, lash me."

Issei kneeled at the feet of Oliver to stop the abuse of his father, but the Devil had no mercy. He kicked Issei away and grin sadistically.

"No can do kid, your father raised you so I have to punish him. How dare you look at my love like that. Lord Kurayami shall approve of this, humans are nothing. The strong shall rule, the weak will serve."

Just before he lashed Gorou for the 30th time he heard a voice that he heard every night in his dreams. His god was behind him.

"You are right."

He turned around and had to crane his head to look at the giant that was Kurayami. He, his lover, and every Devil who worshiped Kurayami kneeled at the sight of him. The commander and the other Devils who did not simply bowed slightly in respect.

"Lord Kurayami, we are unworthy of your presence. I was just punishing these two inferior creatures."

Ophis, Kuraymi and Kuromi had seen the whole thing, but they did not step in. They could see pure worship in Oliver's eyes. It was the purest of all of the Devils here so Kuromi explained as this was new to Kurayami.

"They come from your church or the beginning of it. As you are a god it is only natural for many to start worshiping you."

Oliver confirmed it as he looked at the ground.

"We are your humble worshipers, I am Oliver, my lord."

Kuromi nodded as she approved of punishing Gorou and Issei.


Oliver looked at Kurayami to ask for his permission. He did not know who she was, but she seemed close to his god.

"The words of my daughter are as good as mine. Continue."

Oliver stood up and continued to lash Gororu. Issei cried at the sight of his father suffering because of him. He stood up as pure anger flowed from his eyes. Kuromi squinted her eyes when she saw that anger was making Issei stronger ever so slightly.

He may no longer have Draig, but the leftovers of the Dragon stayed in his body till now. His perversion could not empower him, as Kuromi protected Olivia and the female Devils from the effects of his aura. Meaning that Issei was still nothing more than a weakling.

She reached behind her and drew one of the blades that attached to chains around her wrist. Her Living Weapon was a pair of chain swords that future Azazel made for her. She swung the first one that appeared in Issei's chest before he could react.

Blood and organs exploded behind him as he looked down in shock at the weapon in his chest. Future Issei who watched from the hidden dimension held his chest as while that was not him, he felt the phantom pain. He did not try to save the past version of himself as he knew that Issei was just one of many. Multiverse theory could be a bitch and unlike Kurayami and his family, he did not know about the Existence Trial.

That was something truly powerful beings who wanted to become true unique existences took. It was not for the faint of heart as nearly infinite different lives would have to be lived through which caused many who took it to go mad and kill themselves.

However, those who succeeded became entities that had no copies. They became stronger as they gained all of the power and strength of their alternative selves. It was why it was just one of the trials one had to take to grow stronger. It was not even the end goal either.

Even Kurayami was trying to achieve it and so was his harem. They did not like the idea that they could be with other men so they decided to deal with it by getting as strong as possible and passing this trial.

Kuromi's chain sword ignited in violet and blood-red fire that burned with the Infinity and Demon Ki. She incinerated him soul and all and just like her father, anything she killed truly died. Gorou and Miki both screamed at the sight of their son being killed.

Sadly they would never be able to do a thing about it. Unlike last time, there was no saving him. The goddess of Breasts had not become his real patron yet so she did not suffer from this. Only the sadness of seeing him die, so she swore to avenge him as she truly believed in the goodness in Issei.

Sadly for her, Issei was an eyesore that Kurayami's daughter showed him why he deserved to die. That might be future Issei, but as they were the same it changed nothing. Kuromi pulled back her chain sword and rested it on her back.

"Sorry I acted without permission dad."

Kurayami shook his head.

"No, I was going to do the same. You hated him more than I did so I was going to let you do it. Now that we are here, let's take a tour of Kuoh Town. Oliver, come with me. The rest of you continue your work. We can talk later."

He did not even acknowledge Miki or Gorou who were just regular weak humans. As such he did not see them on the same level as him. It was the pride of a superior species that only saw weak humans as flies.


Oliver bowed and started to lead the three of them around the destroyed town.

"My lord, your battle caused a lot of damage. It proved to us that the reign of the humans had ended and it was time for us to rise. Many buildings collapsed, and so did the humans. We of the Germory family are split over two aspects. Your worshipers and the loyalists. They will convert eventually."

