Chapter 6

Cameron's POV

Seeing her so happy made me feel relieved. What was I thinking to disbelieve her? It wasn't her fault. I'd raise her child as though it were mine. I say to myself.

Her pale face lit up with a smile...I saw life come into her blue orbs when I told her I'd take care of her child. Her cheeks flushed pink and dimples surfaced on each cheek. Her lips formed into a wide smile and I saw the furrows on her fore head disappear as smiles filled her face. She looked so beautiful more than ever when she smiled and I must admit it's where she gets on me. Her heart shaped pink lips which are small that I wonder if a spoon can pass through her mouth opened up revealing a beautiful set of white teeth as she smiled.

"Thank you Cam". I heard her say as she jumped on me, wrapping her short arms round my neck kissing me on my cheeks.

"Anything for you Stace". I heard myself say.

I tried to be angry with her for long but it just couldn't work out. Her sadness was my pain, it was my sadness too. I couldn't watch her cry every time.

"You don't know what you just did Cam. You've saved my child from having a bad father. I know I hurt you but it won't happen again I promise. And Miguel...Miguel he must pay for this. Thank you Cam, I can't love you less. Thanks Cam for not abandoning me at this..." She was still speaking when I leaned forward and placed a kiss on her lips, claiming her lips as though my life depended on it.

I pulled away for us to breathe after a while, then I drew her into a warm embrace.

Stacey's POV

How he cut me short with a kiss was quite surprising yet romantic. I hugged him so tight like I never wanted to let go of him. A tear drop fell from my eyes landing on his shirt.

"Stace...". He called out to me and I sniffed and wiped my tears before looking up at him. He cupped my face with his hands as his Amber orbs searched through my blue orbs.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing. I'm happy". I reply.

"Okay. Enough of emotions. So how about we go see a movie or perhaps grab a drink or something. I mean...let's do something fun". He says to me.

"Yeah...nice.". I say to him.

"Okay, my lil princess. Whatever you want". He says as I blushed hard.

"A dinner date I suppose". I say.

"Sure with cocktail drinks and Italian or Spanish dishes. Yeah with vodka". He says as a smirk forms on his lips.

"You know me so well". I say with a hint of laughter laced in my voice.

"So...did you miss me?" He asks.

"Yeah of course and you?" I ask.

"Yeah I did". He says.

"How much?" I ask as I twirl a strand of my hair round my index finger.

"So much baby". He says as he plants a kiss on my lips, then my cheeks, then my forehead, then my neck and my shoulder. "I missed you so much baby". He says as his hands trail my skin.