48 Too High Price

Adam did not see where he was going or which way he was going. He was just walking, just to walk, just to get away from this cursed place and this man who was not a man.

His head pulsed and whirled. In his eyes he saw more and more darkness, although the May sun was shining brightly. His back was covered with cold sweat.

No, it can't be, he repeated to himself and shook his head trying to chase away the intrusive lie Kwiecień had told him.

Because it had to be a lie. Such a truth could not exist.

Suddenly he staggered. He felt his foot hit the wall. He sat on it helplessly unable to face reality. His head hurt so much...

Someone was saying something to him, but the sounds came to him as if from under deep water. He closed his eyes and repeated himself:

“This can't be true...”