62 Looking for a Way Out

Yes, Halski was dangerous even without weapon, but he still had the knife in his hand with which he had cut the rope.

Adam took a step closer to the boy. Then another. He was right next to him.

“Look at me” he ordered quietly crouching down.

The child obediently raised his head. Even if he survives this nightmare, he will probably remain in it for the rest of his life. His bright, big eyes, clearly spoke of the terror consuming his heart.

“I don't know who Anakin was” Lechoń went on “but I'm sure I'll do better than him. You don't have to be afraid. I will not do you any harm. Slowly get up and start running. Can you do it?”

"Where to?"

Good question. There had to be a door somewhere, but nothing was visible in the darkness.

"Anywhere. Straight ahead. As far away from us as possible. I'll take care of him. So, can you do it?"

Krystian was scared, but brave. He nodded and slowly got up.