Ophis saw pure zeal in Oliver's eyes. Those were the eyes of a devoted zealot.

"When did you start to worship my mate? I know he is a Dragon God, but when?"

Oliver bowed to her as well as she was the mate of his god. That deserved the greatest respect.

"When he came out of the shadows. When he showed us that the humans were not all they were made out to be. I get dreams you know. Small bits of the future and I see a world ruled by the strong, beasts as big as mountains and you standing over it all. World after world will fall to your might. All while you lead us to power."

Hearing that made Kuromi snap her fingers when she realized who Oliver was.

"I REMBER NOW! You are Oliver Germany, the prophet of the Church of the Beastial Truth. You can see into the future and you made the first church in the name of my father in a year or so. How did I miss that?"

Oliver looked at Kuromi confused, but Kurayami did not bother to hide where she came from.

"Time travel, she is from the future. Besides that, I know the idea of a prophet, but how does it work?"

Death's voice resounded in his head at that question.

'I can answer that, prophets are very important to gods, even I have many. They can divine into the future when their faith is strong enough. This Oliver has a pure faith in you so he became a prophet through his faith. You are lucky, many gods barely get one in a thousand years.'

He looked at Oliver and if that was true it meant Oliver was truly loyal. Only someone with pure faith could gain that level if what his mother says was true.

"Oliver, you already know what is to come do you not?"

Oliver nodded.

"I see it every night. My prayer has told me the truth of the world. The ideal world is one where the strong thrive and the weak fall."

"Good, keep doing what you have been doing. When things start I can guarantee your survival and the survival of your lover. From this day forth, I name you my official prophet."

Oliver was fanatical in his belief in Kurayami and tears fell from his eyes at the acceptance of his god. He even felt the connection to Kurayami and the more faith he had the more power he was granted. He became the first Cleric of this world and his new school of magic would spread only to the worshipers of the Fallen Dragon God.

Kuromi only sped up the inevitable as Oliver would have survived the Beast Tides with zero issues. They even protected him making Oliver one of the most influential people in the future. For now, Kanzaki and Issei made sure to retrain their aura as much as possible.

They did not even speak as everyone stayed deadly silent. Kanzaki even stopped healing his wound, which did not bleed anymore. It only hurt, but that was not enough to bother him. Everyone in the hidden dimension tried to stay as quiet as possible.

Xargomoth who had stayed quiet jumped off Kurayami's shoulder and landed on Shin's head. The dog looked up at the demon who pointed forward with his tiny hoof.

'Onward dog, I feel something.'

Shin started to sing the ground while Xargomoth could feel it. Somewhere around there was a trace of Demon mana. He did not know where, but he thought a portal to Hell was going to open up. He wanted to deal wiht that chance before it happened.

Kanzaki grit his teeth as he could see a trace amount of Demon mana in his wound. Kuromi's Devil bloodline had evolved as Xargomoth trained her himself in the future timeline. As such the Demon could feel a familiar aura of Demon mana.

Kanzaki knew that if he removed the trace he would be found even faster. He looked at Issei and used sign language to single to him.

'Cut these parts off. I will use them to lead him away.'

Issei did not dare to ignore him and turned his nails into Dragon claws. This alternative timeline was one where Kurayami did not remove his Boosted Gear. He started to cut away the tainted parts from Kanzaki's flesh with ease.

He was careful to not cause too much bleeding, but eventually, the tainted parts were cut. Kanzaki grabbed his own flesh and was careful to condense and opened a tiny portal into the sea.

Issei did his best to try to limit the leak of mana which luckily just barely worked. Kurayami, Kuromi, and Ophis were more busy learning about Kuoh town so they let Shin and Xargomoth to their own devices. They were far from stupid though.

The Dog and the Demon sensed the Demon aura increase over the sea so they teleported directly over there to deal with it. As for Kanzaki, he was wounded again so his recovery time increased.

Just as he felt safe, Kurayami, Kuromi, and Ophis looked him in the eye through the separate dimension. Kanzaki cursed as he was not as clever as he thought he was. Issei rushed out of the dimension and gave Kanzaki an order as his Red gauntlet appeared on his left hand.


(Cliff Hangger)