78 I Will Save You

Hubert was stunned. How could Adam say something like that?

"How the hell do you know? What do you know about me? What do you know about my experiences, about my past? What do you know about my life there, in Sweden, which I so easily want to abandon for you? Here, now, with you, my heart is finally beating the way the heart of a man in love should beat. Don't take that away from me just because you doubt yourself. Give us a chance, yes just give us a chance."

Adam wanted to do it, Hubert could see it in his eyes, but he was afraid. He was afraid all the time. His fear was not something that could be gotten rid of in an instant, because it was not caused by an instant. Adam lived with his fear for ten years. Would it take the same amount of time for him to return to normalcy?

Not if Hubert has anything to say about it.