45 Get Ready for the Worst

And yet, even if it is followed by derision of the murderer, the families of the victims and the victims themselves deserved the truth. No matter how painful it was, the truth was the truth that would allow those unfortunate boys to rest in peace and their families to sleep through the night.

If Adam could help it, he had no right to be selfish and to withdraw from the cause. He had a duty to Kwiecień's victims, and to the fourth victim in particular.

“Agreed," he announced. He felt as if his consciousness had drifted off into another reality, but he would have to get his act together somehow. “So when do you want me to meet with the prosecutor?”

"Today," said Niedziałek without giving the impression that Lechoń's agreement brought him relief. On the contrary. "Whenever you're ready. Joanna has a case at the prosecutor's office, so she'll accompany you on your way."

Adam nodded.

"Then let's go," he announced. "And let's get this over with."