Guilds are groups that unlocked at level 50, where people can form a community and fight together.

Members in the same guild cannot fight each other.

The cost of establishing a guild is 50000 Kuds.


Leader: He is the person who establishes and manages the guild, he has all the powers, he can disband the guild at any time.

Co-leader: He is the person who only the Main President can appoint, who has all the powers except to dissolve the Guild.

Battle Leader: He is a knowledgeable person in wars. He directs players and gives them strategy in guild-specific events and battles.

Communicator: He is someone who follows in-game events and has good communication. Finds and recruits other players when there is an in-guild event or war. Also, the person with this role can change the Guild Description.

Recruiter: He is a person who has good communication with people and can sacrifice his free time for his guild. Goes to random PvP locations and invites players to the guild.

Informator: He is someone who has knowledge about in-game systems and has superior communication skills. Helps inexperienced players in the guild. A communicator assists a player who is confused about in-game systems.

Gardener: He has a good understanding of the cooking system and food in the game.

He is responsible for growing crops in the garden in the guild

Elite: He is a strong and active person who participates in in-game events and battles.

Member: A person who has been in the guild for at least a week.

Newbie: A person who has just joined the Guild.


Players earn Guild Badges by doing Guild events and donating kud to the Guild.

The Guild will level up when enough Guild Badges have been collected.

As the guild level increases, the member capacity increases and more Guild events unlocks

Level 1: 50

Level 2: 75

Level 3: 100





The Guild place is a completely different place, isolated from the floors. The guild is a huge rectangular area whose edges are covered with bushes. This place resembles a mansion with huge iron gates, surrounded by pruned bushes, flowers and fountains with crescent and star motifs. The buildings are located inside the garden of this mansion.

Main Storage: Guild items collected in guild wars and events are brought here. The distribution of these Guild items is done by the Leader.

Equipment Storage: Here are weapons and equipment obtained from guild wars and events. When this equipment is collected, it appears on the hangers here. The Battle Leader determines which player to give these equipment to.

Auction House: Players bring items here to exchange them or sell them for Kud. Auctions between guild members are held here.

Garden: Small areas of dirt lands in the mansion. Here Gardeners can grow vegetables and fruits and earn Club Badges and store your harvested products in Storage.


Guild wars are formed when the leaders of two different guilds declare war on each other. Members of guilds at war are offensive to each other and their names are written in red instead of white in the game.