Chapter 14

"I'm gonna have to spare you Devika. Get out!" Marina yells.

We board a cab heading home.

We stay mute till we get home.

"I'm fucking mad at Cam Devika". I say to Devika as we enter the house.

"He couldn't stand up for me and I swear I'd deal with Marina!" I say.

"Cam did his best Stace". Devika says.

"He did nothing Devi...stop supporting him!" I yell at her.

"He tried Stace. He talked Marina into letting us go". Devika says.

"No! He only sat and watched. Marina let us go on her own terms". I say.

"He came there for you". Devika says.

"His coming is same as when he abandons me. He came but it was as though he wasn't there". I say to her.

"Take it easy babes. Cam did what he could do". She says.

"By what he could do you mean stand there and watch?" I ask her.

"He tried!" She says.

"No. If I were in his shoes Devi...I'd do more than that. I won't talk to's such a waste if time. I'd beat her up and the guy too". I say.