54 Decisions

"Well, then I think...that it's not fair. It's not!"

Mateusz was already stunned by the alcohol and the scent of the girls - sweet and alluring. A scent designed to seduce a man.

"You're right, it's not fair," added an equally alcohol-stunned Jacek. "And what are we talking about?"

"You know, about Kwiecień! Shit, what's with your memory? The bastard's back on the case!"

The journalist's ears perked up, though the drunken men and the busy women didn't notice it at all.

"Ah. That's the point!" Jacek waved his hand.

"Don't belittle the matter," Mateusz admonished him indignantly, and drank the alcohol the blonde woman had given him. "This was supposed to be my ticket to fame..."

"Who would want to defend that bastard?" Jacek nevertheless decided to downplay the matter and focus on his partner.

"Me! And any normal lawyer! Only this Lechoń..."

"What about him?" the journalist asked quietly, as if he didn't want Majdański to notice that the question had come from him.